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The Main Message Part I

A New Approach to Programme and Project Management: A Short Comment Per-Erik Ellström Linköping University www.liu.se/helix. The Main Message Part I. Planning driven models of project management don’t do the job, that is, to create long term impact and sustainable change.

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The Main Message Part I

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  1. A New Approach to Programme and Project Management: A Short CommentPer-Erik EllströmLinköping Universitywww.liu.se/helix

  2. The Main MessagePart I Planning driven models of project management don’t do the job, that is, to create long term impact and sustainable change

  3. Planning Driven Models Have too strong a focus on: • goals, plans and activities, rather than on long term impact of the project or programme – intentions rather than effects • summative evaluation based on the three C model (control groups, counterfactual analysis and cost-benefit analysis)

  4. Too much confidence in one-way communication (“the Magic Bullet Principle”) Information/dissemination of project results Sustainable change = changes in people’s attitudes, thoughts and actions

  5. Together with a strong focus on a logic of production • The Logic of Development: • reflection, alternative thinking, experimentation, risk taking; • tolerance of ambiguity, variation, and mistakes; • critical analysis; • developmental (creative) learning • The Logic of Production: • high demands on efficiency; • problem-solving through avoidance or the application of • given rules or instructions • a focus on consensus, and stability – low tolerance of variation • adaptive learning

  6. The Main MessagePart II • Sustainable change and development is to a large extent a matter of: • Developmental (creative) learning • Driven by on-going evaluation

  7. Ongoing Evaluation (or Learning Evaluation) • is a formative rather than a summative form of evaluation • with a steering and control function based on continuous feedback to the actors • a “disturbance function” that invites us to stop and reflect on what we are doing, why and with what consequences, i.e. to trigger developmental learning • and a function to support continuous learning integrated with the project/programme

  8. Learning Through Ongoing Evaluation: The Three S Model Steering/control Supporting Stirring up

  9. A Model of Ongoing Evaluation Theories and concepts Data collection and analysis Problems/ issues Research/Evaluation Conceptualisation and interpretation of the evaluation object Project/Programme Problems/ issues Project Activities Program Theories

  10. Knowledge Creation for Sustainable Change A multi-disciplinary research programme A partnership between research, companies, public sector and labour market organizations An interactive research approach

  11. The HELIX Partnership Companies SAAB Inc, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Inc, Toyota/BT Products Inc, Rimaster Inc, Industrial Competence Inc, IDC Östergötland Inc (“Industrial Development Centre”) Research and Higher Education Linköping University, Four Departments: Behavioural Sciences and Learning (IBL) Management and Engineering (IEI) Medicine and Health Sciences (IMH) Studies of Social Change and Culture (ISAK) Labor Market Organizations IF Metall (“Swedish Metal and Industrial Workers’ Union”) The Swedish Municipal Workers´ Union UNIONEN (“A Swedish White-Collar Union”) TRR Outplacement (“Trygghetsrådet”) Public Sector Organizations The Regional Development Council of Östergötland (Östsam) The National Insurance Office The County Council of Östergötland Four Municipalities: Finspång, Linköping, Mjölby & Norrköping

  12. The House of Helix Knowledge for Sustainable Change Health, Competence and Work Ability New Forms of Organization Entrepreneur- ship and Innovation Production & Organization Development Learning for Change and Innovation Mobility Interactive Research Multi-Disciplinarity Partnership

  13. Mechanisms for Sustainable Change and Development Active ownership of projects/programmes Sustaiable change Developmental learning Collaboration

  14. A Planning-Driven Model of Project Management Problem Analysis Goals Alternative Measures/Solutions Choice of ”best” solution Implementation Evaluation

  15. Planning driven models have difficulties to handle uncertainty Goals: Clear & measurable Unclear/ Difficult to measure ”Given”, clear alternatives Means/Methods, Knowledge Base No ”given” alternatives, uncertainty, openness

  16. Too much confidence in the three C approach to evaluation • Control groups • Counterfactual analysis • Cost benefit analysis

  17. Four Types of Learning Types of Learning (4) (1) (2) (3) Aspects of the Learning Situation Task Given Given Given Not given Method Given Given Not given Not given Result Given Not given Not given Not given Developmental Learning Productive Learning II Productive Learning I Adaptive Learning

  18. The Main Message • Planning driven models of project management don’t do the job. To plan and implement activities in order to reach short-term results is often not a problem – the real problem is to create long term impact and sustainable change • The predominating project logic has its focus on goals, plans and activities, rather than on the long term impact of the project or programme. Thus, a focus on intentions and plans rather than on effects • Sustainable change and development presupposes a balance between a project logic based on planning, steering and control and a learning driven project logic based on ongoing evaluation.

  19. Några reflektioner och frågor • Urvalet av projekt framstår som avgörande för att stärka hållbarheten. Bör man gå längre vad gäller att utforma urvalet som en dialogbaserad lärandeprocess? Hur kan detta i så fall göras? • Bör ”ribban” höjas för att erhålla projektstöd – t.ex. vad gäller kriterier kopplat till organisering för hållbarhet och strategisk påverkan? • Partnerskapens roll i urvalsprocessen – är de tillräckligt aktiva? • Var finns företag och näringsliv i processen? Är det önskvärt att ge företag och näringsliv en tydligare roll? Hur kan detta i så fall uppnås?

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