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Explore the dynamics of regional identities in Fryslân through tourism activities along the waterfronts, analyzing branding, collaboration, and interpretation practices.
Enacting identities through tourism activities in Fryslân JelmerJeuring MSc Faculty of Spatial Sciences / Department of Cultural Geography PhD research: March 2013 – February 2017 Fundedby UCF (University Campus Fryslân) Collaborationbetween University of Groningen & Stenden University of Applied Sciences
Enacting identities through tourism activities in FryslânResearch context
Enacting identities through tourism activities in FryslânResearch context
Enacting identities through tourism activities in FryslânResearch context
Enacting identities through tourism activities in FryslânResearch context
Enacting identities through tourism activities in FryslânResearch context • Tourism as regional development in Fryslân revitalisingruralareas; • Priority in regional policy (FryslânTopattractie); • 5%-10% of fte’s in Fryslân is tourism related (Toerisme Monitor 2011); • Tourism industry under increased pressure (economic crisis, population decline, climatic circumstances, increased competition, lifestyle changes); Needforcontinuousadaptationandinnovation • Waterfronts as culturally and naturally significant places for various stakeholders.
Enacting identities through tourism activities in FryslânTourism and identities • Frisianidentity: language, territorialhistory, landscape/infrastructure, heritage; • No ‘single’ Frisianidentity! Identities (self, place, region, nation) are multiple, contextualandcontested. • Question is thusnotonlywhich, but how, whenandwhyidentitiesemerge. • Regional identities are not only reflections of the past, but are actively and presently constructed. For example through tourism: “…tourism can provide unique insight into the ways that cultural identities are formulated and modified, reified and negotiated, projected and conditioned.” (Lacy & Douglass, 2002, p.7)
Research objectives • ‘Doing’ tourism in Fryslân Cycle of production and consumption; • Power of place making is increasingly diffused across multiple actors; • Representation andinterpretation of place identities through tourism activities. Objective is: to better understand the dynamics through whichlocalised, Frisian identities come of being, become meaningful, are enacted, in the context of tourism activities that take place along Frisian waterfronts, hereby providing: • an empirical basis for the multiple, dynamic and active nature of place identities; • tangible insights how tourist destinations -particularly along waterfronts in Fryslân- can translate this knowledge into their marketing, branding, management and infrastructure activities.
Paasi (2009): ‘it is important to recognize both the individual and the institutional side of identity narratives’ (p.138). Tourism entrepreneurs Production & Consumption Interpretation & Representation 1. Enactment of place identities Identity Affordances & Performances Tourism Activities Production & Consumption Interpretation & Representation 2. 3. Inhabitants as (temporary) tourists Tourists as (temporary) inhabitants
Study 1. Enacting place identities from the perspective of tourism entrepreneurs: exploring the links between branding activities and collaborative tourism networks. • Which actors constitute collaboration networks for watersport tourism (boat rental) in Fryslân? Social Network of watersport tourism entrepreneurs (e.g., Brás, Costa & Buhalis, 2010). • What are the identity themes used in the discourse of branding of watersports tourism in Fryslânand how are collaboration networks enacting identities through circulation of tourist information? Practices of destination branding: Content analysis of tourist communication(Cultural circuits of tourism (Ateljevic & Doorne, 2004; Salazar, 2011)). Promotion through identity based cooperation: Semi-structured interviews to get insight in identity based destination branding practices (Kavaratzis & Hatch, 2013).
The next 3,5 years… Enacting identities from the perspective of tourists • Tourists as temporary inhabitants • Enacting identities of place through sensory experiences (‘being around the water’) • Motivations, self-identities and place identities amongrepeatvisitors • Inhabitants as temporary tourists • Intra-regional tourism as ‘identity enhancer’ (exoticising the local) • Tourism as a way of getting to know your own region (environmental connectedness, placemaking) Tourism entrepreneurs Production & Consumption Interpretation & Representation 1. Enactment of place identities Identity Affordances & Performances Tourism Activities Production & Consumption Interpretation & Representation 2. 3. Inhabitants as (temporary) tourists Tourists as (temporary) inhabitants