Introduction: During the course of human development, the process of human relations has also evolved gradually. Human history has been marked by continuous interactions and interdependencies, ranging from those that can be characterized as coexisting or unifying, to even isolated and conflicting circumstances. Each of these conditions that may characterize human communication at a given time and space occurs simultaneously throughout the world. But what maintains stability throughout antagonistic groups, opposing religions, or antithetical political parties? The answer to this question can be achieved through the analysis of one phrase: common sense combined with self-interest. Hayawic logic addresses such intercommunication issues, making the arrival at a general understanding of human interaction very close to possible. Allow us to analyze a current controversial issue that has left a strong impact on the media world and its audience alike. Terrorism in all its forms has dominated the pages of newspapers, magazines, and journals. It has received the attention of viewers all over a globe, marking terror and frustration in the minds and hearts of many. Its dark images have terrorized cities in the United States as well as the Middle East. Among the growing terrorist acts that have gained negative recognition are those committed in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood has used the name of Islam to justify their brutal killings of innocent civilians, claiming that their criminal acts are a form of religious cleansing. But the massive bloodshed is more than proof that these sinful acts are contradictory to Islamic thought or any other ethic system for that matter.
The movie “Al-Irhabee”, translated to “The Terrorist”, is a story that focuses on a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. His story takes us on a journey through human conflict leading to understanding. The dynamic nature of its main character allows the audience to take a closer look into human development through its many forms of interaction. The protagonist in the movie evolves through the stages of conflict, isolation, coexistence, and in the end unification. Through a careful analysis of this evolution one is able to reach into the core essence of Dr. Al-Nakary’s Hayawic Logic, allowing a complete understanding of it to come into full grasp.
CONFLI CTING: • THE AMIR “Don’tread the newspapers of the infidel government.” • THE AMIR “Don’t watch television. It’s a novelty.” • THE AMIR “Everynovelty is a transgression. And everytransgression leads to hell-fire." • THE AMIR “Don’tpray behind an Imam that smokes.” • THE AMIR “Don’tshake the hands of a Christian or evensalute him.” • THE AMIR “Or you will be doomed to hell and ill-fate.” • THE AMIR “What’swrongbrother Ali?” • THE TERRORIST “Days pass on and the society remains corrupt and sinful. • What is this leading to?” • THE AMIR “Don’targue or object. This is a serious matter.” • THE AMIR “There’s a plan to get rid of the enemy of God and the religion.” • THE TERRORIST “Who in particular?” • THE AMIR “Some of the government’s devils who tortured and captured Muslim • Brothers.” • THE AMIR “Devils like the famousprison warden,and the atheist writer, Fouad Massaud.” • THE AMIR “May God whither his tongue and his hands.” • THE AMIR “He is attacking us in his newspapers and conferences.”
ISOLATED: • A BROTHER “Go and stay there, where you will be protected” • THE BROTHER “Your food is right here.” • THE TERRORIST “How long will I stay here?”THE BROTHER “Make sureyou are not seen by the neighbors, so that they don’t suspect your presence. • THE BROTHER “Oh, and don’tmess with this box?” • THE TERRORIST “Why not?” • THE BROTHER “It’s filled with explosives and bombs.” • THE BROTHER “Go to sleep now, and make sure to lock yourself in behind me.” • THE TERRORIST “Peace be upon you.” • (A FEW HOURS LATER) • THE AMIR “Open up, Brother Ali.” • THE TERRORIST “Where is sister Rashida.” • THE AMIR “Bepatient, the government’s eyes are on you, and you need to remain protected.” • THE TERRORIST “I am bored with staying here by myself.”
COEXISTING: • THE TERRORIST “May God protect and preserve your daughter.” • THE DAUGHTER “Can I go in and watch T.V.” • THE TERRORIST “You don’t have T.V. at home?” • THE CHRISTIAN “We do, but my wife is conservative. So we basically never turn it on.” • THE TERRORIST “That is praiseworthy.” • THE TERRORIST “So, why aren’t you eating?” • THE CHRISTIAN “I didn’t want to turn down your generousoffer, but I am fasting.” • THE TERRORIST “That is wonderful, So that means that you also pray.” • THE CHRISTIAN “Even my little daughter prays.” • THE TERRORIST “I knew that my heart was beginning to open up to you and that we will get along.” • THE CHRISTIAN “If weall held on to our religion and faith, all our problems will go away.” • THE TERRORIST “May God reward you, my neighbor.” • CONFLICTING UNIFYING • ISOLATING COEXISTING
UNIFYING: • THE FATHER “Good bye, Mustafa, we hope to see yousoon, happy, and in good health.” • THE TERRORIST “Thankyou for everythingyou have done. • THE MOTHER “Here is a verse from the Koran to guard, guide, and protect you.” • THE TERRORIST “I will see you in good times.” • THE TERRORIST “Pray for me, you are like a mother to me.” • THE MOTHER “May God protect you. Youare one of us. You are part of the family.” • THE TERRORIST “I will miss you Mohsen.” • MOHSEN “We will all miss you, brother.” • THE TERRORIST “Thankyou for the clothes that you have given me, and the bed youprovided for me. You are too kind and generous.” • THE TERRORIST “Youhave a purepure heart. Just pray.” • MOHSEN “Allright.” • THE TERRORIST “I will neverforgetyou.” • THE TERRORIST “Iloveyou all, and I want you to believe in me.”
CONCLUSION: As can be seen, the movie “Al-Irhabee”, passes through four main phases that describe the interactive role of its main character, the terrorist. It is easy to deduct from the first excerpted text that the speech possesses a conflicting nature. The scenes that correspond to such conflicting text also correspond to the terrorist’s initial struggle with society. The movie begins with stages of violence, terror, and horrible displays of genocide. As the movie progresses and the terrorist escapes the watchful eye of the government, he enters a new isolated stage that somewhat minimizes his conflict with his original enemies. His isolation serves as a self-struggle. After he comes in contact with the typical Egyptian family, his dynamic nature comes into coexistence with those who interact with him. He is able to reach a peaceful understanding with his Christian neighbor, after being a Muslim fundamentalist. As the movie concludes, the terrorist forms a united front with the family he encountered. He feels that despite the obvious differences, humanity prevails. His interests and their interests become one, and common sense is hence the understood language that allows both sides to come together and communicate effectively. Through this analysis exercise and the application of Hayawic logic, it is safe to conclude that between any two forms there exists a relationship that can be termed as either conflicting, isolating, coexisting, or unifying.
Not only can this relationship help define human interaction, it can even be applied to texts and the methods in which words come together to form a cohesive unit, hence describing the relationship that inevitably forms between them. We are able to see that even classifying words can become a difficult task if it is not viewed as a cohesive unit that shares a relationship with other words. Perhaps the purpose of this challenging assignment is to observe that objects, or forms in general, must be viewed from a holistic approach, because every basic unit shares a certain type of relationship with another. Such a methodological approach can help an observer break down any unit and scrutinize its contents and arrive at a better understanding of the purpose it serves. The reverse approach can be used to build texts and other compositions starting from basic building units. This unique analysis may serve as a first step towards an understanding of the world and its composition.