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FLD: Using Digital cameras in Bolivia and South Africa

FLD: Using Digital cameras in Bolivia and South Africa. Bolivia – Agrecol Andes. Disadvantages Farmer-to-Farmer exchange meetings: Lack of time for the meeting. Especially women stayed at home

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FLD: Using Digital cameras in Bolivia and South Africa

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  1. FLD:Using Digital cameras in Bolivia and South Africa

  2. Bolivia – Agrecol Andes Disadvantages Farmer-to-Farmer exchange meetings: • Lack of time for the meeting. Especially women stayed at home • After returning to their community, the participants had a difficult time to share their experiences. Stories were told, but they had no materials to illustrate the stories

  3. FLD Method Agrecol – Using Digital Camera’sProcess: • Looking for community with experience in NRM and willingness to document • The community lists all the experiences they have and would like to document to share. • The group of participants (everyone form the community is welcome to join) sits together to define all aspects that form the experience • The participants decide which type of documentation would be best to transmit the experience • If community select some facilitators for the process that should know the experience and be recognized by their community (training in fe using digital camera's) • With the script/storyboard and facilitators trained the documentation process can get started. • A presentation of the organised material is made with the whole community in order to validate the documentation • Finally the participants use this documentation to share the experience with other communities

  4. Effective means: Digital cameras have been found to be one of the most effective means of documentation as they are simple to use and a photo taken by a farmer needs no further elaboration as the message does not need to be translated or shaped according to a given structure

  5. Disadvantages/Challenges • The technology is expensive (digital camera, computer, printer) and difficult to upscale • All equipment requires energy (to transfer photo images to computers, print, or disseminate on the Internet) • Some important information may not be captured using camera e.g. market information • Most rural areas have limited information infrastructure and also do not have electricity which makes it difficult scale up • Equipment is delicate may require maintenance and repair (and additional costs) • Requires skills training to learn how to use the ict equipment • Control on appropriate use of ict equipment (for learning rather then entertainment)

  6. Potshini farmers – SOUTH AFRICA • Potshini farmers are using photography to capture their experiences in farming in general and what they have also learnt form various sources, particularly the Smallholder system Innovation (SSI) in watershed management

  7. Farmer Support Group piloting FLD in PotshiniReasons for the FLD component : • The final documentation is in the perception of the researchers. Farmers are not conducting a parallel process which would reflect their own perceptions. • It is one way through which farmers can market and advertise their products. In addition it brings out their knowledge and constrains to the foreground, thus allowing outsiders to render more effective assistance.

  8. Challenges: • Limited availability of still cameras in the retail stores since almost everyone is now stocking digital cameras. • Limited time of the pilot to start documenting; pilot started during harvest time when farmers were busy harvesting • Learning how to use the camera.

  9. Highlights • FLD increased the groups participation, gave voice also to the quiet farmers. • Other communities have shown interest in starting their own documentation process; Potshini farmers will train their colleagues. • 2 farmers already bought their own cameras- FLD is getting institutionalized

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