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FEMALE SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS. Richer voice Hair growth Sex desire Broader pelvic bone Breast development Ovulation Menstruation Sex organs develop Acne Increased perspiration Emotional. FEMALE REPRODUCTION. FEMALE EXTERNAL GENITALS (VULVA). FEMALE REPRODUCTION.

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  1. FEMALE SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTICS • Richer voice • Hair growth • Sex desire • Broader pelvic bone • Breast development • Ovulation • Menstruation • Sex organs develop • Acne • Increased perspiration • Emotional




  5. Ovum are extremely minute, measuring about 0.2 mm. in diameter, and are enclosed within the egg follicle. The mature sperm cell (spermatozoa) is 0.05mm long. Ovum and Sperm


  7. FIBROIDS • Fibroid tumors are benign muscle cell growths. Fibroids form from the muscular layer of the uterus. • Fibroids can cause heavier menstrual flows, cramping, pelvic pain and back and/or leg pain. • Fibroids can be surgically removed. • Fibroids affect one-third of the female population worldwide. • Females’ may be unaware of fibroids in their uterus.

  8. TUBAL LIGATION Tubal ligation (or "tying the tubes") is surgery to close a woman's fallopian tubes. These tubes connect the ovaries to the uterus. A woman who has this surgery can no longer get pregnant (sterile). Tubal ligation is done in a hospital or outpatient clinic. You may receive general anesthesia. This will make you unconscious and unable to feel pain. Or, you may have local anesthesia (awake and unable to feel pain) or spinal anesthesia (awake but unable to feel pain). You will likely receive medicine to also make you sleepy. The procedure takes about 30 minutes. Your surgeon will make one or two small incisions (cuts) in your belly, usually around the belly button. Gas may be pumped into your belly to expand it. This helps your surgeon see your uterus and fallopian tubes. Your surgeon will insert a laparoscope (a narrow tube with a tiny camera on the end) into your belly. Instruments to block off your tubes will be inserted through the laparoscope or through a separate, very small incision. The tubes are either cauterized (burned shut) or clamped off with a small clip or ring (band). Tubal ligation can also be done right after you have a baby through a small incision in the navel or during a cesarean section. Another technique for sterilization involves going through the cervix and placing coils or plugs in the tubes where they connect with the uterus (sterilization implants).

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