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ERASMUS Student Exchange 2013/14 Coordinator : Mag. Monika Wittmann

ERASMUS Student Exchange 2013/14 Coordinator : Mag. Monika Wittmann. Places in Ireland , UK and continental Europe Needs to be updated for 2014/15 December 2012. OVERVIEW.

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ERASMUS Student Exchange 2013/14 Coordinator : Mag. Monika Wittmann

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  1. ERASMUSStudent Exchange 2013/14Coordinator: Mag. Monika Wittmann Places in Ireland, UK andcontinental Europe Needs tobeupdatedfor 2014/15 December 2012

  2. OVERVIEW Access tocoursesatthe English Department (minorornocourserestrictions)  UC Dublin  Aberdeen Nottingham Continental:  Helsinki  Leuven  Prague  Basel Exchange withthe School of Modern Languages (German, French, Spanish & otherlanguages, English/appliedlingustics) Edinburgh (linguistics, literaturesurveycourse)  Southampton (appliedlinguistics)  MMU (TEFL) As above, but withoutlEnglishinguistics:  Exeter RHUL (usefulfor Germanistik/Anglistik LA students , BA students)

  3. University College Dublin

  4. University College Dublin • 2 placesfor 9 months (semesterdates: September -December, January – May) • Anglo-Irish, English and American Literature; theLinguistics Department is a small separate unit (descriptivelinguistics) • Somecoursesmaybetakenatotherdepartments (but restrictionsapplyto such subjectsasHistory, Film Studies …) • Accommodation: hall-of-residenceaccommodation limited, private sector LINKS • International Office: http://www.ucd.ie/international/ see Incoming Erasmus • Academic calendar: http://www.ucd.ie/students/keydates.htm • UCD School of English, Drama and Film: http://www.ucd.ie/englishanddrama/index.html • UCD School of English, Drama & Film: course catalogue - links to individual study years: http://www.ucd.ie/englishanddrama/undergraduatestudies/english/ • UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies, Irish Folklore & Linguistics: http://www.ucd.ie/icsifl/index.html • Linguistics: http://www.ucd.ie/linguist/undergrad.htmlNB: horizons courses are first-year courses. You should select from “undergraduate day “2nd and 3rd year – partic. third-year!

  5. University of Aberdeen

  6. University of Aberdeen NB Scottishundergraduateprogrammecomprisefouryears, level 3 and 4 coursesareoften also referredtoashonourscourses (i.e. specialtopic / focussedcourses). • 6 semesterplaces, semestercanbechosen (dates: middleof September – end ofJanuary, end ofJanuarytomiddleof June. • Coursestobetakenpreferablefrom 3rd year (nolevel 4 coursesarepossible)The coursecatalogueisfairlysmallandcomprisesScottish, Irish, English and American Literatureas well aslinguistics, studentshavetotake a writtentest (literaryinterpretation) after arrival in order tobeallowedtotake 3rd yearcourses) • Film studiesisusuallyclosedto Erasmus students • Residence-hall accommodationpossibleLINKS: • School of Language and Literature: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/sll/ • English Department (incl. Linguistics): http://www.abdn.ac.uk/english/ • English Department, Level 3-Courses: English Department - level 3 courses • Erasmus unit (= International Office) forms FAQ: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/socrates/ • Term Dates: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/central/termdates.shtml • Course catalogue: http://www.abdn.ac.uk/registry/courses

  7. University of Nottingham

  8. University of Nottingham • Upto 3 placesfortwosemesters(semesterdates: end of September -middleofJanuary; middleofJanuary - beginningof June) • English literature, strong focus on Old andMiddle English Literatureandculture, synchroniclinguistics, corpuslinguistics • The Department of English will onlyacceptstudentswith a verygood grade average (whichwehavedefinedasbeing ~ 2,2). TOEFL or IELTS scoreswelcome. • Access tocoursesofferedbytheSchool of American & Canadian Studiesispossibleto a limited extent (remainingfreespotsonly) • On-campusaccommodationdifficult, but accommodationofficearrangesaccommodationeventsforfinding "sharedflats" LINKS • School of English: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/english/ • School of English, Informationen für Austauschstudierende: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/english/courses/ug_exchange.php • Semester dates (seesemester, not terms!!): http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/current/terms.phtml • Coursecatalogue (module = course): • http://modulecatalogue.nottingham.ac.uk/nottingham/

  9. Helsinki University • 1 semesterplace (WS) (early September - end of December, January - end of May) • Large English Department similarto Vienna (English, American and post-colonialliterature, Cultural Studies; andlinguistics; specialfocus on (historical) corpuslinguistics (cf.„Helsinki Corpus“) and on „English as a Lingua Franca“ • LINKS: • Modern Languages (English being a subunit) http://www.helsinki.fi/modernlanguages/ • International Office: Information, forms, semesterdatesetc: http://www.helsinki.fi/exchange/programmes/index.html

  10. Leuven CentreforIrish Studies • 1 semesterplaceattheKatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven (Belgium) / Leuven CentreforIrish Studies • LINKS • Irish Studies: http://ghum.kuleuven.be/lcis/ • FacultyofArts: http://www.arts.kuleuven.be/english • International / Erasmus: http://www.kuleuven.be/admissions/exchange/index.html

  11. Charles University Prague • 1 placeforonesemester (either WS or SS), preferably LA-students • The partnerfacultyisPedagogy, not Arts, but English includesdidactics / TEFL • LINKS: http://www.cuni.cz/UK-928.html

  12. Universität Basel • 1 semesterplace, either WS or SS • Courseprogrammecomparableto Vienna • LINKS: • http://www.unibas.ch/ • http://pages.unibas.ch/anglist/

  13. The universitieswhichfollow – Edinburgh, Southampton, Manchester Metropolitan, Exeterand Royal Hollowy (London) … … offernooronlyvery limited accesstotheEnglish Department. The partnerschoolisusuallytheSchool or Department of Modern Languages. Coursescanbetakenfrom German Studies andRomanceLanguages, but in somecases also in (English) Linguistics Suitableeitherfor „LA“ studentswith a complementarysecondsubjectorfor MA studentsinterested in (applied) linguistics (especially Edinburgh andSouthamption, not Manchester Metropolitan); fordetailssee individual universities

  14. University of Edinburgh

  15. University of Edinburgh NB Scottishundergraduateprogrammescomprisefouryears, level 3 and 4 coursesareoftenreferredtoashonourscourses (i.e. specialtopic / focussedcourses). • 3 placesfor 9 months(semesterdates: September – December, January – May), applicationsshouldbefortwosemesters, but one-semester (WS) staysare not entirelyimpossible • In thisprogramme, students will haveaccesstolinguisticshonourscourses, but noaccesstolevel 3 and 4 literaturecourses; thelevel 2 Scottishliteraturecourse (onecourseonly) canbecredited in Vienna (max 10 ECTS, or 2-3 semesterhours); German Department coursescan also betaken • Vienna transcriptsarecheckedcarefullyandonlystudentswithgood grades will beaccepted (however: notestnecessary) • NOTE: therearetwo additional places in DrSoukup‘sprogrammewithfullaccesstoliteraturehonoursandlinguisticscourses • Residential accommodationpossible, however, sharedhouses / flatstendtobecheaper • LINKS • Semester dates: http://www.ed.ac.uk/news/semesters/ • Information forVisitingStudents: http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/visiting-exchange/erasmus • Coursecatalogue (VisitingStudents): http://www.ed.ac.uk/studying/visiting-exchange/courses (chooseFull Year) • School ofLiteratures, LanguagesandCultures: http://www.llc.ed.ac.uk/ ( English Literature) • School ofPhilosophy, Psychologyand Language Sciences: http://www.ppls.ed.ac.uk/ (Linguisticsand English Language)

  16. University of Southampton

  17. University of Southampton • 1 placefor 9 months - nosemesterplacementpossible! • OurpartneristheSchool of Modern Languages, where French, German, Spanishistaught; in addition, theschoolfocuses on Applied Linguisticsand English Language Teaching • LINKS: • School of Modern Languages: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/ml • International Exchange (incl. Erasmus): http://www.southampton.ac.uk/international/studyabroad_exchange/studyabroad_exchange_home.shtml • Courses: http://www.soton.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/startwiththe link above, thenselectcourses such as Language andLinguistics, German, French, Spanisch etc. Thenfollowfurther links untilyoureachthe „module“ descriptions(Terminology: Course = programme, e.g. German studies; module = Lehrveranstaltung (class, unit)http://www.soton.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/

  18. Manchester Metropolitan University

  19. Manchester Metropolitan University • 2 placesforeitheroneortwo TERMS (a termisslightlyshorterthan a semester, an academicyearconsistsofthreeterms, however, thereisusuallynoteachingduringtermthree)NOTE: depending on thecoursesstudentswishtotake, itmaybenecessarytostayfortwotermsoreven, in somecases, forthreeterms; studentswishingtoreturnearliermayberestricted in theirselectionofcourses, thisrefersespeciallyto TEFL courses • OurpartneristheSchool ofLanguages, whichhassetup a solid rangeofoffersforstudentsof English, including English languageandliteraturecoursesand 1-2 linguisticscourses. The bigassetforLehramtsstudierendeistheaccessto TEFL courses, whichcanbecreditedas Englische Fachdidaktik, 2. Abschnitt. Other subjectsofferedbythe School orLanguagesinclude German, French, ItalianandSpanish (plus Arabicand Chinese) LINKS • Department ofLanguages: http://www.hlss.mmu.ac.uk/languages/ • Term Dates:  http://www2.mmu.ac.uk/about/termdates/ • International Office (applicationsforms etc.): http://www.mmu.ac.uk/international/exchange/incoming/

  20. University of Exeter

  21. University ofExeter • 1 placeforuptooneyear • The exchangeisnowwiththeSchool of Modern Languages(teachingpartly in English, partly in otherlanguages). While Film Studies and Drama arepartof Modern Languages, ourstudents will not beadmittedtothosesubunits, onlytothelanguagedivisions. • The English Department offersonlyonecourseandonlyifstudentsstayfor 9 months . English Department courses cover literatureandculturalstudies; Exeterdoes not have a linguisticsdepartment. • The placecanbeusefulfor LA studentswith German Studies orfor BA studentswishingto cover Alternative Erweiterungen. Exeter University is a smalluniversity, andthisas well asitsnumerousstudentsocietiesfacilitates quick integration. LINKS • School ofArts, LanguagesandLiteratures: http://humanities.exeter.ac.uk/ • International Office: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/international • Term dates: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/about/facts/termdates/

  22. Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL)

  23. Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) • 1-2 placesforoneortwosemesters(September – December, January – early June) • Again, ourpartneris Modern Languages. The English Department (nolinguistics!) acceptsourstudentsonlyafter RHUL studentsof English haveselectedtheirunitsforthefollowingyear (listofcoursesavailableissent out in thesummer). Nevertheless, potential candidateshavetohave a good grade average. • Accommodation on-campus (residencehalls) goodchancetoapplysuccessfully • As withExeter, ourtargetgroupwouldeitherbe BA studentscompletingtheir Alternative Erweiterungen or (possibly) LA students (UF English: freie Wahlfächer + Zweitfach Deutsch oder Französisch) LINKS • English Department: English Departmentforinformation on courses, searchthedepartmentalwebsite • International Office / Erasmus: http://www.rhul.ac.uk/international/studyabroadandexchanges/erasmusexchange/home.aspx • College calendar: http://www.rhul.ac.uk/aboutus/collegecalendar/home.aspx 

  24. Applicationdeadline: 14 Februar 2014 Applyonly ONCE for (upto) threedepartmentalprogrammes (Draxlbauer, Soukup, Wittmann). The deadlineandrequirementsareidentical. Applicationrequirements: application form and a typedmotivationletter in English (onetotwopages (DO NOT writemorethantwopages; do not submitreferenceletters etc.). A smallpassport-sizedpictureshouldbeincluded on thefirstpageofyourletter. Nomorethanfouruniversitiesshouldbeselected, andtheyshould all be dealt with in ONE motivationletter. Whetheryousubmityourapplication in Decemberor on thevery last day will havenoeffect on thesuccessofyourapplication. The qualityofyourargumentsandyouracademiccredentialscount. Selectioncriteriaincludeacademicrecord so far, academicinterestsand in howfarthey fit in withtheuniversitiesselected; possibleplansforyourthesis, otherargumentsyoumaytellus in yourletter (also previousexperienceabroad etc.) Submityourapplicationeitherpersonallywith Mag. Monika Wittmann (officehours Tue 2-4 pm) orputthemintotheenvelopeat her door (or send byemailattachmentor post) (forFebruaryofficehours, check anglistik.univie.ac.at/staff/wittmann/) You will receive a standardised email (circular) atthebeginningof March withfurtherinformation. SAVE THE DATE: Interviews will takeplaceon 12 March 2014 (9 am – ca 4 pm)(Dies Academicus, i.e. nocourses)

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