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Creating a Future for Digital Preservation Training Sharon McMeekin (DPC), William Kilbride (DPC), Chiara Cirinná (FRD) Framing the Digital Curation Curriculum, Florence, 6 th May 2013. Creating a Future for Digital Preservation Training. APARSEN project background and training goals
Creating a Future for Digital Preservation TrainingSharon McMeekin (DPC), William Kilbride (DPC), Chiara Cirinná (FRD) Framing the Digital Curation Curriculum, Florence, 6th May 2013
Creating a Future for Digital Preservation Training APARSEN project background and training goals Report: Survey of Training Material/ Assessment of Digital Curation Requirements Gaps and issues identified APARSEN future plans
What is APARSEN? A Network of Excellence in digital preservation Funded by European Commission January 2011 to December 2014 (4 years) Coordinated by Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) 31 partners from 13 countries Working towards creating a Virtual Centre of Excellence for Digital Preservation Training and professional development a key focus Training Courses Formal Qualifications
Preliminary Research for APARSEN Training Overview of DP training landscape Analysis of current provision Survey of courses Jan ‘10- Jun ’12 Review based on feedback and focus groups Identification of requirements DP Standards Results of peer review (ISO 16363 test audits)
Analysis of Current Provision - Conclusions Introductory training still required….. …..Growing need for advanced content A greater focus on practice and experience Improved access - more online/distance learning Targeted to specific roles Long and varied list of topics of interest
Identification of Competencies Required Commonality with outcomes of DigCurV Include expected key DP skills Standards Lifecycle management Preservation planning Also emphasis on a broader skill set and flexibility Communication Change management
Gaps in Topic Coverage • Selection and appraisal • Authenticity & provenance • Discovery and access incl. user analysis • Digital rights management • Enabling reuse incl. annotation & interoperability • Business planning and cost analysis • Change management • Succession planning • Quality assurance • Risk Management • Establishing trust
8 Recommendations for Training Developers Mix theory with experience-led training Case studies welcomed Include practical exercise & worked examples Need a mix of courses covering broad issues and more specialised content Targeted training for specific audiences By sector or role
8 Recommendations for Training Developers A continuing professional development framework is required Need to be more responsive to needs of the community Responsive to new development, remains current and authoritative Embed DP training in broader information or risk management training courses
APARSEN Training Courses Developing training based on findings of report Four themed events Trust, sustainability, usability and access Advanced Practitioner course In collaboration with other European intiatives Practical focus, a next step from intro training
Training and the Virtual Centre of Excellence VCoE looking to build services over time Training a cornerstone from beginning Provision of in-person and online training Developing an online training portal Will accept submissions from other projects/organisations Will also maintain a registry of training opportunities
Upcoming APARSEN Training Events Trust and Digital Preservation 4th-5th June, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin In association with the Digital Repository of Ireland http://bit.ly/ZOiRKI Advanced Practitioner Course 15th-19th July, Glasgow Sustainability and Digital Preservation November, The Hague sharon@dpconline.org