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Cramer-Shoup is Plaintext Aware. Plaintext awareness is a technique for proving IND-CCA2 security. Bellare and Palacio provided a nice framework for considering plaintext awareness in the standard model...
Cramer-Shoup is Plaintext Aware • Plaintext awareness is a technique for proving IND-CCA2 security. • Bellare and Palacio provided a nice framework for considering plaintext awareness in the standard model... • ...but were unable to demonstrate that any scheme had the required level of plaintext awareness (PA2) to prove IND-CCA2 security.
Cramer-Shoup is Plaintext Aware • New paper proves that the hybrid Cramer-Shoup scheme is PA2 plaintext aware in the standard model. • Uses a novel technique to reduce PA2 plaintext awareness to PA1 plaintext awareness. • This technique could have applications to other schemes, such as ECIES.
Cramer-Shoup is Plaintext Aware http://eprint.iacr.org/2005/261 http://www.isg.rhul.ac.uk/~alex/ a.dent@rhul.ac.uk