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Research-and-Production E nterprise « PREOBRAZOVATEL - COMPLEX ». PREOBRAZOVATEL - COMPLEX. PREOBRAZOVATEL - COMPLEX. Hydroelectric P ower Plants. Mining. Chemical industry. Static converters for various industries. Mechanical E ngineering. Thermal P ower Plants.
Research-and-Production Enterprise «PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX»
PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX Hydroelectric Power Plants Mining Chemical industry Staticconverters forvariousindustries Mechanical Engineering Thermal Power Plants Electrometallurgical Smelter Metallurgical Works Municipal Services (pumps, fans etc.)
PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX • COMPANY PROFILE: The P-Complex Enterprise was founded in 1992. «Research & Development Enterprise «Preobrazovatel-complex» Ltd. implements comprehensive turnkey works: object survey, delivery of converters, means of local automatic equipment, control panels, cabinets with low-voltage equipment, standby switching cabinets, diagnostics devices, adjustment, warranty service, operation field supervision. • MAIN ACTIVITIES: • 1) development and manufacturing of excitation systems for turbo- and hydrogenerators up to 800 MW capacity; • 2) development and manufacturing of converters for DC electric drives 2,2 - 16 MW capacity; • 3) development and manufacturing of synchronous engines exciters up to 12,5 MW capacity; • 4) development and manufacturing of frequency converters 75 – 315 kW capacity; • 5) development and manufacturing of asynchronous and synchronous engines soft starters; • 6) development and manufacturing of reactive power thyristor compensators;
PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX 7) development and manufacturing of automated thyristor power sources for electromagnetic water treatment filters; 8) development and manufacturing of special-purpose converters (electrolysis, arc furnaces, heaters, etc.); 9) converter equipment products modernization; 10) development and manufacturing of local automatic equipmentmeans; converter equipment adjustment and warranty service. 11) development and manufacturing of reactive power thyristor compensators; 12) development and manufacturing of automated thyristor power sources for electromagnetic water treatment filters; 13) development and manufacturing of special-purpose converters (electrolysis, arc furnaces, heaters, etc.); 14) converter equipment products modernization; 15) development and manufacturing of local automatic equipmentmeans; converter equipment adjustment and warranty service.
PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX • Our major customers: DTEK (www.dtek.com),RUSAL (ww.rusal.ru), Norilsk Nickel (www.nornik.ru), ISD (www.isd.com.ua), • INTERPIPEwww.interpipe.biz, EVRAZwww.evraz.com • Metinvest (www.metinvestholding.com), • RusskayaMednayaKompaniya (rmk-group.ru), • ArcelorMittal (arcelormittal.com), • Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (mmk.ru). • Market position: One of the leading companies in converter equipment supplying in Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Kazakhstan.
WORLDWIDE DELIVERIES Azerbaijan Belarus Ukraine India Kirgizia Armenia Georgia Russia Kazakhstan Moldova
PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX Excitation systems series СВТГ, СВНТ, ССТ for turbine and hydro generators with power rate up to 800 MWfor excitation windings supply with automatically operated DC in normal and emergency operation modes • Reserving by system 1+1 or n-1; • Full scope of “turn-key” works – designing, supply, installation and dismantling, adjustment and servicing; • Power part natural cooling; • Network interfaces CAN and (or) Profibus, Modbus, Ethernet, RS232/RS485 - option; • Generator automatic synchronization with network; • Diagnostic system and inbuilt excitation system and automatic voltage regulator (AVR) parameters recorder in AVR; • In-built AVR independent electric signals recorder with recording speed up to 100 usec/point; • The menu of the panel terminal in personnel language; • Switching equipment and electronic components from leading world manufacturers; • Enhanced environmental temperature operating range - option; • Fully equipped supply, including power transformers, reserve input cabinets, transformer switching cubicles, monitoring and control systems.
Excitation system features: AVR general specification: • operation in power supply network with loads from idle to rated and with overloads allowable for generator; • stable operation during crossing modes and not enough excitation mode allowed by generator; • automatic and manual excitation current operation modes; • excitation current stabilization in manual mode; • in automatic mode stabilizes: - generator voltage; - generator reactive power; - generator COS (); • maintaining of main operating parameter (excitation current, generator voltage, reactive power or generator COS ()) with accuracy 0.5-1.0 % from set static characteristic; • operation without rotor current sensor, for brushless excitation systems, if there is no induction rotor current sensor in generator.
operating excitation, excitation suppression, setting changing, regulation mode switching: - local – applying contact commands from excitation system board; - remote – applying contact commands from MCB/CCB; - remote – applying commands through network interface from PCS MCB/CCB; • automatic excitation by command from turbine regulator “Frequency over 95%”; • starting excitation from residual voltage, in case of enough residual rotor magnetization level is available, and from stand-alone power supply sources voltage 380V, 50 Hz of station auxiliaries or battery operative voltage 220(110)V DC; • excitation current regulation in manual mode from zero with power supply from stand-alone power supply, and from “3-5%” of rated value, with power supply according to self-excitation circuit necessary: - for generator idle and short-circuit characteristics recording; - for slow, step-by-step voltage increase while generator starting up at a wet weather.
Case with self-synchronisation resistors Case with the switch Case of input of a reserve High-voltage cell Power case Control system Input case Power case The automated workplace Dimensions of separate units of typical delivery
Independent recorder In set of excitation system can be included AVR independent signals recorder, which provides continuous monitoring of analog and digital inputs condition, and can display the measured parameters and system elements condition in graphs. Recorder allows to: • recording 16 analog and 16 digital channels; • max sampling rate 100 usec; • continuous record time more than 20 sec while recording all channels with max sampling rate; • recording of all recorder settings to non-volatile memory; • possibility of analog signals scales changing by scaling factor input for each channel and zero offset setting; • inbuilt non-volatile clock (calendar), which provides fixing of date and stopping time; • stopping of signals recording acc. to 8 set conditions chosen from all 32 channels, in set time; • internal «viewer» for graphs, recorded analog and digital signals; • possibility of name and color setting for each channel on a graph; • storage of recorded data on a disc in text or binary file; • operation mode indicator on front panel; • PC connection can be done either via USB port, or by twisted pair via Ethernet.
Transient modes in generator excitation control: • impactless regulating modes switching during operation process (manual mode, voltage regulation, reactive power, COS () adjustment) with setting maintain; • automatic, impactless switching to manual mode if generator voltage transformer circuits “100V” switched off with setting maintain with accuracy 1-3 %; • automatic generator reactive power discharging before switching off from network; • excitation winding field suppression during normal generator stop by switching rectifier to invert mode, and with field suppression circuit breaker in emergency modes; • excitation switching to reserve electric machine exciter and back on; • re-synchronization mode after losing excitation and generator operation in asynchronous mode without disconnecting from network.
Automated workstation (AWS) Together with excitation system we can supply AWS – computerized human-machine interface, providing excitation system and generator equipment complex control and monitoring. AWS is applicable for the following: • easier serving personal work by ES and generator parameters data visualizing; • prevent undesired ES and generator operation modes; • short the time for searching and localization damages in ES or allied equipment. Structurally AWS is produced depending on its supposed location place: • cabinet rack with inbuilt industrial computer – for placement directly in excitation system room; • industrial desktop computer for MCB/CCB duty operator workstation; • industrial computer panel, installed in existing MCB control console panel near generator and excitation system devices sector.
AWS functions: • continuous monitoring and graph displaying of excitation system status; • excitation and decreasing of ES, AEC operation modes switching, excitation transfer from operating to reserved ES operation modes control.; • easy displaying emergency, warning and service messages for operating and reserved ES; • operating and reserved ES console terminals operation doubling; • excitation system operation modes logging/record-keeping; • excitation system, AEC and generator parameters data recorder hourly and daily archive-keeping; • data graph displaying from AEC parameters’ recorders installed in AEC recorder controller; • data graph displaying from recorders installed in ES stand-alone from AEC controller high speed ES sensors and relays signals controller; • graph displaying inbuilt in ES generator and power network synchronizer.
Reference list of deliveries excitation systems series for turbine generators and hydro generators
The products are complete units having modular (inbuilt), cabinet or container design. Cabinet and container designs have all the needed equipment completely ready for connection. • Aside from industrial design the series includes: - special design for severe operating conditions – natural air cooling for current up to 10kA, current overload up to 2,5 Inom within 10 sec (agreed with the same characteristics of motors and transformers); - container design for drilling pumps drives; - modular (inbuilt) design using reactor-transformer and protection-switching equipment of the Customer. • Microprocessor control unit (MCU) have thefollowing distinctive features: - MCU are unified for all КТЕ5 nomenclature, and also for other company products MCU - smart operating stations, diagnostics systems, remote input-output devices, synchronous motors exciters, turbo and hydro generators excitation systems, starters; - MCU provide receiving and handling of signals from any sensors – pulse, code, synchro, temperature sensors, etc., including sensors with serial communication links;- MCU furnishing, including low voltage devices (relay, terminal connections, etc.) is made of leading world manufacturers' elements – АВВ, Intel, Burr Brown, Motorola, Texas Instruments, etc.;-MCU have high speed double-wire interfaces for connection with upper level equipment,including other suppliers – ProfiВus DP, CAN, other on request;- there is a possibility to supply products with control modules Simoreg CM manufactured by Siemens.
Main parameters of automatic control systems for DC drives: Оbject-orientation:KTE5 object-orientation is done with the help of software tools as local drive inbuilt automation function, it provides:• increase of products installation readiness;• eliminate their excessiveness;•exclude automation means additional controllers for the complete object. Auxiliary equipment:The supplied equipment can include additional devices, as object-oriented elements:•cabinets with low voltage equipment;•stand-by switching cabinets;•operating stations, including smart ones;•local automation controllers on the basis of automation means from any supplier;•remote input/output devices.
By order products are packaged with inbuilt recorders of electric signals SR–91A with recording speed up to 100 usec/point. They provide continuous monitoring of analog and digital signals with the measured parameters and condition displaying in graphs on the connected PC. Connection with other suppliers equipment – sensors, low voltage complete devices, panels, automation systems – is done radially, by receiving and transfer of standard, normalized digital and analog signals and via high speed information network CAN or Profibus DP.
Variable Speed Drive for different industry branches Variable Speed Drive provide industrial frequency alternating current converting into three-phase alternating current regulated on value and frequency. Drive are based on IGBT autonomous voltage inverter with output pulse-width modulation (PWM) voltage.•Speed regulation without speed feedbeck;•Braking with resistor or recuperation into network;•Setting of forbidden (resonating) operating frequencies;•Diagnostics and “emergency trace” recording system;•Network interfaces CAN, ProfibusDP, Modbus, RS232/RS485;•Built-in electric signals recorder with record speed up to 100μs/point; • Commuting equipment and electronic elements of leading world manufacturers;• Full set of supplied equipment, including input three-phase current limiting reactor, input RFI filer, output sinusoid filter, monitoring and control systems.
Variable Speed Drive provides:•motor start-up and speed control;reverse;•acceleration, speed-down, stopping;•motor and drive protection;•dynamic breaking while stopping;•“catching up” running;•PI - regulation of technological parameter;•preset speeds;•automatic re-closing;•linear or S-type speed intensiveness setting device Full-scale protection system:protections type:•currents short-circuit;•prohibitive current overloads;•power semiconductor devicesovervoltages;•line supply undervoltage for drive;•line supply overvoltage for drive;•overheating of power semiconductor devices;•input and output phase breaks for drive;•short-circuits on earth;•thermal protection for motor;•technological protection • Operation with all sensors types – tachogenerator, speed and position encoder, synhrodrive, temperature sensors, pressure sensors, etc.Network interfaces:•support of network interfaces Profibus DP, Modbus, Ethernet, CAN;•flexible structure of control and regulation system, opened for monitoring and control from PCS via network interfaces.
THYRISTOR EXCITERS, SERIES VТЕ, VTPfor feeding of synchronous motors excitation windings capacity up to 22,5 MW with automatically controlled DC General characteristic of BTE, BTP series:•rated current: from 200 to 1 000 А; •rated voltage: from 48 to 230 V; •power module – thyristor rectifier, executed in three-phase bridge or zero scheme;•cooling: •natural air up to 400 А (inclusive);•forced air higher then 400 А;•digital control system;• conformity to requirements of GOST 24688-81 and GOST 18142.1-85;•can be used instead of earlier produces exciters series TV, TVU, VTE, ТЕ8, V-ТPЕ8, V-ТPP8, КТES, etc.;•advanced operating ambient temperature range – inbuilt automatic heating system (option).•high reliability – commuting equipment and electronic components from leading world manufacturers;•the object-orientation by Customer requirement;•time of performance of works on commissioning - 4-6 hours.
Exciter general characteristics:•operation modes from off-load to the rated load and with accepted for motor overloading;• operation with motor impact and alternating loads;• steady operation in transient and under excitation modes accepted for motor;• automatic and manual control mode of excitation current; • excitation current in manual mode;• stabilization excitation current in automatic mode: - motor stator voltage – for motor supply network voltage stabilization; - motor reactive power – for reactive power compensation at its fixed level in the network; - motor COS () – for variable loading mechanisms; - reactive power in remote load node – for reactive power compensation at section, workshop, substation input;• upkeep of the main controlled parameter (excitation current, stator voltage, reactive power or motor COS () with accuracy 0,5 – 1,0 % from the set static characteristic;• exciter testing before start-up: - inspection of starting resistance circuit continuity; - exciter and excitation circuit current testing;
Exciter control and operation:•local – control and operation from the cabinet door: - exciter operation automatic and manual modes switching; - excitation setting control in automatic and manual modes; - motor start-up or permit for start-up; - motor parameters control by means of devices: stator current, excitation currentand voltage, COS (); - exciter regulation and protection system condition control by means of consoleterminal;•remote - control and operation by means of remote panel. Remote panel backups all devices and controls located on the exciter door, except console terminal. Control and operation from remote panel is similar to control and operation from exciter door;•remote – monitoring and control from PCS via network interface; - AVR operation modes switching (stabilization of excitation current, reactivepower, COS () etc.); - AVR excitation setting changing; - permission and prohibition start-up; - exciter regulation and protection system condition monitoring.
6, 10 kV ~ 380 V ~ ~ ~ 100 V ~ 5 A A a I/O a Test. Manual/Aut. Manual А a Aut. V a Block-diagram of thyristor exciter
Diagnostics and monitoring:• inbuilt parameters and condition recorder of AEC and motor with archiving function: - number of simultaneously recorded parameters - 1…16; - resolution of recording in time - 3.3…100 ms; - capture sample interval – 1,5…30 s; - number of archived capture samples in case of emergency switching - 4; - archived capture samples date and time fixing in real time items; - graph visualization of archive and current recorded data with the help of specialized –programmed-diagnostic complex on portable computer basis. Design:• exciters consist of two structural units delivered as a package: - converter cabinet with inbuilt starting resistor; - power matching transformer in protective execution;• local control and operation means on the door: - devices – «Stator current», «Excitation current», «Excitation voltage», «COS »; - lamps «Power supply», «Operation (MV on)», «Ready», «Emergency»; - buttons «Testing» and «Emergency switching»; - buttons «Insulation control»; - switch «Manual/Automatic control»; - excitation selectors: «Manual setting» and «Automatic setting»; - other control and operation means acc. to the Customer requirement.• all local control and operation means can be backup on control panel;• ambient temperature extended operating range – inbuilt automatic heating system (option).
HIGH VOLTAGE SOFTSTARTERSfor induction and synchronous motors starting with rated voltage 6/10 kV and current up to 1 250 А
General characteristics:- rated current: from 200 to 1 250 А;- rated voltage: 6 or 10 kV;- main circuit – three-phase with SCR, connected inverse parallel pairs in the arm;- digital control system;- high reliability – switching equipment and electronic components from leading worldmanufacturers;- any object orientation according to the Customer requirements. Application of non-contact soft-starters allows:- save motor mechanical durability due to limitation of starting current, thus lowering total electrodynamic load on the motor and its heating during starting;- reducing stress on the electrical distribution system;- save power due to possibility of motor stopping during continuous absence of load. Main functions:- soft start motor;- rotation direction reverse; - soft stop motor;- control of the starting bypass contactor at the end of starting, and automatic bypass removal in case of regulated breaking necessity;- successive cascade starting of several motors.
Control system:Softstarter control, protection and signaling, automatic regulation is done by microprocessor control system, implemented on the basis of control boards, located in power cabinet compartment. The main element of control system is a control board. All the main devices of computer system are located there - microcontroller with inbuilt programmable read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM). The board soft hardware also provides connection with console terminal, PC or Notebook connected to HVSS. HVSS operating and service programs, and also control system adjusting “settings” are located in the board memory. Console terminal is connected to this board and Notebook (simultaneous operation is impossible) – into the same plug via adapter (special device of galvanic isolation). Connection of on-line computer is used both for controller reprogramming and as a console terminal. All necessary software for controller reprogramming is available at the company website (www.pcomplex.com.ua), in case of necessity it allows implementation of “internet-support” mode. In this mode minor corrections of software are made at our company and transferred to the Customer as "executable" files for reprogramming.
HVSS microprocessor control unit (MCU) have the following distinctive features: - all HVSS MCU are internally unified, and also unified with MCU of other products of our company – smart operating stations, diagnostics systems, remote input-output devices, synchronous motors exciters, turbo and hydro generators excitation systems, starters;- MCU provide receiving and handling of signals from any sensors – pulse, code, synchrodrive, temperature sensors, etc., including sensors with serial communication links;- MCU furnishing, including low voltage devices (relay, terminal connections, etc.) is made of leading world manufacturers' elements – АВВ, Intel, Burr Brown, Motorola, Texas Instruments, etc.;- MCU have high speed double-wire interfaces for connection with upper level equipment, including other suppliers – ProfiВus DP, CAN, other on request. Soft-starters operation control:• local – by button contact commands from softstarter panel;• remote – by contact commands from drive control desk;• remote – by network interface from workshop or section PCS. Network interfaces (option):• support of network interfaces Profibus DP, Modbus, Ethernet, CAN;• flexible structure of control and regulation system, opened for monitoring and control from PCS via network interfaces.
Protections and interlocks:• overcurrent;•overvoltage;• overload according to passport, time-current characteristics of motor overload tolerances;• power circuit disconnection;• open-phase switching;• long-running start-up.• softstarter thyristors conductance failure;• reclosing in case of supply voltage reduction and (or) loss;• motor no-load;• control system supply source fault; • loss or inadmissible reduction of auxiliary voltage;• power cabinet doors opening under high voltage;• interlocking in case of commuting equipment incorrect connection;• chosen contactor closing interlocking in case of opened position of disconnector installed in series with it.In case of one thyristor breakdown in the arm, control system gives warning signal, but HVSS continues operation. Breakdown of the second thyristor in this arm causes HVSS emergency switching with corresponding emergency message from console terminal.
Diagnostics:• softstarter and motor inbuilt parameters and condition recording device with archiving function: - number of simultaneously recorded parameters - 1…16; - resolution of recording in time – 3,3…100 ms; - capture sample interval – 1,5…30 s; - number of archived capture samples in case of emergency switching - 4; - archived capture samples date and time fixing in real time items; - graph visualization of archive and current recorded data with the help of specialized programmed-diagnostic complex on portable computer basis. • operation mode indicator on front panel;• PC connection can be done either via USB port, or by twisted pair via Ethernet, in the latter case device can be connected to network;• Interfaces for connection with PC: USB, Ethernet 100 Mb. Design:• local control and management facilities for cabinet implementation: - devices «Phase current» in three phases;- lamps: «Auxiliaries», «Ready», «Warning», «Emergency»;- buttons: «Start (Forward)», «Backward», «Stop»;- console terminal;- other control and management facilities (option).
New generation static variable compensator (SVC)based on microprocessor control usage are made to improve the quality of electric energy in the industrial networks with voltage 6,3 and 10,5 kV, feeding powerful thyristor electric drives of the roll mills and mines, still-melting and ore-thermal arc furnaces, other devices with output load consuming variable reactive power
SVC application provides:•improvement of electric power quality at the expense of supply voltageamplitude of oscillation from the nominal value reduction and improvement of current and voltage harmonic consistence;• decrease of electric supply system elements current load, thus decreasing the current loss and saving on the active energy fee (which was used for the lossescovering);• balance of network phases of the consuming active and reactive power in case of abruptly variable and non-symmetrical loads;• decrease of losses in the electric drives, transformers, cables and increase of operating time of insulation and electrical equipment at the expense of decreasing the higher harmonic in the networks;• increase of durability and energy efficiency at the expense of full-load current;• voltage stabilization mode (optional), what is of interest for the “weak” networks.The device cost is effective because SVC are designed individually for each case of application and that guarantees the best results in filtering the higher harmonics and power coefficient correction and also excludes the overpay for the “excess power” when you choose standard device.SVC average payback time is about 2 years.Each device passes through a detailed computer simulation with definite application characteristics (in a regular power supply mode and with specific operation modes), in order to test and detect the possible resonance and dangerous effects.
OPERATING PRINCIPLENonlinear electric energy receivers (for example, thyristor converters, arc and induction furnaces) during the operation process are the sources of harmonic distortion in power supply network. The higher harmonics essentially influences electric equipment: additional losses in electric machines, transformers and networks; reactive power compensation becomes more complicated; operating time of electric equipment sealing gets shorter; operating of automatic equipment, telemechanics and communications worsens; electric measuring equipment becomes imprecise.In order to solve these problems we use static var compensator (SVC) (at abruptly variable load) or harmonic filters (HF) (when reactive power changes within small limits). SVC consists of thyristor compensators of reactive power (TCR), compensating reactors and harmonics filters. CONFIGURATIONThe main components of SVC are:• TCR,• compensating reactors,• higher harmonic filters consisting of filtering reactor and capacitor. Semiconductor power stabilizer depending on the power can be made as one or several cabinets connected into a section. TCR is designed as two-side servicing cabinets with protection class IP21.One-cabinet design of TCR consists of the power part and a module with control system, adjustment system, protection and alarm.
THE MOST EFFECTIVE METHODOF CONVERTER EQUIPMENT RETROFIT «Preobrazovatel-complex» is a designing and manufacturing enterprise of different assignment converter equipment – converters for DC and AC electric motors, synchronous motors exciters, turbo and hydrogenerators excitation systems, low and high voltage starters, converters for electrolysis and electro-remelting, reactive-power compensators, etc.These products are manufactured with unified microprocessor control systems. At the same time we update distressed converter equipment at the sites. Since 2000 we have updated 135 converter equipment units. Updating process as a rule doesn’t include replacement of the most expensive equipment parts – power thyristor, reactor-transformer equipment, circuit breakers. It allows equipment updating to the modern level at minimum cost.We apply hardware components of leading world manufacturers in new control systems, what ensures its quality.More then 30-years experience in designing, delivery and adjustment of different assignment converter equipment allowed us to create control algorithms, service programs, operation manuals on new element base and make them simple and comprehensible for all specialists, who have this type of equipment operation experience.The new systems are proved for serial production since 1999 in more then 600 products – new and updated ones.Simultaneously with control systems replacement it’s possible also to replace sensors, relays and other elements for modern ones, and object-oriented part of software provides addition of new functions in case of necessity.MCU have high speed double-wire interfaces for connection with upper level equipment, including other suppliers – ProfiВus DP, CAN, other on request.
Control systems provide a number of listed below service possibilities for the user. 1. Automatic control operational reconfiguration.Done with the help of console terminal, inbuilt in special service program control system.2. On-line access to all converter and drive regulated parameters with the help of console terminal. Parameters are displayed in numeric decimal view on console terminal display.3. Self-regulation of drive separate adjustment parameters. 4. Refined indication of activated protection types.In case of protection activation console terminal displays in alphabetic order the first of activated protections and then all the following ones.5. Automatic recording of emergency «trace». Recording is done by inbuilt program «Trace».
Program «Trace» is one of service programs and is provided for:• reading of converter and drive set parameters, fixed by its MCU within definiteperiod of time;• graph displaying of parameters data changing in time;• recording of fixed parameters in file, with following possibility of operation with this data in off-line mode (MCU – not necessary). Program general use – analysis of emergency situations in converter operation, for the purpose of determination and following elimination of the course led to emergency situation.The program can also be used during unit adjustment for the needed parameters setting, and also for parameters control during current operation. Graphic data analysis can be done by connection of Notebook or PC to the system.The read by program «trace» data can be transmitted to the Supplier via Internet for analysis and recommendations issuing.An example of graphic data «trace» on emergency is given on screen copy.
On request products can be packaged with inbuilt recorders of electric signals SR–91A with recording speed up to 100 usec/point. They provide continuous monitoring of analog and digital signals with the measured parameters and condition displaying in graphs on the connected PC. In case of several units presence at one site the Supplier offers complex equipment centralized diagnostics system. Diagnostics system is made on the element basis similar to KTE5 control means and is provided for: •memorization and archiving of emergency «trace»;•fixing of drive transient processes at definite point of time on duty officer or other personnel request;•event occurrence time fixing;•centralized changing of adjustment settings in several units;• documenting.Revision of thyristors with their quality checking on specialized equipment according to all the parameters is done upon agreement.From experience of works fulfillment such a method of updating is the cheapest for the Customers.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine (061) 220-47-77, 220-01-93, 220-00-12 (061) 220-47-76, 220-06-88 http://www.pcomplex.com.ua E-mail: info@pcomplex.com.ua, p_complex@hotmail.com Research-and-Production Enterprise «PREOBRAZOVATEL-COMPLEX»