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C ompetitiveness at Babeș-Bolyai University. BBU’s positions in rankings. Prof. dr. Andrei Mărcuș - vice-rector for quality assurance and competitiveness Gelu Gherghin – Centre for Quality Management. Academic C ooperation and C ompetitiveness . University R anking M ethodologies
Competitiveness at Babeș-Bolyai University. BBU’s positions in rankings Prof. dr. Andrei Mărcuș - vice-rector for quality assurance and competitiveness Gelu Gherghin – Centre for Quality Management Academic Cooperation and Competitiveness.University RankingMethodologies 17th- 20th September, 2009, Cluj-Napoca
INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL EVALUATIONS • 2000 - The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities • 2001 - European University Association • 2002 - the Salzburg Seminar. • May 2009 – the Romanian evaluation and accreditation agency ARACIS. • The result of this evaluation was “high degree of confidence’’ .
BBU’S EFFORTS ON COMPETITIVENESS - DECISIONS • 2006 - the “BBU 500”program has been launched: until 2012 BBU will become oneof the world class universities (according to the Shanghai criteria) • 2008 - The BBU500 program - Proposals for action • February 2008 - Criteria for the competitiveness of faculties and of the university. These are inspired by the methodologies of several international rankings. • April 2008 - Decision on the responsibilities for meeting the competitiveness criteria.
Promotion of the programs - PUBLICATIONS • 2006 - Bulletin of the Research Department • 2007 - Quality Assurance at BBU • 2007 - BBU Research Policy • 2008 - Bulletin of the Competitiveness and Quality Department • 2009 - Competitiveness and Quality Guide at Babeș-Bolyai University • Contents: • Research results • Internal decisions and national regulations • presentations of national and international rankings • scientific databases, news
RELEVANT RANKINGS FOR BBU • National Rankings • Ad Astra Association - Romanian Universities Ranking • CNFIS / CNCSIS • International Rankings • Academic Ranking of World Universities (Shanghai) • THE - QS World University Rankings (Times) • CHE University Ranking • Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers (Taiwan) • Webometrics Ranking of World's Universities • European Student Barometer
Ad Astra Association - Romanian Universities Ranking • Ad Astra – a non-profit organization founded in 2002 by Romanian researchers. • Between 2005 – 2007 Ad Astra publicized the Romanian Universities Ranking – based on the number of articles published in ISI Web of Science indexed journals in the previous year. • One general ranking - the total number of articles reported to the number of teachers in the institution. • Rankings on 32 scientific domains and sub-domains - done by adding the impact factor of journals.
Ad Astra Association - Romanian Universities Ranking (BBU’s position)
CNFIS / CNCSIS - Financing State Universities • The National Council for Financing Higher Education (CNFIS) and TheNational University Research Council(CNCSIS) have advisory role for the Ministry of Education. • Romanian higher education funding is based on the number of students and a qualitative (quality indicators) component. • Quality criteria were introduced in 2002, and have developed both in terms of complexity and weight. In 2008these reached 30% of total funding base. • CNFIS & CNCSIS donot publish an annual league-table, but they gather the data, and the conclusions can be drawn.
CNFIS / CNCSIS -Criteria and Indicators • 13 indicators in 4 groups, each groups having 2 sub-indicators • I. Quality of the teaching staff (8.5% of total funding base) • II. Research impact (8% of total funding base) III. Infrastructure(3.5% of total funding base) IV. University management (10% of total funding base) • IC6 – The level of performance in scientific research - has the greatest weight among indicators – 7%
CNFIS / CNCSIS ranking - BBU’s rank • CNFIS & CNCSIS published in 2008 the The analysis of the of the IC6 quality indicators’ evolution, regarding “the performance of scientific research in universities” and its influence in the distribution of budgetary allocationsto funding base – an IC6 review for 2003-2007 period. • There were set up five value groups, plus two additional groups for art and architecture universities. • Babeș-Bolyai University has always been in the first value groups, obtaining the maximum of 50 points for maintaining its position five years in this group
Academic Ranking of World Universities • ARWU is a hierarchy with 500 positions, annually published by Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2003. • The concept of “World Class University” has been defined and developed. • ARWU, ARWU-FIELD (Broad Subject Field), ARWU-SUBJECT (Subj Field) http://www.arwu.org
ARWU - BBU’s rank • There is no Romanian university in the top 500 of ARWU • According to unpublished information, Babeș-Bolyai University is placed somewhere between 700 and 800. • Babeș-Bolyai Universitylaunched in March 2006 the “BBU 500”programe: until 2012 BBU will become a world class university. • In 2008 several measures were taken to increase competitiveness and bring BBUcloser to this goal.
THE-QS World University Rankings • Since 2004, THE Supplement and Quacquarelli Symonds annually publish The Times Higher Education - QS World University Rankings • Top 100 (500+) universities, subject rankings, regional rankings, rankings by indicator http://www.topuniversities.com
THE-QS World University Rankings (BBU’s rank) • Since 2008 BBU has a profile on www.topuniversities.com • (www.topuniversities.com/schools/data/school_profile/default/babesbolyaiuniversity) • BBU was invited to send data for 2009 edition of The Times Higher Education - QS World University Rankings • Besides UBB, from Romania, only the University of Bucharest is registered on www.topuniversities.com, being successively ranked 472-th (2006), 513-th (2007) and 501-th (2008) in the world ranking.
CHE University Ranking (Presentation) • The Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) is aprivate non-profit organization, founded on 1994 at the initiative of the German Rectors Conference and the Bertelsmann Foundation. • The first ranking was published in 1998, focused on economics and chemistry. • From 2005, CHE publishes the rankings in co-operation with Die Zeit. • The CHE Ranking system has indicators, but is not a league-table . • The CHE University Ranking tries to comply with the Berlin Principles. • It is based on 3 methodological principles (Federkeil, 2006) • - No ranking of whole universities Ranking of single subjects/subject areas • - No overall score from weighted indicators Multidimensional ranking • - No individual ranks in league tables Rank groups: top, intermediate, bottom
CHE University Ranking (BBU’s rank) • In 2008 BBU was invited to participate to the 2009 edition of the CHE University Ranking, with study programmes offered in German and English. • BBU has sent data for programmes on Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, both bachelor and master levels. • The participation of the BBU’s students was poor; very little information about BBU was published. • Depending on subject fields, BBU was ranked in the top, intermediate, or bottom group in terms of Doctorates per professor, • For all the subject fields, BBU was ranked in the bottom group, in terms of Publications per academic, and Citations per publication.
Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers • The Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) is a national structure created in 2006. • The “2007 Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities“- a500 position top. In 2008, a new ranking with 300 positions on six subject fields was added. http://ranking.heeact.edu.tw
Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities (BBU’s rank) • In the two editions of PRSPWU published so far, no Romanian university appears. The situation is the same for the classifications of research areas. • According to unpublished information, BBU was ranked 643-th in 2008. • We expect that the "BBU 500" program adopted in 2006, and the measures for competitiveness taken in 2008 will facilitate BBU’s access in PRSPWU in the near future.
Webometrics Ranking of World's Universities • This is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, the largest public research body in Spain. • Webometrics isbased on assessment of the web-sites. • The ranking is published twice a year, in January and July http://www.webometrics.info
European Student Barometer 2009 • European Student Barometer is a student satisfaction survey conducted annuallyamong European students,which offers them the possibility to express an opinion about their career and education. • BBU participated for the first time in 2009 edition of the ESB, with 1101 students responding. • The students of BBU appreciated the following aspects: Academic reputation (88,1%), Good location (86.9%), Reputation among employers (79.8%), IT facilities(75.5%), International orientation (70.9%) and Teaching quality (70.2%).