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Advanced Data Assimilation Methods. 10 December 2012. Thematic Outline of Basic Concepts. What is 4D-Var, and how does it differ from and extend upon 3D-Var? What is an Extended Kalman Filter, and how does it extend upon least-squares minimization methods?
Advanced Data Assimilation Methods 10 December 2012
Thematic Outline of Basic Concepts • What is 4D-Var, and how does it differ from and extend upon 3D-Var? • What is an Extended Kalman Filter, and how does it extend upon least-squares minimization methods? • What is an Ensemble Kalman Filter, and what are its strengths relative to other data assimilation methods?
4D-Var • Generalization of 3D-Var to allow for the continuous assimilation of all available observations over some assimilation interval. • Recall: cost function for 3D-Var… (observations, defining analysis increment) (background) multidimensional, each weighted by the inverse of their respective error covariance matrices
4D-Var • For 4D-Var, the cost function has a similar form… • This cost function is equivalent to 3D-Var if observations are valid only at a single time t0. (background valid at the start of the assimilation window) (assimilate m observations, one at a time)
4D-Var • Each observation is assimilated at the time that it is taken, thus the xi is the model state vector valid at the time of the observation. • Contrast to xt0, the model state vector valid at the start of the assimilation window. If all observations are at t = t0, then xi= xt0 (i.e., collapses to 3D-Var).
4D-Var • Minimization of the cost function proceeds similar to in 3D-Var, albeit with some differences… • Inherent temporal evolution: each observation time is associated with a new xi and Ri. • Each observation assimilation requires forward integration of the model from to to tm (a/k/a ti). • Post-assimilation, an adjoint operator must be used to backward integrate to finalize the updated analysis. • 4D-Var is thus more computationally expensive than is 3D-Var, limiting its operational acceptance.
4D-Var • Adjoint model: tangent linear version (M) of a non-linear model operator (M). • Defined as the transpose of the model operator (MiT) • Adjoint model is specific to the forecast model used for DA and to conduct the subsequent forecast simulations. • Thus, every time the model code is upgraded, the adjoint code must also be updated, not a trivial process!
4D-Var • Cost function minimization also requires that the sequence of model states xi (the modified forecast model state xf) provides valid solutions to the model. • In other words, there must be dynamical consistency between xi and the model dynamical equations. • Mathematically, (over all i, xi must be representative of the model forecast from t=0 to t=ti)
4D-Var • 3D-Var: minimize cost function to optimally combine background (dashed line) and observations (stars) at one assimilation time • 4D-Var: estimate the analysis state vector xa (at t=t0) producing a model solution M that minimizes the cost function. • Defines an initial condition that produces a forecast that minimizes total cost throughout assimilation window. • Cost function includes both the background (JB) and each observation (all of the JO terms at each time ti).
4D-Var • In the depicted example, the corrected and previous forecasts do not significantly differ at tn. • Note: the previous forecast is the one that defines the background at t0 and continues forward in time. • However, the details between t0 and tn differ, providing a better fit to the observations as manifest through the temporal evolution of the forecast.
4D-Var • Start: background estimate, nominally from a prior model forecast. • Assimilate observations at background time (3D-Var). • Integrate model forward to next observation time. • Assimilate observation to help correct forecast state.
4D-Var • Repeat the previous two steps over all observations. • Use adjoint model to go backward to the background time to complete assimilation. • Result: a “corrected” analysis and short-term forecast (~3- to ~6-h) evolution. • Implicit: balance condition; consistency with model.
Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) • A specific application of least squares minimization that emphasizes time dependency in the calculation of the background error covariance matrix. • Since Pfoften comes from a short-range model forecast, it is sometimes referred to as a forecast error covariance matrix. Time-Independent B = background error covariance matrix A = analysis error covariance matrix Time-Dependent Pf = background error covariance matrix Pa = analysis error covariance matrix
Extended Kalman Filter • First, obtain a first guess estimate by integrating the model forward from a previous analysis. • Next, compute the forecast error covariance matrix at t=t+1 for use when constructing the next analysis. M = Jacobian of M, i.e., ∂M/∂x Q = model forecast error covariance matrix at t=t
Extended Kalman Filter • The model forecast error covariance matrix Q(t) is used as a starting point. • Added to this is the forward-propagation (in time) of the analysis error covariance matrix Pa(t) • Conducted using the tangent linear version of the model M and its adjoint MT. • Requires knowledge of Pa at the very first time; for later times, we are able to compute it (more shortly).
Extended Kalman Filter • Forecast time t+1 now becomes the analysis time t. • Next, we compute the Kalman gain matrix K(t), the analog to the weighting matrix K used before. R = observation error covariance matrix B = time-independent background error covariance matrix Pf = time-dependent background error covariance matrix HHT = transformation to observation space H = Jacobian of forward observation operator H (∂H/∂x)
Extended Kalman Filter • Both K(t) and K are identical apart from the time-dependency manifest via B versus Pf. • As before, they represent the ratio of the transformed background error covariance matrix to the total (obs + background) error covariance matrix. • Once K(t) has been computed, it is used as the weighting in obtaining a new analysis state estimate. • Determines multidimensional spread of observational info.
Extended Kalman Filter • Next, obtain the new analysis state estimate. • As before, this represents the background estimate plus an optimally-weighted innovation (posed in observation space). • Minimizes the variance in xa by optimally weighting xf and y based upon their known error characteristics. • Difference from before: K(t) is computed directly from the model (flow-dependent) at each time (time-dependent)!
Extended Kalman Filter • Finally, compute the analysis error covariance matrix. • Recall: simple, 1-D analog for analysis error variance • Background variance weighted by 1-weighting factor, or… σa2 Pa, 1 I (identity matrix), k KH(weighting with obs. operator)
Extended Kalman Filter • Having created a new analysis, the model can then be integrated forward in time to the next time. • The above-computed analysis error covariance is then used to compute the forecast error covariance at the next time. • And on and on from there…
EKF vs. 4D-Var • Evolution of the background error covariance. • EKF: explicitly computed over each assimilation cycle • 4D-Var: manifest via different H(xi) – yi values for each observation (e.g., different innovations for each time as model forecast evolves, giving time-dependency) • Characteristics of the model. • EKF: model is imperfect • Forecast errors due to the forward propagation of analysis errors and errors in the model itself (Q ≠ 0). • Need to have some way to describe Q (difficult) to obtain the best possible analysis!
EKF vs. 4D-Var • 4D-Var: model is perfect • Forecast errors due to the forward propagation of analysis errors only (cost function analogy to Q = 0). • Method of data assimilation. • EKF: intermittent/sequential, least squares minimization • 4D-Var: continuous, cost function minimization • Computational expense. • EKF is more computationally expensive than is 4D-Var due to added computations at each assimilation time.
Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) • As the name implies, we start with an ensemble of atmospheric state analyses. • How is such an ensemble initially obtained? • Basis: a uniform background (e.g., from a global model) • Ensemble: constructed by perturbing the common background state estimate. • Typically random perturbations drawn from some estimate of the background error covariance matrix B. • May also incorporate the assimilation of observations with perturbations of magnitude smaller than the expected obs error.
Ensemble Kalman Filter • Each member of the ensemble is then integrated forward in time. • The ensemble of short-range forecasts is used as the background for the next analysis. • Observations are assimilated (without any perturbations) to correct the forecast to the observations. • If the simulation has lateral boundaries, the LBCs must be perturbed at each time on the outermost domain. • The cycle then repeats from here.
Ensemble Kalman Filter • Assimilation is accomplished using the EKF framework from before with slight modifications. • Definitions… • Ensemble mean forecast state: • i = individual ensemble member • K = total number of ensemble members • Forecast error covariance matrix: (of the sample of xf)
Ensemble Kalman Filter • This equation replaces our earlier equation for Pf. • Provides a direct estimate of Q and how analysis errors have propagated forward without needing an adjoint! • Represents the average departure of each ensemble forecast state from the ensemble mean forecast state (i.e., not explicitly the analysis or true state). • : an estimate of Pf from a finite ensemble.
Ensemble Kalman Filter • Similar to the EKF method, • From the new analysis state, the analysis error covariance may be computed similarly to . (Kalman gain matrix) (new analysis state)
Ensemble Kalman Filter • Analysis error covariance: • This highlights the strengths of the EnKF: internal calculation of Pa and Pf based upon the ensemble’s flow-dependent error characteristics!
Ensemble Kalman Filter initial analyses integrate forward in time estimate Pf compute K and perform DA obtain new analyses repeat
Ensemble Kalman Filter vs. 4D-Var • Computation of Pf does not require the use of an adjoint model. • By contrast, even EKF uses one (see Eqn. 6.26b earlier). • This eliminates the assumptions (linearity, etc.) and additional code associated with the adjoint method. • Both methods are computationally demanding. • EnKF provides an elegant way to determine the temporally- and spatially-varying structure in the background error covariance from the ensemble.
Ensemble Kalman Filter shaded: normalized covariance of SLP contour: sea-level pressure Emphasis is on the five dots (observation locations).
Ensemble Kalman Filter • How does the ensemble estimate of sea level pressure vary as a function of the observations at these locations? • Recall: sensitivity metric defined in an earlier lecture • Can use covariance information to illustrate this! • Covariance is largest in data-sparse areas and/or along sharp gradients. • Forecast metric at the observation locations is most sensitive to SLP uncertainty in the shaded regions.