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HEALTH WORKFORCE INITIATIVE STATEWIDE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING. Career Ladders Update. CCC Linked Learning Initiative, Career Advancement Academies in Allied Health, and Patient Care Navigator Project. Linda Collins, Career Ladders Project Mike Williamson, Career Ladders Project.
HEALTH WORKFORCE INITIATIVE STATEWIDE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Career Ladders Update CCC Linked Learning Initiative, Career Advancement Academies in Allied Health, and Patient Care Navigator Project Linda Collins, Career Ladders Project Mike Williamson, Career Ladders Project
CAREER LADDERS PROJECT Fosters educational and career advancement through research, policy initiatives and direct assistance to community colleges and their partners.
DEMONSTRATING WHAT WORKS; SCALING EFFECTIVE PRACTICE Current Initiatives and Demonstration Projects • Career Advancement Academies (CAA) • CA Community College Linked Learning Initiative (CCCLLI) • Community College Pathways for Former Foster Youth (CCP) • Concurrent Courses Initiative (CCI) • Networked Communities of Practice • CA Counseling Network (CaCN) • Contextualized Teaching and Learning Faculty Inquiry Group Sector and Pathway Projects/Partnerships • Green Transportation Collaborative • “Design It, Build It, Ship It” (East Bay Area TAA-CCCCT Grant) • Patient Navigation Center (with AACI) • Bay Area Manufacturing Renaissance Council (BAMRC)
LINKING POLICY AND PRACTICE • Promote systemic & policy changes to support effective practice. • Work with partners; pursue collective impact strategies: • LearningWorks • California EDGE Coalition • CA Interagency Leadership Council • CA Legislative Workforce Policy Group • California Career Pathways and Education Committee (CWIB) • National Alliance for Quality Career Pathways
Goals of the Presentation Discuss and describe the CCC Linked Learning, Career Advancement Academy and Patient Care Navigator Initiatives as they relate to healthcare Career Ladders Project - Update
SPECIFICALLY WE WILL: • Provide update on the CCC Linked Learning Initiative • Provide update on the CCCCO Career Advancement Academy demonstration project • Identify key components of a CAA • Discuss the San Mateo County Allied Health Career Advancement Academy (CAA) • Discuss employer and community engagement • Describe the allied health bridge program • Describe the integrated allied health pathway, selected pathways and the website • Present student demographics and outcomes • Describe the Patient Care Navigator project
What is Linked Learning? Linked Learning is an approach to education that transforms the traditional school experience by bringing together strong academics, career-based classroom learning, and real-world workplace experience to help students gain an advantage in high school, postsecondary education, and career. Students can choose among industry-themed pathways in fields such as engineering, arts and media, and biomedicine and health.
The California Community College Linked Learning Initiative aims to strengthen the connections between Linked Learning high schools and post-secondary education. This statewide demonstration project is working to align and extend Linked Learning pathways into the community colleges and beyond, using evidence-based strategies that will improve student transition and success in both college and career.
CCC LINKED LEARNING INITIATIVE • Funded by the James Irvine Foundation (2012- 2014) • Prior year of research – pathways case studies and transcript data • Intensive work with 3 Hub and 6 Partner sites: Community Colleges with their respective High Schools/Districts • Focus on 3 industry sectors: • Arts, Media and Entertainment • Health Science and Medical Technology • Public Service • CLP: leads & provides technical assistance to overall initiative • SRI International: project evaluator.
CCCLLI ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS • K12/Community College Collaboration • Transitional programming (such as matriculation supports, systemic outreach, dual enrollment, bridge programs, etc.) • Addressing barriers of assessment and placement • Pathway development • Data-driven decision-making • Systems change: policy, structural, and program changes at colleges and schools
SCALE AND MOMENTUM . . . • James Irvine Foundation invests in Linked Learning: • 9 HS districts • CDE adopts LL as prime HS transformation strategy • CCCLLI launched • State Senate takes field trip to Long Beach to see LL AB790 – call for Linked Learning pilots across state • RFA issued: no money promised, but 35 consortia apply • 20 pilot sites selected representing some 63 HS Districts • > 1/3 of HS students in CA SB1070 funds career pathways • Prioritizes Linked Learning pilots & career academies
CCC CAREER ADVANCEMENT ACADEMIES • Establish pathways to high wage careers for low-income • young adults who face academic and personal barriers • to post-secondary education and employment • CCCCO Demonstration project • Phase 1: 3 regions (East Bay, Central Valley, LA) 29 colleges • Phase 2: expanded to 4 regions in 2011-2012 (San Mateo; El Camino) • Serving > 8,000 students to date; 2,500 in healthcare pathways • SB70: $25 million investment (2007 – 2014) • Public/Private Partnership between CCCCO and philanthropy • Career Ladders Project: TA/support/coordination • Independent Evaluation (OMG) and data • Leverage external investments and growing support • Course Success: 75% Retention: 90%
A Framework of Effective Practice • Integrated basic skills and career technical training • Contextualized approach • Work readiness along with basic and technical skills • Clearly defined pathways with attention to transitions • Students earn certificates that make them employable and are aligned with continuing education and advancement; Stackable design • Cohort based learning communities • Provide strong peer supports among students • Faculty collaborate to integrate content and support students • Integrated student services • Embedded in learning community • Leverage external resources and benefits to support success • Partnerships and leveraged resources • Business/industry, labor, WIBS, CBOs, K12//ROCPs/adult ed
Structural Elements of a Local/Regional Career Pathway System DRAFT Center for Postsecondary and Economic Success at CLASP.”The Alliance for Quality Career Pathways Approach: Developing Criteria and Metrics for Quality Career Pathways , A Working Paper.” February 2013 Web. March 8 2013. http://www.clasp.org/
WHY ALLIED HEALTH CAA Full range of healthcare careers introduced to students Credentials accrued along the pathway
WHY THE ALLIED HEALTH CAA Skyline College Number of Allied Health Degrees Awarded
EMPLOYER AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT San Mateo County Workforce Development Task Force for Health Care Sector Participants
EMPLOYER AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Primary Areas of Inquiry*: • Fast tracking job seekers • Ensuring successful career paths for low income workers • Improving math/science literacy for those entering healthcare • Preparing healthcare workers for technological changes * In the context of both a significant recession and the changes from the Affordable Care Act
EMPLOYER AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Some of What We Found Out • No entry portal or clear pathway into training and trainees may not recognize the scope of their choices • No centralized mechanism for ensuring that all trainees have access to full range of jobs • Career ladders may happen in large hospitals but no mechanism for entry level workers to find the “next” step • Entry level workers often cannot perform necessary calculations
WHY THE ALLIED HEALTH CAA WIN WIN for the Students, Workforce System and Employers.
Cañada College CAA Medical Administrative Assistant Demographics for Fall 2012 Cohort
Skyline College CAA Allied Health Demographics for Fall 2011 Cohort
PATIENT CARE NAVIGATOR PROJECT • Health and Human Services Funding for the rapid training of Patient Navigators • Partners: Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI); Career Ladders Project; San Jose City College; Cañada College and Skyline College • Target population – underrepresented young adults (particularly Latino and Asian youth; immigrant youth) as well as incumbent workers • Rapid deployment meant Colleges wanted to work with existing programs • Explicitly designed to utilize a CAA approach.
For more information • Visit our website at: http:// • canadacollege.edu/humanservices • Email: canhmsv@smccd.edu • English: Kathy Smith (650) 325-6936 or • Anna Ng (408) 975-2730 Ext. 324 • (AnnaNg@aaci.org) • Spanish: Martha Chavez (650) • 325-0164 (chavezm@smccd.edu) • Stop by the Cañada Menlo Park Center located at 1200 O’Brien Dr. Menlo Park Work with people in your community as a Patient Care Navigator or Promotor (or Promotora) de Salud GET STARTED ON A CAREER IN COMMUNITY HEALTH AT THE CAÑADA COLLEGE MENLO PARK CENTER 1-year Patient Navigation & Health Promotion Course Schedule: Fall 2013 HSCI 100: General Health Science HSCI 430 & 432: First Aid & CPR HMSV 262: Intro to Family Support HMSV 265: Family Development Portfolio, part I ESOL 805: English for Healthcare I (course taught in English) • Convenient evening & Saturday courses • Most courses taught en español • Tuition and textbook fees waived for eligible students • Get on-the-job experience as a patient navigator or promotor while taking courses during your 2nd semester • Receive guidance while working towards your Associates degree and/or transferring to a four-year university • Requires 1-year commitment to program and schedule • Courses taught at the Cañada College Menlo Park Center located at • 1200 O’Brien Drive in Menlo Park Spring 2014 CBOT 430: Computer Applications (course taught in English) HMSV 161: Information & Referral HMSV 264: Life Cycle of the Family HMSV 266: Family Development Portfolio, part II HMSV 672: COOP Internship ESOL 807: English for Healthcare III (course taught in English)
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Linda Collins LCollins@CareerLaddersProject.org Mike Williamson MWilliamson@CareerLaddersProject.org www.The Career Ladders Project.org