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Renewing Your Mind. Romans 12:1-2. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”. Renewed View of the Church. Satan succeeded in Eden because he changed the view of God’s will – Gen 3 – “die” to “not die”
Renewing Your Mind Romans 12:1-2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Renewed View of the Church Satan succeeded in Eden because he changed the view of God’s will – Gen 3 – “die” to “not die” The serpent of brass (Nu. 21:4-9), saved many but people changed in their view of it (2 Kg. 18:4) Denominations have changed the Lord’s Supper to an ornate sacramental rite (one extreme) and to a common meal (other extreme) and “it is not to eat the Supper” (1 Cor. 11:20). Israel wanted a king, but viewed him as earthly, like Solomon, and killed the Christ John 6:14-15
Altering God’s Plan Corrupts It Jeroboam assumed God’s authority and substituted his own wisdom, for the wrong motive, wrong place, wrong elements, wrong priests, at the wrong time, corrupting Israel – 1 Kings 12 Jews changed Moses’ law about parents to satisfy their own greed and were rebuked by Jesus – Mt. 15:1-9 (Mk 7) Changing God’s will insures sinful activity.
The Church of Christ is Scarcely Recognized Today Jesus had a particular thing in mind when He thought of the church Mt 16:18; Mt. 4:17; Mk. 9:1; Mt. 13:3, 31, 33, 44; Lk 17:21; Jn 18:36; Jn 3:5 Apostlesunderstood the church as they were moved by the Holy Spirit 2 Pt 1:21 Acts 2; Col. 1:13; Eph 1:22-23; Col 1:21-26 We need a renewed view of the church
Prophetic View of the churchUndeniable Proof • -- IsaiahSaid DanielSaid -- JoelSaid -- WouldBegin inJerusalemIsa 2:2-3 Would Begin in Days of Roman KingsDan 2:44 Would Begin With Holy SpiritJoel 2:28ff
Prophets Confirmed By God“This is That” Holy Spirit Came In Jerusalem Daniel • -- Joel Isaiah Acts 2 Under Roman Kings This is the church that Jesus BuiltThe date is right – the place is rightThe Holy Spirit confirmed it 2:16
Denominational Views of the Church “One church is as good as another” See Eph 4:4-6; 5:23 “Church not essential to salvation” See Eph 1:6; 2:13, 16; Acts 20:28 “The church must adapt to new customs” See 1 Cor 6:9-11; Col. 1:18-23 “Christianity, not churchianity” See Eph 1:22-23 How do we separate Christ and His body?
Bible Doctrine About the ChurchHas Been Changed Bible baptism – Mt 28:18-20; Acts 2:381 Pt 3:21 – has been changed to sprinkling… Bible contribution – 1 Cor 16:1-2 – has been changed to pie sales, bingo, public begging…. Bible elders – Acts 14:23; Titus 1; 2 Tim 3, has been changed to boards, conventions… Bible music – Eph 5:19; Col 3:16 – has been changed to big bands, choirs, entertainment..
Doctrinal Soundness Has Been Corrupted The “doctrine of Christ” – 2 Jn 9-11 - has become meaningless through human tradition “Doctrine” is God’s expression of what pleases him, but has been abandoned Mt 15 “Doctrine of Christ” gives the church and individual Christians their moral principles and scriptural activity. What makes the “church of Christ” unique! What makes Christians “peculiar” 1 Pt 2:9
Alexander Campbell - 1829 • “Nothing should be admitted into our churches (congregations) either as to doctrine, or practice, or manner of teaching, or terms of communion, orf ministerial qualifications, or government, but what we find taught, enjoined and practiced in the primitive church.” • This was the restoration plea. • “Speak where Bible speaks…be silent…” • This distinctive plea isolates us from those think otherwise. • No denomination can make this statement!
Wineskins - 1992 • Andre Resner wrote an article entitled “Christmas at Matthew’s House.” It was published in the Nov 1992 issue of Wineskins magazine. In the article, Resner, a professor of preaching and theology at ACU, calls the apostle Matthew “sneaky.” Matthew wrote as directed by the Holy Spirit, and if he is sneaky, then the Holy Spirit is underhanded and cowardly, which is the meaning of sneaky. Resner refers to what he calls “Matthew’s covert statement” that Mary was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. How was that a “covert” statement? We fail to see how the inspired apostle’s announcement of the angelic statement could be called “hidden, disguised, concealed, or surreptitious.” (cont’d)
Is this what the professor means by calling Matthew sneaky? Resner calls Mary the mother of Jesus “another sexually questionable woman.” The author refers to Rahab the harlot, and to Tamar, who seduced her father-in-law, and to Bathsheba, who committed adultery with David. Resner called Mary’s pregnant condition a “similar” situation. He says that Mary’s “predicament” was caused because she behaved like a street-walker. He says that Matthew in preparing to recount the birth of Jesus was about to tell “the most embarrassing scandal.” I have asked Resner what is embarrassing or scandalous about the virgin birth of the Son of God, but he has not answered. H. A. Dobbs • (Note: Pres. Money of ACU defended Resner.)
Gary Collier - 1995 • “The law of God must never be read apart from who God is as he as shown himself through his actions, nor apart from the reasons God gave the law in the first place. This is Jesus’ point. Jesus shows that the real issues of understanding the Bible go beyond being focused on the words of the text or even the context. We must instead focus centrally on the heart of God as it reaches out from behind those words and contexts to people.” (Gary D. Collier, The Forgotten Treasure, p. 98)
Just What Does This Mean? • A man – to keep from offending men generally. Let’s say a preacher – leaves his wife and children without a scriptural cause and marries another woman. • Jesus said, “Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery” (Matt. 19:9) • Not to worry. Not to worry. This fornicating preacher can run right past the text and the context, paying no attention to the words, to the very heart of God. When he gets to the heart of God, he finds that God is loving, merciful, full of grace, forgiving, kind, gentle, and unwilling to every punish anyone, even adulterers (maybe especially adulterers). Now he finds relief. What a blessing. They’re just words. We are interested in the very heart of God. H. A. Dobbs
Gary D. Collier - Again • He went to Matthew 12:1-21 and found that Jesus did not use a “mechanical method” to understand the Old Testament scriptures, but used “dynamic perspective.” Jesus found out by reading the Bible that “the deeper concerns of God’s heart are more important than the specific instructions of God’s law” (The Forgotten Treasure, Gary D. Collier, p. 97). (cont’d)
Gary D. Collier - Again • David and his men, when hungry, ate the shewbread, which Jesus said, “it was not lawful for him to do.” What David and his men did was sin. They were punished for it. Eighty-five men who wore the linen ephod died as a result of their sin. Collier takes that to mean the law of God can be set aside with impunity. You sure cannot pay attention to the words of the text and to the context and come up with Collier’s conclusion about this sin of David. Anyhow, Jesus did not approve what David did. (ibid) H. A. Dobbs
Brandon L. Fredenburg once wrote: “Persons who have placed their faith in their Bibles more than in the God the Bible reveals, end up sending the signal that the ‘real purpose’ of the Bible is to mine it for doctrinal tidbits. I find this approach disgusting and spiritually malnourishing.” • Jesus said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” Paul said, “I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among them which are sanctified.” James wrote, “Receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.” H. A. Dobbs
Thomas Olbricht of Pepperdine is the chief guru for the new hermeneutic. He often says that we must begin with God and not with the Bible. He also tells us that when he wants to know what the Bible teaches, he first searches throughout the whole world to find out what God is doing in the world (often called a world view) and then he interprets the Bible in the light of this knowledge. All of which sound mighty like Collier’s insistence that we run right pasts the words of the Bible and find in some mysterious limbo the bleeding heart of God. H. A. Dobbs
Carroll Osburn – 1996 • Another example, Professor Carroll Osburn, also of ACU says in his book, The Peaceable Kingdom, that the Bible contains mistakes in science. He has been asked many times to name just one mistake in science in the Bible. He will not! Why not? If he misspoke himself, let him say so and the matter will be at an end. If he meant what he said, then please tell us what the scientific mistake is. Instead he goes about with a zipped lip. H. A. Dobbs
Marty Pickup - 2003 • “It is also worth considering that the account of these events may be, to some degree, accommodative and symbolic. Genesis may use the serpent motif because it is borrowing imagery from the mythological culture of that day regarding a cosmological foe of Deity. Old Testament writers commonly take features of well-known pagan myths and rework them in order to present the truth of Israelite monotheism.” (“The Seed of the Woman,” 2003 Florida College lecture book)
Ultimate End – Complete Apostasy • Question the text and context of the Bible • Question the distinctiveness of the church • Emphasize “ancient authorities” that dispute the Bible account. • Get in touch with the next generation and indoctrinate them with questions about the Bible. • Allow that “our traditions” are not better than denominational “traditions” • Slowly introduce changes into the local church.
Example: Belmont of Nashville, TN • The Belmont Church of Christ is one of the oldest in Nashville. According to a book written by Paul D. Phillips, former Professor at David Lipscomb University, the Belmont Church is not longer to be considered a church of Christ. He wrote: “The major battles with Church of Christ traditionalism all ended in victory for the Charismatic crusaders led by the Spirit-energized Don Finto. [Claimed to be an apostle, spoke in tongues and took over the church.] • (cont’d)
Many, but not all, of the old traditions went to the scrap heap. …Phillips speaks of how “the rebels at Belmont trampled on one sacred tradition after another. In violation of the apostolic injunction to be quiet, sisters frequently shared their testimonies in the public assemblies and even prayed audibly. Communion was served…at special events on week days…A procession of internal conflicts emerged over matters of doctrine, faith and tradition. The name of the church, hand clapping at the assemblies, the role of women, spiritual gifts, and instrumental music were among the most divisive.”
We Need A Renewal Today… Of dedication to the word of God as the absolute, infallible word of God 2 Tim 3:16-17 Of Biblical soundness in preaching the “whole counsel of God” Acts 20:27 Of concern about the lost in our family and neighborhood Lk 15:1-24 Of concern about the lost among our brethren Gal 3:1; Rom 9:1-3 Of dedication to the local church Col 1:9-12