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Geographical context of the cities of Vesuvius. Geographical features of southern Campania Fertile plains Surrounding mountains – Aurunci to the north and the Apennines in the south River Volturnus Mt Vesuvius Many ancient town settlements – Pompeii Herculaneum Acherrae Nola
Geographical features of southern Campania Fertile plains Surrounding mountains – Aurunci to the north and the Apennines in the south River Volturnus Mt Vesuvius Many ancient town settlements – Pompeii Herculaneum Acherrae Nola Boscotrecase Boscoreale Nuceria Neapolis Puteoli Misenum Oplontis Stabiae
The two craters of Vesuviusthe new crater – Monte Vesuvio can be seen rising out of the largerMonte Somma
Pompeii is 10 km from Vesuvius Total area – 66 hectares Archaeological investigated and excavated to date – 42 hectares
The coastal region Wall painting showing a harbour scene found in a villa at Stabiae Provides a good idea of what any of the harbours in the region might have looked like. Heavily built-up harbour, jetties adorned with statues, ships at anchor, fishing boats
Est. 20 hectares in total, but only 4.5 hectares currently excavated • located 10 km away from Pompeii on the other side of the Volcano and closer to the coast • Safe and pleasant harbour • Perfect sea-side resort with many luxury villas of the 1st century AD Ancient Herculaneum Located on a lava plateau overlooking the sea Reconstruction shows extent of the town known from excavations and from tunnelling Est. 20 hectares in total, but only 4.5 hectares currently excavated
Villa distribution in the region Many villas have been discovered in the hinterland of Pompeii but the majority haven’t been preserved More likely to be discovered around Herculaneum, near the coast
The Villa of Regina at Boscoreale this villa was one of the many farms in the region of Pompeii the first villa to have been excavated and published to modern standards excavated in 1978-80 10 rooms around a central courtyard threshing-floor for grain, hay-store, wine-press 18 sunken doliain the courtyard with a capacity for 10,000 litres of fermenting wine. Total cultivatable land – 2.5-5 acres (1-2 hectares) Viticulture important but evidence of other trees – olive, almond, fig, apricot, cherry/walnut 80 specimens of plants found growing in the grounds of the villa
Agriculture within the walls of Pompeii The vineyard from Insula II.5 Reconstructed based on archeo-botantical specimens
The impact of the volcanic eruption in AD79 This view shows the distribution of the 6 major surge deposits of the AD 79 eruption. Lapilli from the earlier phases of the eruption fell on settlements almost 100km from Vesuvius in the neighbouring bay of Salerno