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Good morning

Good morning. Teachers name. Ayesha Binte Azad Assistant teacher Uttor shahapur govt : primary school Senbag,Noakhali. Class:-Five. Sub:-English. Learning outcomes:-students will be able :-. 1.To listen the poem and be joyful. 2.To say the poem with understandable pronunciation.

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Good morning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Good morning

  2. Teachers name Ayesha Binte Azad Assistant teacher Uttorshahapurgovt: primary school Senbag,Noakhali

  3. Class:-Five Sub:-English

  4. Learning outcomes:-students will be able :- 1.To listen the poem and be joyful 2.To say the poem with understandable pronunciation 3.To write the poem with correct spelling

  5. Create safety environment:- By grettings

  6. Lesson title:- City streets and Country roads(8 lines)

  7. Presentation

  8. Input 1.Ask them to open the book at page 85 2.I recite the poem loudly and ask them to listen attentively 3.I recite the poem with action and ask them to repeat with me

  9. Practice 1.Ask them to recite the poem with action and I will help them(chorus work) 2.Help them to recite poem with understandable pronunciation

  10. Providing new words Street Road Crops Hay Bullock cart Grains

  11. Checking learning s 1.Ask every four students makes a fair and read the poem with understandable pronunciation. 2.Tell them to write the poem.

  12. Thanks a lot

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