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Copper (Cu) Oli Sorgho

Copper (Cu) Oli Sorgho. Scientific facts. Stable isotopes: Cu64, Cu67 Chemical symbol: Cu Boiling point: 2567 C Melting point: 1083 C Atomic mass: 63.546 Phase at room temperature: Solid Atomic number:29 Period: 4 Density:8.96 kg. History.

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Copper (Cu) Oli Sorgho

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  1. Copper (Cu)Oli Sorgho

  2. Scientific facts • Stable isotopes: Cu64, Cu67 • Chemical symbol: Cu • Boiling point: 2567 C • Melting point: 1083 C • Atomic mass: 63.546 • Phase at room temperature: Solid • Atomic number:29 • Period: 4 • Density:8.96 kg

  3. History Copper is one of the elements that wasn't really discovered because It was part of the development of the civilisation for a very long time. It was one of the earliest metals that humans found out about. Copper was mined and used about 7,000 years ago. It got its name from the latin word Cyprium. And its short name from another latin word Cuprum.

  4. Copper in nature In the world right now there is about 11 million tons of copper. Copper is usually found in mountain ranges especially from Alaska to the top of south America. Copper is a brownish/yellowish metal that is malleable and can be bent easily without cracking. It can be rolled into sheets or drawn into wires evem thinner than human hair! Copper is also non-magnetic and is recyclable.

  5. Why is copper important Copper is very important for us because it has excellent electricity conduction and heat conduction. We need it to stransport electricity quickly, otherwise we could use silver but why cant we use silver? Because silver is too expensive and we cant afford it. Copper is also easy to mine, It can be straightened when mixed with other metals. Copper is the key element in creating bronze.

  6. Copper from nature to products Copper is recovered and purified by smelting,leaching and electrosis. Products made from it are: Coins, gun metals, agricultural poison,wires, water pipes and jewellery. Coins are used for currency, gun metals are used for bullets. Agricultural poison is used to eat the insects under the ground that damage the crops, wires are used to conduct electricity and water pipes, to stransport water.Environmental concerns are that during production there are gases creleased that damage the atmosphere (C02). Dust coming from mine dumps, and the agricultural poison kills insects

  7. Other facts • The statue of liberty is made from Copper and is green because of copper combining with CO2. • Copper doesn't damage easily. It is hard to damage it • The only metal other than gols that has natural color.

  8. Bibliography • http://www.truthaboutpebble.org/AboutPebble/CopperInterestingFacts/tabid/561/Default.aspx • http://www.unr.edu/sb204/geology/props.html

  9. Thank you! • Thank you 4 listenin and payin attention 2 ma presentation YO DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • THANK YOU !!!! THANK YOU!

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