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STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM FUDING RESOURCES • (PAHTF, CNH & ESG) • Pamela Atkinson Homeless Trust Fund (PAHTF) • Critical Needs Housing (CNH) • Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Pamela Atkinson Homeless Trust Fund (PAHTF) Cont. Definition PAHTF funding can be used to provide emergency services to low-income individuals or families in need of assistance such as emergency shelter, temporary shelter, food, childcare, and case management services in moving towards self-sufficiency and helping to prevent homelessness.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Pamela Atkinson Homeless Trust Fund (PAHTF) Cont. Definition PAHTF is for the purpose of serving low-income/homeless clients with the following services: • Shelter - Mass shelter, one bed night, motel vouchers if the shelter is full or the agency does not have a shelter facility. • Food - Hot nutritious meal, sack meal, replenish food pantry. • Case Management - Financial counseling, employment, housing, supportive services and other (Please define other). • Day Care - Pay for a homeless child’s Day Care services in order for parent to be able to go work or job search. • Outreach - Help homeless individuals on the street. • Transitional Housing – One night of TH with case management services. • Other – Innovative self-sufficiency program services.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Pamela Atkinson Homeless Trust Fund (PAHTF) Cont. Definition
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Critical Needs Housing (CNH) Definition CNHfunding can be used as emergency home repairs for low income individuals, families, senior citizens, disabled individuals and special needs people to assist them in retaining their home and prevent homelessness.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Critical Needs Housing (CNH) Cont. Definition CNH monies is allocated to agencies for the following client services: Accessibility Design for Disabled Accessibility Design (Not the same as emergency home repair for disabled) • Mobility problem assessment • Accessibility-training workshops • Design options and construction plan for accessibility modifications to homes and community buildings throughout the State of Utah Emergency Home Repairs-General Home repairs to low-income individuals who own and are living in their housing at the present time to correct life threatening housing deficiencies. • Minor roof repair/replacement • Furnace repair/replacement
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Critical Needs Housing (CNH)- (Cont.) Definition • Plumbing • Water/Waste project – septic system, culinary water line repairs • Leveling of flooring • Other direct accessibility project expenses Emergency Home Repair – Disabled Access Renovate permanent housing for better access to help low-income homeowners remain in their home. • Grab Bar • Wheel chair ramp • Retrofitting bathrooms • Handrails • Stair lifts • Other – direct home modifications for better access expenses
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Critical Needs Housing (CNH)- (Cont.) Definition Grants to Leverage Housing Monies and Supportive Services Funds will provide a match to competitive federal grants to help low- income individuals to continue working towards self-sufficiency. • Assist Utah service providers in winning competitive funding. • Service to low-income persons and/or permanent housing project construction. Other-Housing Innovative Projects This category cannot duplicate the Olene Walker Housing Trust Fund program projects. Match Requirement for CNH Funds • CNH recipient is required to match this grant 1 dollar to every 4 dollars awarded.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Critical Needs Housing (CNH) Cont. Outcome and Service Units
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Definition The ESG grant is a federal formula base-grant program that is designed to be the first step in a continuum of assistance to prevent homelessness and enable homeless individuals and families to move towards self-sufficiency. Household Income must be at or below 125% of the Federal Poverty Level (See Poverty Guideline Eligibility Chart). ESG funds can be used to provide facilities and services to meet the needs of homeless people by increasing the number and quality of emergency shelters and transitional housing facilities and essential services for homeless Individuals and families to prevent homeless. The following are ESG eligible project activities: • Renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of building into homeless shelters • Operating expenses • Essential Services • Homeless Prevention activities (Please refer to attached 2011 poverty Guidelines eligibility chart)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Cont. Definition Renovations, Rehabilitation & Conversion The regulations differentiate the three types of improvements and bases continued use restrictions of the shelter on the level of improvements. Conversion – a change in the use of a building to an emergency shelter for the homeless where the cost of conversion and any rehabilitation costs exceed 75 percent of the value of the facility after conversion. Renovation – a rehabilitation that involves costs of 75 percent or less of the value of the facility before renovation. Major Rehabilitation – a rehabilitation that involves cost in excess of 75 percent of the value of the building before rehabilitation. Note: Value of the facility means the monetary value assigned to a building by an independent real estate appraiser, or as otherwise reasonably established by the grantee or the State recipient.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Cont. Definition Renovation, Rehabilitation & Conversion Eligible Expenditures • Existing Homeless Shelter • Existing Transitional Housing • The Shelter Facility-must be in use for a period of 3 or 10 years Ineligible Cost • Acquisition of Real Property • New Construction • Property Clearance or Demolition • Not general repair works –(examples: such as painting, plumbing repairs, electrical repairs and or any essential item needed to maintain any part of the facility.)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Cont. Definition Renovation, Rehabilitation & Conversion Ineligible Cost (cont.) • Rehabilitation administration • Staff training or fund raising activities associated with rehabilitation • Building maintenance and repairs (See ESG Desk Guide - Operations)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Cont. Definition Operations & Maintenance Funds can be used to cover a broad array of emergency shelter and transitional housing costs to provide services to the homeless. Operating Cost Expenses incurred by a recipient directly operating a facility assisted under this subtitle with respect to: a) The maintenance, repair, and security of such housing; and b) Utilities, fuels, furnishings, and equipment for such housing.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Cont. Definition Operations & Maintenance Eligible Cost • Various eligible operating costs related to the provision of emergency and transitional housing maintenance, operation, insurance, utilities and furnishings, except that not more than 10 percent of the amount of any grant received under this subtitle may be used for costs of staff. • Payment for shelter maintenance, operation, rent, repairs, security, fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities, food and furnishings. Ineligible Cost • Recruitment or on-going training of staff, depreciation, costs associated with organization rather than supportive services, etc. (See ESG Program Desk Guide for additional ineligible program cost)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Essential Services Essential services address the immediate needs of the homeless, and can help enable homeless persons in becoming more independent and to secure permanent housing.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Essential Services Eligibility Criteria • Homeless persons living on the street • Homeless persons in emergency shelter or transitional housing • New homeless services • For new funding or increased funding request you will need to demonstrate a quantifiable increase in services above the level previously funded
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOSURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Essential Services Qualified Services Essential services include services in relations to - employment, health, drug abuse, and education and may include (but are not limited): • Assistance in obtaining permanent housing; • Medical & Psychological counseling and supervision; • Employment counseling; • Nutritional counseling; • Substance abuse treatment and counseling;
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Essential Services Eligible Activities • Assistance in obtaining other Federal, State and local assistance including mental health benefits; employment counseling; medical assistance; Veteran’s benefits; and income support assistance such as supplemental Security Income benefits; Aide to Families with Dependent Children, General Assistance, and Food Stamps; • Other services such as child care, transportation, job placement and job training; • Staff salaries necessary to provide the above services.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Essential Services Ineligible Activities • Existing services and staff (services must be new or provided to more people) • Salary of case management supervisor not working directly on client issues • Advocacy, planning, and organizational capacity building • Staff recruitment/training • Transportation costs not directly associated with service delivery
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Homeless Prevention Homeless Prevention means activities or programs designed to prevent the incidence of homelessness by developing and implementing homeless prevention measures.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Homeless Prevention Eligibility Criteria • Being evicted within a week from a private dwelling unit; • Being discharged within a week from an institution in which the person resided for more than 30 consecutive days. • Obtain evidence of an eviction, foreclosure or utility termination notice(s). • Evidence that the inability to pay was sudden, necessary to prevent homelessness, and resumption of payment is expected within the near future.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Homeless Prevention • Evidence would include – notice of termination from utility provider, copy of court documents that eviction was imminent or foreclosure documents stating foreclosure proceeding were pending. Sudden loss of income means – loss of a job or inability to work due to illness.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Homeless Prevention Qualified Services • Short-term subsidies to defray rent and utility arrearages for families that have received eviction or utility termination notices; • Security deposits or first month’s rent to permit a homeless family to move into their own apartment; • Mediation programs for landlord-tenant disputes; • Legal services programs for the representation of indigent tenants in eviction proceedings; • Payments to prevent foreclosure on a home; • Other innovative programs and activities designed to help prevent the incidence of homelessness.
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. DEFINITION Homeless Prevention Ineligible Activities • Preparation of Consolidated Plan and other application submissions • Conferences or training in professional field such as accounting and financial management • Salary of organization’s executive director (except to the extent involved in carrying out eligible administrative functions)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) (Cont.) (Applies to all ESG Categories) Required Match of ESG Funds • ESG recipient is required to match this grant dollar for dollar from other public or private sources by: a) Providing matching funds itself b) Voluntary efforts by any recipient or project sponsor • Evidence of Matching ESG funds must be provided after the date of award. (Note: Funds used to match previous ESG grants may not be used to match another subsequent grant award.)
STATE HOMELESS PROGRAM RESOURCES EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) Cont. References Please refer to the Emergency Shelter Desk Guide for further detailed information on ESG criteria, compliance and program requirements at website address listed below: http://www.hudhre.info/index.cfm?do=viewEsgDeskguide 2001 ESG Desk Guide Manual • ESG Downloadable Desk Guide • Desk Guide Cover • Introduction through section 4 • Open the PDF File – this is the complete Desk Guide Manuel to download for your use
Department of Health and Human Services2011 Poverty Guidelines
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