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Supporting CCSS-M Implementation. from s tandards to practice. Goals. Deepen understanding of mathematics content and practices. Analyze instructional materials. Explore ways to increase students’ access to mathematics through lesson plan ning.
Supporting CCSS-M Implementation from standards to practice
Goals • Deepen understanding of mathematics content and practices. • Analyze instructional materials. • Explore ways to increase students’ access to mathematics through lesson planning. • Identify ways in which this professional learning module can be used to improve instructional practice in your district.
A Dual Colored Hat Facilitator of this information Learner of this information
Making Sense of the Mathematics Unit Perspective The unit is the “optimalgrain-sizeforthelearningofmathematics”not a lesson or activity. -Phil Daro (co-author of CCSS-M) What implications might this suggestion have in relation to: • making sense of mathematics • teaching, assessing, and learning?
Making Sense of the Mathematics Unit Perspective • Unit Themes • Graphic • Focus Questions • Intellectual Processes • Key Concepts • Content Standards • Abstract • CCSS Standards • Instructional Resources • Illuminations • Children’s Literature • Texas Instruments • References • Applets • Professional Resources • NCTM Articles • Books
Making Sense of the Mathematics Unit Perspective What do you notice is staying the same and what is changing with this mathematics?
Making Sense of the Mathematics Progression perspective “A teacher or test designer seeing exclusively within the grade level will miss the point [of the number line]. Multi-grade progression views of standards can avoid many misuses of standards” (p.43). What do you notice is staying the same and what is changing with this mathematics?
A Dual Colored Hat How might you use this document to support implementation in your district? How does this document help you deepen your understanding of the mathematics?
Making Sense of the MathematicsAcross Units Within a Grade Where might there be opportunities for students to make mathematical connections?
Making Sense of the MathematicsAcross Units Within a Grade Same Different Look in the units you selected to find examples that support these mathematical connections. Example 3 Example 1 Example 2 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
A Dual Colored Hat How could this activity be used to help teachers understand the development of content within a grade level? How did this activity help you think about teaching this content in your classroom?
Mathematics as Represented in Your Materials Examine your instructional materials for today’s focus unit. Make notes about: • the CCSS concepts, procedures and practices represented (or not) • which sections should stay and which can go? Identify a task/lesson that includes both CCSS content and practice standards.
A Dual Colored Hat In what ways might this model be a useful design for you to use with colleagues? How did this activity help you think about teaching this content in your classroom?
Lesson Goals and the “Launch” Research has suggested that an effective set-up phase (launch) of instruction clarifies both the final work product and how students should work (i.e., individually, in groups) to solve the problem (Boaler & Staples, 2008, Smith, Bill, & Hughes, 2008). We focus on complementary aspects of the set-up—in particular students’ understanding of the task statement. --Jackson et al., 2011, NCTM Research Presession
Video clips are examples, not exemplars. To spur discussion not criticism Video clips are for investigation of teaching and learning, not evaluation of the teacher. To spur inquiry not judgment Video clips are snapshots of teaching, not an entire lesson. To focus attention on a particular moment not what came before or after Video clips are for examination of a particular interaction. Cite specific examples (evidence) from the video clip, transcript and/or lesson graph. Norms for Watching Video I noticed… I wonder…
Video of a Launch In Ms. Chang’s class, Emile found out that his walking rate is 2.5 meters per second. When he gets home from school, he times his little brother Henri as Henri walks 100 meters. He figured out that Henri’s walking rate is 1 meter per second. Henri challenges Emile to a walking race. Because Emile’s walking rate is faster, Emile gives Henri a 45-meter head start. Emile knows his brother would enjoy winning the race, but he does not want to make the race so short that it is obvious his brother will win. How long should the race be so that Henri will win in a close race?
Launching Complex Tasks What key ideas about launching tasks did you find in the article?
Video of a Launch What do you notice or wonder about the way in which the teacher used key aspects of the launch from the article?
Why is the Launch Crucial? A key reason why we view the set-up phase as crucial for supporting equitable learning opportunities in the classroom is because it provides teachers with an opportunity to: • gauge what their students understand about a given task statement • take action to ensure that all students have requisite understandings such that they can engage productively in solving the task at hand (cf. Boaler, 2002). --Jackson et al., 2011, NCTM Research Presession
Why is the Launch Crucial? By engaging productively in solving a task, we mean in a manner that is likely to lead to the development of conceptual understanding of central mathematical ideas. --Jackson et al., 2011, NCTM Research Presession
Launching a Mathematical Task As you begin to plan a launch for the task you identified, consider: • What is this task asking students to do? • Are there any constraints or givens within this task to which students need to pay attention? • What are the key mathematical ideas in this task? • What might students be unfamiliar with? • How could students begin to work on this task? What representation seems appropriate and efficient? • How can I ensure that I have maintained the cognitive demand of this task?
A Dual Colored Hat Implementation Planning for your district: • What? • When? • Who?
End of the Day Reflections • Pick an idea that came up today and that you found particularly interesting. What is your current thinking about this idea? What questions do you still have? • What is your reaction to the work we did today? What seems promising and/or challenging at this point?
Oral Language Verbal (written and oral) Real-World Situations Pictures Geometric/ Graphical Contextual Written Symbols Manipulative Models Symbolic Tabular Representation Stars Adapted from Lesh, R., Post, T., & Behr, M. (1987). Representations and Translations among Representations in Mathematics Learning and Problem Solving.
Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) Smith, M.S., Bill, V., & Hughes, E.K. (2008). Thinking through a lesson: Successfully implementing high-level tasks. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 14, 132-138.