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A Community Arts Strategy for Cambourne

A Community Arts Strategy for Cambourne. St art Sharing Art :: Connecting Lives. A network to develop the arts in South Cambridgeshire Based on Village College ethos Five Arts Development Managers working in seven schools. Creating A Cultural Strategy For Cambourne.

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A Community Arts Strategy for Cambourne

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  1. A Community Arts Strategyfor Cambourne

  2. StartSharing Art :: Connecting Lives • A network to develop the arts in South Cambridgeshire • Based on Village College ethos • Five Arts Development Managers working in seven schools

  3. Creating A Cultural Strategy For Cambourne • Based on Town & Country Planning Association’s Culture & Sport Planning Toolkit • Arts Council/MLA Standard Charge Approach for Cultural Facilities

  4. The Culture and Sport PlanningToolkit • Leadership and Coordination: • Visioning • Needs and Provision Assessment • Securing successful delivery • Monitoring and review

  5. Leaderships & Coordination Cambourne Cultural Facilities Groups formed • Chair of Cambourne Parish Council & Leisure committee Member • District councillor • South Cambs DC Arts Development Officer • Chair Cambourne Arts (residents group) • Arts Development Manager Comberton Village College Purpose was to look at best value for the S106 funding (related to the 950 homes) for public art

  6. Visioning • Decided not to spend it on ‘more rusty leaves’ but rather on much need arts facilities • Looked at extending The Hub Community Centre • Looked at working with Cambourne Youth Partnership • Finally settled on working with the new secondary school to provide dual use facilities

  7. The Need Assessment • Residents surveyed twice over five years • Use of Arts Council’s INSIGHT data • Use of Arts Council’s Active People Survey • County Council demographic data and predictions • Audit of existing cultural provision, spaces, equipment, opportunities, clubs & societies • Focus group interviews

  8. The Need Assessment • Over 80% of residents when surveyed rated arts facilities in Cambourne as poor • All of the community spaces are currently running at near full capacity 95% to 99% • Surveys show that 87% of residents take an active part in the arts or regularly attend arts events but most have to travel to access them. • Cambourne has twice as many 20 to 40 year olds and twice as many ‘movers’ as a % of population than the rest of the district…and lots and lots more kids!!! • Local GP cites higher than average levels of depression & pregnancy

  9. Dual Use – Village College Ethos • Building of the new school presents a fantastic opportunity for a dual use community arts centre • Creating community spaces to use for the arts • Architects have been thoughtful in the layout by putting the community access areas in the front of the school

  10. Securing Successful Delivery • Worked closely with the Parish Council and residents groups • Identified the new school as a potential partner • Devised the Cultural Strategy & Business Plan in partnership with CPC, the school and SCDC • Ensured that all were kept informed and that each partner was involved along the way

  11. Town & Country Planning Association’s Culture and Sport Planning Toolkit • The Standard Charge approach for cultural spaces is designed by the MLA & Arts Council England and allows Dual Use as a solution • Determines the amount of space a new community requires for the arts as 45sqm per 1000 residents • Population of Cambourne set to rise to 10,500 • Calculation reveals that Cambourne requires 477sqm of space

  12. Potential Dual Use Areas Ground Floor

  13. Potential Dual Use Areas First Floor

  14. Potential Dual Use Areas Could Provide

  15. Finance – £150k of S106 Funding

  16. Additional Capital Spend • Enhanced infrastructure to make spaces future proof • Large Cinema screen brighter projector, surround sound • Bigger, better and more flexible lighting grid • Bigger more flexible PA • Lectern with pre-sets for light and sound • Printing facilities in art department • More comfortable seating

  17. …and if we can get even more money we would spend it on… • Demountable movable raked seating • Grand piano • Drum kit, more mics, amplifiers etc. • Moving lights • Winches on lighting bars • More visual arts kit

  18. Process for releasing the S106 Funding • Completion of A Cultural Strategy for Cambourne written in partnership with Cambourne Facilities Group including local stakeholders, CPC & SCDC • Completion of business plan • Dual use of new school agreed by Comberton Academy Trust • Strategy adopted by Cambourne Parish Council & signed off by SCDC member (portfolio holder) • Agreement with developers to release funding according to the proposed timetable • Funding released

  19. Business Plan - Aims and Objectives …Just one single aim • To create a sustainable community arts venue for Cambourne

  20. Get Messy Get Noisy Get Noticed

  21. Programming • To devise a broad based workshop programme which reflects the needs of the community and achieves targets set • Vibrant participation programme reflecting whatever the community wants to do

  22. Programming • Exciting performance programme with a mix of community and professional work • Partnerships with ACT for professional touring theatre & dance, Wysing for visual arts, Arts Picturehouse for cinema and high quality digital content, Custard Comedy and others

  23. Marketing • To devise a marketing strategy to raise awareness of the venue’s programme and opportunities to participate in activities • Extensive use of internet marketing • Clear branding • Well designed print

  24. Operations • To devise a robust, affordable and flexible staffing system, which harnesses the strong volunteering culture in Cambourne and with clear lines of responsibility and communication

  25. Executive Principal Stephen Munday • Head of School Claire Coates • Members of the SLG & Governors • Finance, Personnel, Catering, etc. • Site Management • Arts / Venue Development Manager • Event / Bar Manager Technical Manager (could be a voluntary role or Creative Apprentice) Cleaners & contractors FOH & SIA Bar Staff Volunteer Techs

  26. Finance Make Money to Make Art

  27. Make Money, to Make Art! • Community, commercial & private hires to bring in earned funding • Workshop programme – should make money eventually but will be slow to start • Programme of events will reflect community needs and aspirations – should eventually break even but it will take sometime to work • Sustainable financially after four years

  28. Monitoring & Review • Steering group set up to guide the implementation of the Cultural Strategy and to have overview of the new venue • Finance is overseen by both the school’s SLG, board of governors and the Parish Council • Six monthly reviews • Five year business plan

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