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THE STATE OF MIND THAT AFFECTS FOETUS. The life of a man starts while he is still in the uterus,where he can experience emotions both painful and pleasant which will ultimately condition his state of mind. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
The life of a man starts while he is still in the uterus,where he can experience emotions both painful and pleasant which will ultimately condition his state of mind.
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann had some knowledge of the above principle and hence he was the first to realize that a
a specific therapy during pregnancy could positively affect the foetal development.
With advanced scientific techniques, it is now possible to understand continuous interaction between mother and foetus and that every event is closely connected to this relationship to which both of them contribute to the same extent.
Dr.Massimo Polidoro of Napoli, Italy, has beautifully studied with the help of real-time ultrasonography, the various embryo-foetal movements, communication and foetal behaviour.
Focussing on CNS It is very useful to outline the embryological development to understand the complex mechanism of transmitting this state to the child from the mother.
During oncogenesis, early neuronal circuits develop on the basis of strict co-ordination of various complex events in space and time.
Any alteration of this complex co-ordination will modify the precision of the neuronal circuits, such a damage, most probably cannot be repaired afterwards because neurons are not able to multiply.
The genetic patrimony regulates only a few aspects of neuronal formation, migration, maturation and death, while epigenetic factors have an enormous importance in determining both their extension and chronology.
OBSERVATION Foetal suffering is expressed both with a numerical reduction of movements and with a regression towards primitive behavioral patterns and extension of the gestational age.
Example During sudden fright on the pregnant mother, the foetus reacts with an enormous hyperexcitability with convulsive movements. During severe depression in the pregnant mother, there is markedly reduced motility.
Example Dancing foetus - CARCINOSIN Excessive foetal movements - CROCUS SATIVUS
Every human being in this world has some state of mind. What is this state of mind ? This state of mind consists of a group of symptoms, which has a hidden meaning if one carefully interprets them.
E.g.. A young man has a strong anxiety in a dark room, strong anxiety in the presence of strangers.
He is very cautious, he clings to persons or furniture, he has a strong desire for company, especially in the night.
Delirium in the dark Delusion he is alone in the wilderness,
Delusions frightful Delusions of impressions of danger Delusions he was about to die
Fear of being alone at night, Fear of evil, Fear of being injured.
The above state indicates to you a state of fright. Now, in reality, if there is a cause, i.e., an exciting cause, this state of mind is quite reasonable, I would say it is directly proportionate to the cause. But suppose there is no cause and suddenly you find this state. Where has it come from ?
Definitely, it has come from the patient’s past experience. This man either had a very frightful experience in the past, either as a child or as an infant.
When the exciting cause persists for long, the reaction to the state somewhat becomes permanent. The person feels it is his normal state !!
This state of mind I will now call as ARTIFICIAL STATE. This artificial state was indirectly described by Dr. J.T.Kent in his Materia Medica, 2nd edition, published by Boericke & Tafel, on page 249 under Borax.
I quote : “This is a constitutional state, and Borax, if given in the beginning of pregnancy, to a Borax patient, will so change the milk as well as the rest of the constitution, that the mother will be able to nurse the child.
I have a number of times, when a mother has brought forth several children that she was unable to nurse, given Borax and it has so affected the case that she could nurse the next child.”
“ If the mother was a Borax mother, the child is very likely a Borax child, it is not an uncommon thing for the mother and baby to need the same remedy,
Many times I have medicated the child through the mother’s milk if both needed the same remedy.”
Transmission of the Artificial State takes place under following circumstances: • Prolongation of the exciting cause which ultimately continues. • 2. Transmission of the mother’s state during pregnancy to the unborn child.
Transmission of states from the pregnant woman to the child that will be born
Normally the pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters and one has to determine in what month of pregnancy the state develops.
From the time of conception till 3 months. This is a very crucial period in the life of a mother and hence utmost care should be taken.
EFFECT ON CHILD If pregnancy is not planned or unwanted Increased chances of abortion
EFFECT ON CHILD If pregnant woman is neglected by the family The child is born with typical Naja, Argentum or Palladium state
If she is neglected by the husband The child is born with Stramonium state
During pregnancy, if the woman is tormented either by the in-laws or family members
The child develops either Lyssinum, China, Hyoscyamus, Naja or Lachesis state.
If all the above states described are very severe, then congenital malformation occur. Congenital malformations chiefly form in the first 2-3 months, could be either Neurological, Cardiovascular, & Chromosomal malformations.
Also, the malefic influence of parental miasm influences a lot. This can lead to formations of various dyscrasias like tubercular, etc.
Effect on Mother Abortion, antepartum hemorrhage, anemia, hyper emesis gravidarum, hydramnios, oligoamnios
After Labour