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SLIDES FOR UNIT ONE. PUBLIC RELATIONS. TRAPS IN THE INFO-CLIMATE. P A L L. What is cast over today's info-climate. TRAPS IN THE INFO-CLIMATE. P. A. L. L. Peril of entry level employment (pillar to post). Audience attention: short bursts of information. Lawyers are everywhere.
TRAPS IN THE INFO-CLIMATE P A LL What is cast over today's info-climate..
TRAPS IN THE INFO-CLIMATE P A L L Peril of entry level employment (pillar to post). Audience attention: short bursts of information. Lawyers are everywhere. Leaks are primary sources of information.
INDIVIDUAL INITIATIVE AND SURVIVAL P U S H Partitioning essential in complex problems. "Using" not necessarily dirty word. Setting the stage for telling a story. Harassment has many channels.
THE WHISPER-STREAM C U T E What being seen in the WS seems to most people.
THE WHISPER-STREAM T E C U Context is everything (reading transcript). Uncontrollable information in the whisper stream. Two-edged nature of celebrity. Everyone can be an informant.
ACCELERATED INFORMATION ENVIRONMENT P A C E What must be judged in accelerated information.
RULES FOR CRISES P A C E Power of the courts. Alone and isolated: powerful motivation. Commentator versus journalist. Everything is on the record.
RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEDIA WO R N What relationships with media become.
RELATIONSHIPS WITH MEDIA W O R N Watch your intimate relationships. Only in certain instances can sources be protected. Restrictions on "citizen-journalists": unclear. New publishing entities created in blogosphere.
ROLES, REAL AND PROJECTED F A K E Being seen as this is EOC's biggest problem.
ROLES, REAL AND PROJECTED F A K E Farther apart, the more trouble. Appearance still the principle cue. Knowledge is still best solution. Evolution of diversity drags advertising along.
INCREASING COMPLEXITY OF APPEALS C A R P What constant assault on appeals seems like.
INCREASING COMPLEXITY OF APPEALS R P C A Conflict about who EOCers "really" are. Absorbed into roles IRL. Ranges from shallow to deep. Psychology has always driven EOC.
CREATIVITY AS BUSINESS DRIVEN B R I M What the creative mind must seem filled to.
CREATIVITY AS BUSINESS DRIVEN B R I M Business stimulates but constrains. Research increasing in importance. "Invented love": omnipotent ad man. Makes the research fit the plan.
ADVERTISING'S FAMOUS PARADOXES B A S H What people like to do to advertising.
ADVERTISING'S FAMOUS PARADOXES B A S H Best appeal often most direct ("I love to smoke"). Advertising is both a small and a gigantic "world." Scary amorality of advertising "appeal." History shapes how we "remember" (Nixon/Kennedy).
DEALING WITH DRY SPELL F I S H Have to cast line to catch anything.
DEALING WITH DRY SPELL F I S H "Fear stimulates my imagination." Internal competition feeds external success. Seek stimulation in others. Have faith in ability to be inspired.
RULES FOR CRISES R O L E What everyone must understand in crisis.
RULES FOR CRISES R O L E Rules must be specified clearly. Often threat of force under refined language. Language importance (hostage-taker's "bureauspeak"). Embedded decisions are standard.
THE CONTEXT FOR CRISES C R O W What negotiators often have to "eat."
THE CONTEXT FOR CRISES O W C R Complicating nature of historical relationships (Ava). Relentless politeness (to avoid eruption). Offenders can read and exploit situation. Who is on-site very important.
ROLES PLAYED IN CRISIS B O S S What everyone tries to be in crisis.
ROLES PLAYED IN CRISIS B O S S Bonding on surface (chicken), deep (both "bad boys"). Old patterns, roles suspended. Sides mutually manipulate each other. Security involves many stakeholders.
"SELLING" A SOLUTION S O L D What all parties have to be, regarding crisis.
"SELLING" A SOLUTION S O L D Saving face highly important in crises. Options run out: the most dangerous situations. Limits (legally) to what can be provided are many. Difficulty determining what offenders "really" want.
ROLE OF MUTUAL RESPECT F R E E What mutual respect makes everyone.
ROLE OF MUTUAL RESPECT F R E E Faults: everyone has them ("always some lawsuit"). Religion with crime: unique configurations of culture. Ending of the story: provides hope. Establishing equality: "like regular ol' human beings."
SENSITIVITY TO RACIAL DISPUTES R A S H What hyper-sensitivity seems to most.
SENSITIVITY TO RACIAL DISPUTES R A S H Right of everyone to be offended. Academics tend to exploit the divisions. Segmentation can go on forever. Hyper-sensitivity's positive side.
WORKING WITH ETHNIC DISPUTES R I O T What you obviously want to avoid.
WORKING WITH ETHNIC DISPUTES O T R I Radar: sensitivity is superb detecting device. Identity symbols come in clusters. Often a commercial consideration. Taking offense: better to know who and when.
DEBATES ABOUT RACE G R I M What racial debates often seem to be.
DEBATES ABOUT RACE G R I M Growth of protest to overcome everything else. Racial wrangling, pointless? (Karen's death) Interpreting history always a factor (Zimm's book). Media events: what debates become, in all channels.
FASHIONING THE CULTURAL MESSAGE S P I N How culture advocates mold their messages.
FASHIONING THE CULTURAL MESSAGE S P I N Specialists have agendas for seeing race in certain ways. PR wars: battles waged for "hearts and minds." Internet makes spread of misinformation easier. Now possible to question every historical hero.
COMPLICATING FACTORS IN DIVERSITY DISPUTES F E A R What motivates claims about ethnicity.
COMPLICATING FACTORS IN DIVERSITY DISPUTES F E A R Fiction and fact get confused. Everyone can claim some status. Actors playing roles confused with real people. Righteousness is mainspring of taking offense.