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This strategy aims to provide high-quality and up-to-date statistical information, complying with international standards and meeting the needs of the state and society. It focuses on the transition to new data sources, digitalization of statistical reporting, and improving coordination and quality monitoring.
Federal State Statistics Service DEVELOPMENTSTRATEGY until 2024
RUSSIAN STATISTICS TODAY METHODOLOGY COMPLIES WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ROSSTAT IT SYSTEM GUARANTEED Meeting the basic needs of the state and society for statistical information Unified Data Storage Statistical Register Electronic Collection System Data Marts SYSTEM OF REGULAR SURVEYS ANS CENSUSES IMPLEMENTED SYSTEM OF MACRO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS Russian population census Russian agricultural census Economic census of small and medium-sized enterprises System of Demographic Surveys (11 regular surveys) INFORMATION AND STATISTICAL SUPPORT Strategic planning documents including over a 100 of national projects and over 500 federal programs 2
OUR MISSION QUALITY AND UP-TO-DATE STATISTICS with minimum burden on business PROVIDE OPTIMIZE ENHANCE Users with relevant and up-to-date information Internal efficiency of statistical services Production costs STATISTICS MUST BE INDEPENDENT TRANSPARENT COMPLYING WITH INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS 3
TARGET MODEL OF DIGITAL ANALYTICAL PLARFORM FOR STATISTICAL DATA DIGITAL ANALYTICAL PLATFORM “Single window”, 2019 Unified register of statistical surveys and indicators,2020 Unified register of respondents, 2020 Automated Information System of the Federal Statistical Work Plan (FSWP),2020 Unified statistical data storage ,2021 Unified collection and processing technology, 2024 Analytics,2024 Data flows,2024+ 2019 -2023 2024 -2024+ Data sources Data users NSDM master-data, SDMX, XBRL, GIS of federal and regional authorities, business and experts GIS of federal authorities, respondents and big data NATIONAL SYSTEM OF DATA MANAGEMENT
STATISTICAL PRODUCTION PROCESS (GSBPM) DIGITALIZATION Collection and processing Methodology and statistical tool box Identifying needs Planning Dissemination COORDINATION AND QUALITY MONITORING
Methodology and Collection and Planning statistical tool boxprocessingDissemination IDENTIFYING NEEDS Feedback from users Regional and municipal statistics Monitoring support of strategic planning documents at regional and municipal levels (200 000 indicators) Record keeping of regional economic features at FSWP development 2019(annually) Satisfaction Survey Forums, social networks, user training New mechanisms for interaction with reference groups 2019(annually) Regular polls on the quality of services Advisory bodies Public Council Establishment of Methodological Council as a permanent body reviewing statistical methodology Establishment of commission to review the survey forms Statistics section at The Russian Academy of Sciences New members in IIIq. 2019 II q. 2019 II q. 2019 Theme expansion
Methodology and Statistical tool box Collection and processing Dissemination Identifying needs PLANNING I q. 2020 FSWP Automated Information System Unified register of respondents I q. 2020 Unified population universe for all the authorities Unified rules and sampling tools Reliable assessment of coverage Reliable feasibility studies methodological soundness • costs • demand• reporting burden Assessment of FSWP costs Clear results of FSWP (List of indicators+ metadata) Reducing approval time Unified register of reporting forms and indicators I q. 2020 User friendliness Automatic detection of duplication in survey forms and indicators Automatic assessment of respondent burden and its regulation according to the type of enterprise Respondent’s right not to submit reports that are not included in the registry
Collection and processing Identifying needs Planning Dissemination METHODOLOGY AND STATISTICAL TOOL BOX Methodological supervision SNA and complex economic statistics IV q. 2019 Integration of conceptual statistical systems based on a single conceptual SNA framework Methodology development for monitoring of globalization processes Evaluation of digital economy SEEA implementationaccording to the UN standards Unified requirements for methodological documents I q. 2020 Unified center for methodology harmonization Transparent and clear methodology II q. 2020 Obligatory publication of complete statistical tool box statistical survey forms, methodologies, economic description of the collection and processing Public monitoring of statistical surveys “Understanding Methodology“ project Discussion of methodologies at forums, including the Bureau of Methodological Council OECD quality of life statistics III q. 2020 Social accounting matrices Social Expenditure Database (SOCX) Integral indicators of life quality • Better Life Index • Prosperity Index • Well-being Index IV q. 2019 II q. 2019 SDG monitoring Filling SDG global base with harmonized national data National set of SDG indicators
Methodology and Statistical tool box Identifying needs Dissemination Planning COLLECTION AND PROCESSING Data flows 2024+ Electronic collection via “Single window” Legal acts – IV q. 2019, large & medium – 2020, small & medium– 2021 Algorithms for statistical reports production based solely on primary data collection Partnerships with developers of data systems (1С, Parus, etc.) Transition from manual reporting to automatic data flows Obligatory electronic reporting IV q. 2019 Unified procedure of electronic collection for all fed. authorities I q. 2020 Unified electronic form (XML-template) II q. 2020 Electronic template generator Projects to replace statistical reporting with alternative sources Primary data storage I q. 2020 Integration with “Single window” I q. 2020 III q. 2019 Communication Projects withfederal authorities (FTS, Bank of Russia, Pension Fund of Russia) “Big data in statistics” project Sharing departmental segments II q. 2020 Integration with с GISs of fed. authorities (IEIS or data export) I q. 2020 2024+ Centralized technology for collection and processing Implementation of technological approaches based on DAP
Methodology andCollection and Statistical tool boxprocessing Identifying needs Planning DISSEMINATION Rosstat analytics DAP analytical tools I q. 2021 II q. 2019 Data marts design based on user requests API-accessto Unified data storage Comments on official statistics II q. 2019 I q. 2022 Time series analysis IV q. 2019 Dependency of economic and social events I q. 2023 All data available in a machine-readable format for analytics Dissemination of depersonalized data Rosstat new web-site expansion of publication range Publication of general data on individuals and households II q. 2019 Quick access to data and easy navigation I q. 2020 Publication of general data on legal entities II q. 2019 Data marts Interaction with Media Media discussion platforms (press conferences, business lunches, briefings) Press releases and data explanation
ROSSTAT NEW WEB-SITE Convenience Flexible interface, thoughtful arrangement User orientation Custom data marts, machine readable formats Efficiency and effectiveness Clear publication rules, strengthening of explanatory work Reliability and safety Modern technical solutions 12
STATISTICAL PRODUCTION PROCESS (GSBPM) Collection and processing Methodology and statistical tool box Identifying needs Dissemination Planning
2020 RUSSIAN POPULATION CENSUS Friendly for population Digital solutions Electronic Mapping You can fill in the questionnaire for yourself or family member at gosuslugi.ru and via mobile application “Gosuslugi” Tablet PCs with electronic questionnaires for enumerators Design of electronic census mapping framework based on ROSREESTR digital maps and open sources (OpenStreetMap, etc.) Online management of tablet PCs operation and enumerators’ work from the federal center Automatic pre-filling of individual questions of the questionnaire from administrative data sources Display of 2020 Population Census results at the electronic census mapping framework Display of census process on a country digital map at Rosstat situation center Enumerators route tracking on digital map and visualization of the census process on the tablet PCs Option to participate in the census at Multi-Functional Centers, Russian Post offices and other public places
INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE CENTER FOR STATISTICS Promotion of Russian statistical expertise and methodology Strengthening of Russian statistics image internationally MISSION KEY ACTIVITIES Collecting materials New technologies application Knowledge base Statistical e-library Experts’ pool Formats of work Online courses for wider range of statistical data users Courses for employees of ministries and institutions Training Russian and foreign specialists Workshops, webinars and trainings Consulting services 2019-2020 / World Bank Project Information and publishing center "Statistics of Russia" UN ESCAP ROSSTAT 15 2020 / Resource center launch
“ROSTSTAT (“GROWTHSTAT”) PROJECT Measures to improve employee performance Description of processes to increase productivity Leveling workload by functions and positions Reasonable need for the necessary resources Collection of ideas and elaboration of measures to improve work processes Improving efficiency of Rosstat IT Establishing employee pool, identifying training and development needs Identification of reserves and elimination of time losses Production Time loss Unwanted approvals Unwanted actions Low-skilled work Information System Inefficiency 16