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Examenul CT in AVC. Prof. dr. DANISIA HABA UMF GR.T. Popa Iasi Dep. de Radiologie, Sp. Cl. De Urgenta Prof. dr. N. Oblu Iasi. ACCIDENTE VASCULARE CEREBRALE (AVC).
Examenul CT in AVC Prof. dr. DANISIA HABA UMF GR.T. Popa Iasi Dep. de Radiologie, Sp. Cl. De Urgenta Prof. dr. N. Oblu Iasi
ACCIDENTE VASCULARE CEREBRALE (AVC) AVC= deficit neurologic care are drept cauza o leziune vasculara arteriala (frecventa~90%) si implica o leziune temporala/permanenta a parenchimului cerebral. AVCarteriale - ischemice~ 80%, - hemoragice~20% , pot fi intra-parenchimatoase +/- HSA AVC venoase –tromboze venoase cerebrale
AVC Ischemie arteriala : 80% Occluzia vaselor mari15-40% Emboli cardiaci 15-30% Infarct lacunar al v. mici 15-30% Leziuni sanghine, vascularita 5-10% Hemoragie parenchimatoasa 15% HAS 5% Ischemie venoasa 1%
Infarct cerebral acut in ACM stg. la o pacienta de 56ani. A. CT cranio-cerebral initial , fara contrast, evidentiind hiperdensitate in ACM stanga. (“dense MCA”) is noted (early CT sign of MCA infarct). On follow-up CT scan 1 day later, hypodensity in the vascular territory of the right MCA is clearly depicted. Hemorrhagic transformation of the MCA infarctionis detected 48 h after the onset of symptoms
Hemorrhagic transformation of the MCA infarction is detected 48 h after the onset of symptoms . On unenhanced CT scan of the brain, subtle hypodensity is observed in the right insular cortex. b, c CT angiography (CTA) demonstrates occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery
On unenhanced CT scan of the brain, subtle hypodensity is observed in the right insular cortex. b, c CT angiography (CTA) - occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery
Acute right MCA infarct in a 60-year-old male patient. On initial unenhanced CT scan of the brain, hyperdensity along the right middle cerebral artery (“dense MCA”) -early CT sign of MCA infarct. On follow-up CT scan 1 day later, hypodensity in the vascular territory of the right MCA
CT in a patient with left-sided weakness, 2 h after the onset of symptoms. Subtle hypoattenuation and sulcal effacement in the right insular region are noted on unenhanced CT of the brain. (Courtesy of Bidyut USA) K. Pramanik, New York University, NY,
Low perfusion is detected in the region of the right MCA on PCT maps (time-to-peak, cerebral blood volume). (Courtesy of Bidyut USA) K. Pramanik, New York University
a-c. Comparison of nonenhanced computed tomography (NECT) and diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) in the detection of acute ischemia (both imaging modalities performed 3 h after onset). a NECT scan of the brain shows subtle hypodensity in the left frontal region. B Increased signal intensity is shown on DWI in the affected region. c Low apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value on the ADC map suggests restricted diffusion in acute ischemia