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IE 201. INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING DESIGN. L3-E Presentation. Team 5 Abdullah AbuKhwejah Leader Abdullah Siami Recorder Adam Jalal Responder Rami Almatani Time keeper Mohamed AlShayea Facilitator. Agenda.
L3-E Presentation Team 5 Abdullah AbuKhwejah Leader Abdullah Siami Recorder Adam Jalal Responder Rami Almatani Time keeper Mohamed AlShayea Facilitator
Agenda • Context 2 min • The work 5 min • L3-a Problem Definition 5 min • L3-b Idea Generation 5 min • L-3c Artifact Selection 5 min • L-3d Implementation 5 min • L-3e Testing an assembly plan 5min • Discussion 5 min
CONTEXT: The main goal for us in this project is to prepare for engineering practice through the curriculum culminating in a real-life design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work and incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints. L3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES: • Achieve the ability to form and interact with an industry Advisory Committee which will serve as consultants who help students achieve the project’s objectives. • Achieve some knowledge about how a real engineered product works. • Achieve some awareness about how a real engineered product is manufactured.
L3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES: • Help Junior / Senior High School Students learn something about engineering as a possible career.. • Achieve the ability to Define a Problem, Generate Solutions, make criteria-based Decisions, and Plan.. • Achieve ability to create and document a process. • Achieve ability to function as a productive team. • Achieve ability to manage a project. • Achieve ability to create and maintain a Design Notebook. • Demonstrate ability to assess the quality of work in a Design Notebook.
Introduction • Before we start working on the project, we need spend time on problem definition. The problem is that students do to know enough bout manufacturing. • We will use some methods that will improve our skills in problem definition. • Problem definition has several methods which are present state/desired state, statement/restatement process and Duncker diagram. We need to evaluate the problem
The work • This assignment contains three steps which are: • Information gathering. • Problem Definition. • Evaluation of Problems.
Information Gathering • We've got this definition about manufacturing from www.manufacturing.com: • " Is the transformation of raw materials into finished goods for sale, or intermediate processes involving the production of finishing semi-manufactures. It involves mechanical or chemical transformation of materials into new substances"
Problem Definition In our assignment we are required to consider only three methods : Present state/Desired state Duncker Diagram Statement/Restatement
Duncker Diagram for our problem Problem Problem We don't know enough about manufacturing We don't know enough about manufacturing General solution General solution Increase knowledge in manufacturing Increase knowledge in manufacturing Functional solutions Functional solutions research join a company research join a company books , internet summer training, co-up Specific solutions books , internet summer training, co-up
Evaluation of problem • Now that we used three techniques define the problem, we need to check to make sure we are going in the right direction. Consequently, we need to evaluate problem definition before proceeding further. The following checklist could help us in this evaluation: • Have all the pieces of the problem been identified? • Yes. We identified the problem in the work. • Have all constraints been identified? • Yes. Time and the low level of experience.
Discussion • This assignment helped us gain major knowledge about gathering information, problem definition and evaluation of the problem. • This assignment is the first part of the capstone project. We collected information about manufacturing from different sources that helped us to confirm all findings and as a result we feel satisfied about this information. • We also introduced three methods of problem definition to define the problem: present state/desired state, Ducker diagram and statement/restatement .
Introduction This assignment is the second part of the project (L-3b Idea Generation) and in this assignment we will generate a rich set of possible artifacts and set of constraints (musts) and desires (wants) that can be used to help us choose the artifact for the project.
The work In this assignment we did three tasks which are: • Task 1 What are the Possible Artifacts? • Task 2 What are the Constraints? • Task 3 What are your Desires?
Task 1 • First, we individually use Brainstorming to generate 20 artifacts that can be suitable for the project. • secondly, we used the Boggle Method to eliminate the similar ideas. • Then, we went for the Affinity Process. • we applied the multi voting technique on the ideas. • At the end, we took the top ten ideas.
Task 1 This is the last ten artifact with multi voting
Task 2 • First, we are given already 5 musts, we added another 5 to become 10 musts. • Second, we applied Obsorn's Checklist to some of the 10 musts to get more musts. • The last step, we removed the constraints that we do not need to become 10 different musts.
Task 3 • First, we individually generated 20 wants. Secondly, we used Boggle Method to eliminate the similar wants. • Then, we went for the Affinity Process to categorize the similar wants. • After that, we increased the set of wants by using Random Stimulation Technique. • Finally, we applied multi voting to take the first 20 wants.
Task 3 This is an example of Random Stimulation Technique that we did. Each member of the team said a random word, and then we got a set of words: Able, Beautiful, Energy, Fast, Good, Hand Person, Remote, Start, Steel, Stop, Touch and Use. Then, we tried to get sentences that will help us and add them to the set of wants. So, we can say that: • Beautiful and good touch • Remote to start and stop the engine • Any person able to use it
conclusion At the end of this assignment (L-3b Idea Generation) which is the second part in the project. Where we generated a rich set of possible artifacts and a set of constraints (musts) and desires (wants) which helped us to choose the best ten artifacts for the project.
Introduction • In this assignment we continued to use the information we got from the previous two assignments and we applied the information to a K.T.D.A table. • First we applied the musts to the available artifacts to see which artifacts we could continue with. • Secondly we applied the wants to the left artifacts which were three. • Finally we write down the possible estimates of the artifact we are going to work on , and how long it might take us.
Adverse Consequence sample Alternative-bicycle
Cost Estimate We study the cost estimate for the Bicycle • Time: 6 hours 6 hours X 5 members = 35 hr • Materials: Bicycle: 150 SR Dynamo: 50 SR Wires: 30 SR Radio: 15 SR • Tools: Screw driver: 10 SR Total: 255 SR
Our project artifact • We chose the bicycle to be applied in our project, because it is simple to dissect and reassemble and has Mechanical parts and we can add electrical parts. • The idea of project is to explain how we can transfer the motional energy into electrical energy that can we use in any electric device.
Discussion • At the end of this assignment which L3-c, we got one important result which is one artifact. In this assignment we applied the techniques that we applied in the concept weeks to get one artifact from ten that we got at the end of the last assignment. • These techniques are K.T. Decision Analysis and Adverse Consequences. So, we got benefits from this assignment.
Introduction • This is the fourth installment of the IE 201 project which is L3-D (implementation). • This step comes right after we have selected the artifact which is to obtain, dissect the artifact and prepare for the final step. • In this assignment we will apply the KTSA on the artifact and develop a (Gantt chart) that shows when the tasks will be completed. • Finally we will sketch our artifact parts after dissection and shall number the parts so that it will be easy for us to put back together.
We first apply the Kepner-Tregoe Situation Analysis KTSA on the artifact that we obtained from the previous assignment which is Bicycle to help us prioritize the tasks and activities that remain to be completed. The Work
- The table below shows the KTDA for our implementation problems
Now, after applying the KTDA we need to have a Gantt Chart toshow when the tasks will be completed. It lets us know who is working on each task and how long it will take. Gantt Chart
The Sketches Now, we go for the artifact parts' sketches. After we dissected the Bicycle we made sketches for each part followed by a number and its name to make it easy when we put back together.
BICYCLE SKETCHES dynamo bicycle
Discussion • We have come to the end of the assignment L3-D (implementation) which was the fourth assignment for this project. • It contained firstly, the KTSA table and results. • secondly we used the results and added them to a Gantt chart which helped us figure out who was doing what and how long it would take to achieve. • And last but not least we drew some sketches of the parts after dissection to artifact, and we numbered the parts so that it would be easier to put back together.
Introduction • This is the fifth and final installment of the project (L3-D), which is testing an assembly plan and evaluation plus an environment impact statement. • During assembly, we can spend time reviewing the parts and discussing how they might have been creating a bill of materials (BOM) for our artifact and its part, it includes the name & number etc. • Secondly, create an assembly plan. In this part we shall study the parts, evaluating it by undertaking a (KTPPA). • Thirdly, we test our assembly plan using a willing worker. We will then discuss the results of the final product in relation to its impact on environment.
First, we make a bill of materials table that lists the name of each part and part number …etc The Work
Now, we apply the KTPPA ( Kepner-Tregoe) Potential Problem Analysis on the potential problems to highlight potential problems and then use the results from KTPPA to revise our assembly plan.
Now, we go for assembly plan. The following is the plan that we followed when we were reassembling our artifact (Bicycle)
1. We put the first part (vehicle) upside down on the ground.2. Fix the two wheels into body bar.3. Fix the gear into vehicle.4. Fix the chain.5. Test the chain and make sure it is OK.6. Fix the two dynamos on the back wheel. They help us transfer the motional energy into electrical energy.7. Fix the radio on bicycle handle.8. Use wires for connecting dynamo to radio.9.Test the entire artifact. Assembly Plan
(No pollution) Actually, our artifact (Bicycle with a Radio) is more safe than other tools for transporting because it has no engine that exhausts useless gases as there in cars. Artifact Impact on the Environment
Artifact Cultural & Social Impact Here in our country, there are persons who usually • use the bicycle: the most are kids and also some foreign persons. • When kids use the bicycle with radio, they will have fun by • listening to radio when transporting or • having a ride around somewhere.
Discussion • At the end of this last assignment of our project, we wish that we could cover all the objectives required from us. • We studied the social, cultural, and environmental impact and now we are knowledgeable about the effect of our project on each. • Now, we can say that the main goal of project which is manufacturing is achieved.