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African Cultures and Empires

African Cultures and Empires. FIRST HUMANS. Fossils from the first known humans were found in Africa Believed to have developed first language, tools, and culture Migrated to other parts of the world. VOCABULARY. Paleontologist A scientist who studies fossils. BANTU FARMERS.

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African Cultures and Empires

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  1. African Cultures and Empires

  2. FIRST HUMANS • Fossils from the first known humans were found in Africa • Believed to have developed first language, tools, and culture • Migrated to other parts of the world

  3. VOCABULARY • Paleontologist • A scientist who studies fossils

  4. BANTU FARMERS • First humans were hunter-gatherers • Eventually the Bantu became farmers and raised livestock and grew crops • Also learned to make iron tools and weapons

  5. BANTU MIGRATION • For 2,000 years, Bantu people spread across Africa • Possible reasons why they moved: • Desert was spreading (desertification) • Population was growing, so they needed more land

  6. RESULTS OF MIGRATION • Bantu culture spread across Africa • 350 of 1,000 languages resemble Bantu

  7. TRADING NETWORKS • Trade developed among Bantu communities across Africa • Traded salt in the north for gold, ivory, and cola nuts in the south • SALT • Important for health • Used for preserving food

  8. “SHIP OF THE DESERT” • Camels were ideal for travel in the desert • Able to carry large loads for long distances without needing to stop for water

  9. ??DID YOU KNOW?? • A large, thirsty camel can drink up to 53 gallons of water • Camels can go several months without drinking water because they retain most of the water they carry

  10. DANGERS OF DESERT TRADE • Heat • Sandstorms • Robbers • Traders traveled in caravans, or groups, for protection and safety

  11. GHANA – LAND OF GOLD • SOURCES OF WEALTH • Controlled trade between northern and southern Africa • Taxed traders passing through • Had many gold mines • King limited amount of gold available • Used gold to buy other items

  12. MALI EMPIRE • Created by Sundiata • Took over Ghana in 1240 • Took control of many trade routes • Expanded under rule of Mansa Musa • Timbuktu became a cultural center

  13. SONGHAI • After Mansa Musa’s death, Mali weakened and was conquered by Songhai • Songhai now controlled the trade routes • Defeated by Moroccan army

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