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One To One Tuition Welcome!. Selected slides from a presentation about ‘EFFECTIVE PRACTICE’ in regard One To One Tuition. First presented in June 2010. All pupils who were below L2 at KS1 source: 2009 amended KS2 NPD and Early Roll Out tuition database.
One To One TuitionWelcome! Selected slides from a presentation about ‘EFFECTIVE PRACTICE’ in regard One To One Tuition. First presented in June 2010
All pupils who were below L2 at KS1source: 2009 amended KS2 NPD and Early Roll Out tuition database Pupils who entered KS2 below national expectations and received tuition outperformed their peers at KS2 in English and in maths, in both threshold and progression measures
EFFECTIVE TUTOR RESEARCH 1. An effective tutor; ...knows what is expected, or finds out. There are also regular opportunities for assessment and feedback to teachers. For schools this may mean; facilitating teacher / tutor liaison ensuring targets are precise as well as accurate
EFFECTIVE TUTOR RESEARCH 2. An effective tutor; ...has the ‘right’ child to work with. For schools this may mean; revisiting how pupils are chosen. going with the hard-to-reach pupils targeting those groups where we know the most difference can be made (LAC, FSM, EAL)
Tuition for the ‘right’ pupils including the hard to reach pupils Looked After Children Free School Meals English as an Additional Language Special Educational Needs with the emphasis being upon School Action (SA) Behaviour and Attendance – pupils who the school has identified as having issues in one or both of these areas. Please note that Looked After Children should receive 1-2-1 Tuition regardless of whether they are 2 levels of progress behind or not, in other words all LAC in your school should be considered for 1-2-1 Tuition.
EFFECTIVE TUTOR RESEARCH 3. An effective tutor; ...scaffolds work based on the individual learning needs of the pupil. They use activities which reflect the pupil’s preferred learning styles. For schools this may mean; tutor / teacher liaison and encouraging a tutor to think creatively. (What an opportunity to do the kind of visual and kinaesthetic type learning favoured by a majority of pupils yet not easily catered for in a classroom.)
EFFECTIVE TUTOR RESEARCH 4. An effective tutor; ...gradually withdraws control to the point where the sessions are driven by the pupil. Teaching problem-solving strategies are the key to ensuring independence when back in the classroom. For schools this may mean; discussions with tutors ...or training occasional observations talking to the pupil
EFFECTIVE TUTOR RESEARCH 5. An effective tutor; ....ends by assessing work done and agreeing next steps. For schools this may mean; ensuring this happens between tutor/pupil facilitating tutor/teacher liaison once tuition has finished inviting parents to attend the last few minutes of tuition sessions
EFFECTIVE TUTOR RESEARCH Interestingly, there is NO RESEARCH to suggest that a tutor must be known to a pupil in order for that pupil to flourish and progress, though the ability to form a relationship is. In schools where there are designated Heads of English and Maths, their input into forming targets and in helping tutors understand the broader picture....is vital. Where they are left out of the process, little progress is sustained.
[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] What research suggests would NOT be helpful to pupils. • When tuition is used purely as preparation for tests, progress for pupils is short-term and does not necessarily help them back in class. • When a tutor acts as a ‘crutch’, skills may be improved...but not strategies for solving learning problems independently. • If there is a lack of clarity and precision, frustration and confusion follows. • If a pupil believes that the tuition is aimed at helping the school needs over their own learning needs. • “Same old, same old.”
QUALITY ASSURANCE Why monitor and evaluate tuition? • To measure the impact of tuition • To improve the impact of tuition However, it is up to your school to decide what is measureable and what is not. This will be our main focus for 2010/11
[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] What might be measureable in order to assess whether tuition is effective? • The pupil’s growing ability (over ten hours) to solve problems independently. • The pupil’s transformation in class...has the teacher noticed any progress related to the target? • The ratio of tutor / pupil talk? • The range of methods used by a tutor? • The pupil’s attitude to the subject? • A scheduled review well after the tuition has finished? • Academic performance? • Observations of parts of a tuition session with school agreed indicators.
QUALITY ASSURANCE (whowill know if the tuition is effective for your pupils and how will they know?)These are the strategies you would expect an effective tutor to employ. • Classifying • Coaching • Demonstrating • Direct teaching • Discussing • Empathising • Enquiring • Evaluating • Explaining • Hypothesising • Modelling • Problem solving • Questioning • Reviewing • Visualising
[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] QUALITY ASSURANCE (whowill know if the tuition is effective for your pupils and how will they know?) • SUGGESTIONS WHO MIGHT FACILITATE THIS? • Teacher / tutor liaison Lead / Head / Teacher • Tutor ‘training’ LA / Lead • Sample observations of tuition Many! • Sample the planning Lead / Head / Teacher • Talk to tutored pupils with Teacher / TA / Lead / Head key questions in mind • Plan in regular feedback Lead / Head / Teacher sessions with class teachers Alyson or Ian can support you with all of this. None of this can happen without Headteacher support, or without One To One being part of your overall intervention plan.
[Slideshow Title - edit in Headers & Footers] Suggestions about setting up for September. • Ensure the ‘right’ pupils are targeted. Are you happy your process for doing this is effective and targets those who have the greatest need? Early intervention equals greatest progress. • Ensure your delivery methods meet the needs of the pupils as well as the school. Could you have a mixture of delivery methods to reflect mixed needs? • Ensure someone has the ability and time to monitor the quality of tuition sessions. • Consider employing external tutors in a way that allows for tutor/teacher liaison and tutor accountability.