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Art/Environmental Studies Lesson Plans. Created by: The Green Team HKU 2013. Air pollution in Hong Kong. LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) taxi/minibus . Lesson plan for senior primary kids . AIR POLLUTION IN HONG KONG Learning Expectations 1. Reasons of air pollution in Hong Kong
Art/Environmental Studies Lesson Plans Created by: The Green Team HKU 2013
Lesson plan for senior primary kids AIR POLLUTION IN HONG KONG Learning Expectations 1. Reasons of air pollution in Hong Kong 2. Relative health implication of different API 3. Air Pollution Effects on Humans in health and economic aspects 4. Our responsibility on Air pollution problem 5. Suggestions to government policy
Case study/Role play (1) If you were an investor, would you be willing to open your company in Hong Kong? Why or why not? (2) If you were the tourist, would you be willing to travel to Hong Kong? Why or why not?
News discussion Wall effect (1) Some tall buildings in Hong Kong are blamed for making air quality worse. Why? (2) Should we ban the construction of such tall buildings? Why? (3) Can good urban planning solve the problem? Why?
Air Pollution Awareness Lesson -Introduce a unit on pollution in science or interdisciplinary (general) studies -Developed for primary level students -Green roof schools can use these lessons to help students understand how gardening can improve air quality.
Learning Expectations HOng Kong Curriculum Topic 1: A Healthy Living Environment Concern and action to improve our living environment Topic 2: Our Environment, Our Resources Sub-topic(a): The Environment and I Protecting our environment
Alberta (Canada) Curriculum Social Studies (K-Grade 3) -Demonstrate a consciousness for the limits of the natural environment, stewardship for the land and an understanding of the principles of sustainability. -Understand that humans exist in a dynamic relationship with the natural environment
1) Introduction/Anticipatory Set (5min) a) Check students prior knowledge by asking them what air pollution means. b) Have the class brainstorm causes of air pollution in Hong Kong. Record student answers in a worlde document http://www.wordle.net.
2)Sharing Purpose Explain to students that they will be learning about what air pollution is, and how it affects people and what we can do to help.
3) Instruction: Read the book ”Pollution” by Rhonda Lucas Donald. http://www.amazon.com/Air-Pollution-True-Books-Environment/dp/0516221914 Discuss the definition of air pollution, the causes of it, and how people can help to reduce air pollution.
4) Assignment Explain to students that the Hong Kong Environmental Protection Agency would like to publish brochures on air pollution to help people better understand the problem. The gov’t has hired you to design a brochure.
3) Instruction Tell students that the EPA expects to see the following in the brochure: -A catchy title page -Explanation of what air pollution is -3 causes of Air pollution in HK -3 ways people can help reduce air pollution
5) Instruction Have students plan a rough copy of their brochure, they can do the good copy on a new sheet.
Something cool to try... You can show that there there is pollution in the air by doing a little experiment. You will need two plates and vaseline. Create a design on the plates using the vaseline. Place one plate outside and keep the other plate inside. The air pollution particulates from the air will get trapped in the vaseline. There is quite a difference!
Kim Abeles Kim Abeles in an artist from America. She has done art/environmental education projects at various schools in the US. Smog has been one source of inspiration for her artwork. Check out “Dinner for Two in one month of Smog”, and “Smog Collectors”. http://www.kimabeles.com/artPages/smog.html
Kim’s Smog Art Lesson Plan through Orange County Museum of Art http://www.ocma.net/pdfs/AS60_Lesson1_WEB.pdf
Kim Abeles discusses her experience working with environmental art and students.
HKAir Pollution Resources HK Gov’t Air Pollution Index http://www.gov.hk/en/residents/environment/air/api.htm Air Pollution Index http://www.epd-asg.gov.hk/eindex.html Free iPad App for HK Air Pollution https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/hong-kong-air-pollution/id504536152?mt=8 Clear the Air Organization (Hong Kong) http://www.cleartheair.org.hk
Another lesson plan idea… -Read “Look What I did with a Leaf” by Morteza E. Sully http://www.amazon.com/Look-What-Did-Leaf-Naturecraft/dp/0802774407 -Help students find pictures of animals. Discuss how the different shapes make up the pictures of the animal. -Go on a leaf hunt, and have students collect leaves to create the look of their animal. Press the leaves in heavy books. Have students put the leaves together to make their animal.
Nature/Art/Gardening Websites Art Junction http://web.archive.org/web/20120606184945/http://www.artjunction.org/earth_index.php Primary nature installations…. http://web.archive.org/web/20120606184945/http://www.artjunction.org/earth_index.php Free nature journal pages (accompanies “Keeping a Nature Journal” Book by Clare Walker Leslie) http://www.storey.com/category_listing.php?cat=Gardening Real School Gardens (an American Organization) http://www.realschoolgardens.org
Recommended Books -Good Earth Art by MaryAnn F. Kohl -Green Crafts for Children; 35 Step-by-Step Projects Using Natural, Recycled, and Found Materials by Emma Hardy -Eco Art; Earth Friendly Art and Craft Experiences for 3-9 Year Olds by Laurie Carlson -50 Simple Things Kids can do to Save the Earth by Sophie Javna -Look What I did with a Leaf by Morteza E. Sohi -The Nature Connection; An Outdoor Workbook for Kids, Families, and Classrooms by Clare Walker Leslie -Keeping a Nature Journal; Discover a Whole New Way of Seeing the World Around You by Clare Walker Leslie -School Green Roof by Hong Kong Government
Food Systems http://chge.med.harvard.edu/edu/resource-type/lesson-plans-activities
Where Does Our Food Come From? Exploring Our Meals Learning Outcome: Students will be able to grasp understanding of the fact that any natural and human resources are involved in producing and transporting the food we eat.
Background What is your favorite food? 1. Where do you buy the food? 2. How does the food get to that place from question #1? Who was involved? 3. And how does the food get to that place from question #2? Who was involved? 4. And how does the food get to that place from question #3? Who was involved?
Lesson Students will complete a similar process using a computer Many students (and adults) never think about where their food comes from. This is the first step in recognizing the environmental impacts our eating has. Homework / Long-term Assignment : Students can submit a complete life story of their food items.
Taking Stock & How Do Food Supply Chains Depend on the Environment? Exploring the Case of Chocolate This lesson looks at how natural, human, and man made resources are needed at each step of the food supply chain, and how if one link of the chain is disrupted, it will affect the entire process http://www.fieldmuseum.org/chocolate/manufacture_interactive/manufacture.html.
Lesson Which plants and animals do the ingredients come from? What do those plants and animals need to live, grow and reproduce? Where do they typically live? What kind of climate do they live in? What other plants and animals live nearby? Why is it important to know the answers to these questions?(Hint: Consider what might happen if the environment in which the plants and/or animals change in some way.) What would happen to the food if….. • There is too much rain • There is too little rain • Ground Water gets polluted • Soil gets contaminated • Certain pollinators die off • The climate is warmer • The climate is cooler • Sea levels rise
How Do Our Meals Impact the Environment? The Case of Hamburgers from Fast Food Chains • Have you ever eaten a hamburger at McDonalds? • Using the food chain process discussed earlier, think about what needs to be done for you to eat this hamburger. • What impact might this process have on the environment?
Resources: Where does your meat come from? http://www.moremeatrix.com/ Interactive farms to factory farms site http://www.themeatrix.com/interactive
Lesson Hamburgers are chosen because the supply chain of industrially produced hamburgers has a number of negative consequences on the environment. what resources are required? where do those resources come from at each step of the supply chain? how each step of the supply chain impacts the climate, air, soil and/or water? what might happen if some of the resources along the supply chain are disrupted?
Reducing our Environmental Impact How Can We Eat in Ways that Reduce Our Environmental Impact? What does it mean to eat sustainably? What are some ways you can start eating sustainably? How might eating sustainably be challenging, especially in Hong Kong?
Some ways to eat green include: • buying seasonal foods, local foods, and organic foods (except when imported from countries far away) • sustainable seafood • fair trade goods (e.g., chocolate, coffee) • eating less meat and cheese and eating more vegetables and beans • buying at a farmers market • participating in community-supported agriculture (such as Smiley Planet!) • Many individuals and organizations are now working to build sustainable food systems.
Resources Low Carbon Diet Calculator available from the Bon Appetit Management Company http://www.eatlowcarbon.org/
Message: These lessons are designed to help students think about their impact on the environment and how they can change their habits for a better future. They can choose to make more environmentally friendly food choices, and find an urban farmer near them to help them make the change our world needs!