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Rationality, Language, and the Brain. Darwin’s Family Tree. Francis Galton (1822-1911). Eugenics (“well-born”): The attempt to improve the human race through selective breeding . Galton’s Chart of notable persons with family member of talent. HEREDITARY GENIUS 1869.
Francis Galton (1822-1911) Eugenics (“well-born”): The attempt to improve the human race through selective breeding
Galton’s Chart of notable persons with family member of talent HEREDITARY GENIUS 1869
Samuel Morton (1799-1850) Crania Americana (1839) Crania Aegyptica (1844)
PAUL BROCA (1824-1880) Founded Société d’Anthropologie in Paris 1859 first Anthropological Society
(1875) (1871)
Stereograph for drawing the shape of the skull (a tenth its natural size) From Essays on Anthropology Paul Broca 2 vols. (1871) p. 144
Compass to measure micrometric thickness From Essays on Anthropology Paul Broca 2 vols. (1871) p. 153
General Instructions for anthropological research and observations Paul Broca, (1865)
Template for determination of eye color and skin color Paul Broca Instructions générales pour les recherches et observations anthropologiques (1865)
Basque Skulls Brachyocephalic— Broader, short-headed (Dolicocephalic— long-headed Parisian skulls) Mémoires D’Anthropologie Paul Broca, 1871
from Étude sur le Cerveau du Gorille Paul Broca (1878)
Brain of a young male chimpanzee (left) Brain of the Hottentot Venus (right) Edmund Gurney, Henry Sedgwick & Frederick Myers
Report on Phineas Gage Boston Post September, 1848
Phineas Gage’s Death Mask and SkullWarren Anatomical Museum Countway Medical Library, Boston
“ the most elevated cerebral faculties such as judgment, reflection, the faculties of comparison and abstraction have their seat in the frontal convolutions, while convolutions of the temporal, parietal and occipital lobes are affected by sentiments, predilections and passions.” Broca (1861) p. 57.
Brain of Leborgne “Tan” Broca’s patient Diagnosed with aphemia (loss of speech) also called aphasia Diagram of Broca’s area— Third frontal convolution
“If this be the process of evolution, then the reverse process of dissolution is not only a ‘taking off’ of the higher, but is at the very same time a ‘letting go’ of the lower. If the governing body of this country were destroyed suddenly, we should have two causes for lamentation: 1) the loss of services of eminent men; and 2) the anarchy of the now uncontrolled people.” John Hughlings Jackson (1887)
General Paralysis Success Story • 1896 German pathologist Franz Nissl diagnoses general pareses on basis of cellular pathological evidence • c. 1898 Richard von Krafft-Ebing injects fluid from sores of known syphilitics into the blood of general pareses patients. It is assumed that they are already infected • 1905 Franz Schaudinn demonstrates presence of Treponema palidum, a microorganism, in the primary lesions of syphilis.
General Paralysis Success Story, cont. • 1906 August von Wasserman develops first immunological test for the diagnosis of syphilis • 1910 Paul Ehrlich develops Salvarsan (Number 606, the ‘magic bullet’) for the treatment of syphilis and neurosyphilis, or what used to be called general paralysis.
Disease Models of the Brain-late 1800s • Dissolution—higher brain levels impaired, releasing activity of less evolved brain areas, • Localization—destruction of certain localized cerebral areas • Germ Theory--microorganism invades the brain and causes disease