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2. Agenda. 3. Scope of the study. Preparatory study identifying and recommending ways to improve at the design phase the environmental performance of the product throughout its lifecycle. Product groups: Professional dishwashers? Part IProfessional washing machines? Part II Professional dryers? Part II .
1. EuP – Lot 24: Professional washing machines, dryers and dishwashers Introduction
First Stakeholder Meeting on washing machines and dryers
Paris, October 1st 2010
Markus Blepp, Carl-Otto Gensch (Öko-Institut e.V.)
2. 2 Agenda
3. 3 Scope of the study Preparatory study identifying and recommending ways to improve at the design phase the environmental performance of the product throughout its lifecycle.
Product groups:
Professional dishwashers ? Part I
Professional washing machines ? Part II
Professional dryers ? Part II
4. 4 Project Team – Part II
Öko-Institut (Project Manager)
BIO Intelligence Service
5. 5 Tasks
6. 6 Project Team – Responsibilities
7. 7 EuP – Lot 24: Professional washing machines, dryers and dishwashers Task 1: Definition
First Stakeholder Meeting on washing machines and dryers
Paris, October 1st 2010
Markus Blepp, Carl-Otto Gensch (Öko-Institut e.V.)
8. 8 Task 1 – Product definition Structure:
Product category and performance assessment
Test standards
Existing legislation + labelling
Conclusions for preliminary scope
9. 9 Professional washing machines and dryers In Lot 24, we consider washing machines and dryers as one module of the whole laundry process and therefore integrate the discussion on washing machines and dryers.
The following sections aim at defining appropriate system boundaries and product categories for professional washing machines and dryers.
10. 10 Different steps of a laundry process
11. 11 Official classification schemes
12. 12 Classification according to market/customer segments Coin & Card laundry (CCL) (laundrette, camping, student dorms, real estate) and Apartment Household Laundry (AHL) (household, real estate, old people’s homes, sports, offshore), where the users are not the same as the owners and therefore safety and easy handling are the most important issues.
Hospitality Laundry: hotels, restaurants, quick service restaurants, offshore.
Healthcare Laundry (hospital, nursing home) with very high hygiene demands.
Commercial Industrial Laundry (service providers, textile rent cleaning, small or heavy duty laundries) and High-Tech Laundry (mops, functional garments (fire and rescue service), pharmaceutical and electronic factories).
? Further input welcome
13. 13 Primary and secondary function – washing machines
14. 14 Functional performance categories – washing machines
15. 15 Properties for distinction of washing machines categories
16. 16 Primary and secondary function – dryers
17. 17 Functional performance categories – Dryers
18. 18 Task 1 – Product definition Structure:
Product category and performance assessment
Existing legislation + labelling
Conclusions for preliminary scope
19. 19 Performance of professional laundry machines
20. 20 Safety of professional laundry machines (I)
21. 21 Safety of professional laundry machines (II)
22. 22 Hygiene
23. 23
24. 24 Task 1 – Product definition Structure:
Product category and performance assessment
Test standards
Existing legislation + labelling
Conclusions for preliminary scope
25. 25 European legislation (I)
26. 26 European legislation (II)
27. 27 European legislation (III)
28. 28 National legislation
29. 29 Environmental labelling
30. 30 Task 1 – Product definition Structure:
Product category and performance assessment
Test standards
Existing legislation + labelling
Conclusions for preliminary scope
31. 31 Terms and range of applications from household to industrial products
32. 32 Professional versus household laundry appliances Distinction between household and commercial dryers is only based on the categorisation in standards (ISO 10472 for ‘industrial laundry machinery’; IEC 60335, IEC 60456 and IEC 61121 for ‘household and similar electrical appliances (? provides a good distinction)
Delimitation between household and (semi-)commercial washing machines (own compilation according to Product-Life Institute)
Distinction according to PRODCOM and European Customs Classification ? (blurry distinction)
Distinction according to Draft Ecodesign Regulation on household washing machines ? (basis for Machinery Directive)
Distinction according to Machinery Directive ? provides a good distinction
? Draw a clear distinction between devices for usage in households on the one side and professional use on the other side
33. 33 Professional versus industrial laundry appliances PRODCOM and the European Customs Classification do not make a differentiation between professional and industrial laundry appliances
Differentiates between ‘commercial’ and a ‘heavy duty’ laundry division by manufactures (offered in both divisions)
There are two ISO standard series (ISO 9398 and ISO 10472) explicitly in force for ‘industrial laundry machines’ (however covers also professional and semi-professional, e.g. volume > 60 l. This equals an approximate capacity of 6 kg dry linen)
? There is lack of criteria (technological, normative) that allows us to categories the machines clearly
34. 34 Properties to distinguish between the user applications of professional washing machines
35. 35 Properties to distinguish between the user applications of professional dryers
36. 36 Products proposed to be excluded from the scope of Lot 24 Household appliances intended for domestic use are explicitly excluded from the scope of Lot 24. They are already covered by EuP Lot 14 and Lot 16.
We propose to exclude those appliances using only mechanical energy for dewatering (e.g. separate hydro-extractor or pressing appliances). They might not be analysed as own base cases but nevertheless serve as important factors in the system analysis as they contribute to lower energy consumption in the following drying process. Therefore, they still might be indirectly assessed within the whole system analysis.
Ironing and fusing presses are used in textile manufacturing for smoothing and fusing of two textile layers. They are not used for drying purposes. Therefore, we propose to exclude them
We propose to exclude dryers using indirect methods of heat transfer like flatwork ironers, as well as professional ironing tables from the scope of Lot 24. Drying here only serves as secondary or even less important function compared to the ironing function for removal of creases
We propose to exclude tunnel finishers and steam-air finishers. The primary function of a steam air finisher is not the drying but the calendaring and the relaxing of the textiles, including desired changes of the surface structure. Drying is only a secondary or even less important function
?It needs to be discussed and we would appreciate your input on this issue
37. 37 Products included into the preliminary scope of Lot 24 Semi-professional and professional appliances
Industrial appliances (However, they might be excluded later, e.g. if Task 2 results in marginal market data)
?It needs to be discussed and we would appreciate your input on this issue
38. 38 Overview of the preliminary scope
39. 39 Categories for professional washing machines and dryers WM1: Semi-professional washing machine and washer extractor (up to 7 kg)
WM 2: Professional washer extractor, <40kg
WM 3: Professional washer extractor, >40kg
WM 4: Professional wash dryer
WM 5: Professional/ industrial barrier washer
WM 6: Heavy duty industrial washer extractor
WM 7: Washing tunnel machines
D 1: Semi- professional dryer, condenser
D 2: Semi- professional dryer, air vented
D 3: Professional cabinet dryer
D 4: Professional tumble dryer <40kg
D 5: Professional tumble dryer >40 kg
D 6: Industrial pass-through (transfer) tumble dryer
?It needs to be discussed and we would appreciate your input on this issue
40. 40 General Contact: contact@ecowet-commercial.org www.ecowet-commercial.org
Öko-Institut e.V.
Ina Rüdenauer: i.ruedenauer@oeko.de
Carl-Otto Gensch c.gensch@oeko.de
Markus Blepp: m.blepp@oeko.de
Bio Intelligence Service
Shailendra Mudgal: shailendra.mudgal@biois.com
Lorcan Lyons: lorcan.lyons@biois.com
Thibault Faniger: thibault.faninger@biois.com
42. 42 Classification according to market/customer segments Coin & Card laundry (CCL) (laundrette, camping, student dorms, real estate) and Apartment Household Laundry (AHL) (household, real estate, old people’s homes, sports, offshore), where the users are not the same as the owners and therefore safety and easy handling are the most important issues.
Hospitality Laundry: hotels, restaurants, quick service restaurants, offshore.
Healthcare Laundry (hospital, nursing home) with very high hygiene demands.
Commercial Industrial Laundry (service providers, textile rent cleaning, small or heavy duty laundries) and High-Tech Laundry (mops, functional garments (fire and rescue service), pharmaceutical and electronic factories).
? Further input welcome
43. 43 Performance of professional laundry machines
44. 44 Safety of professional laundry machines (I)
45. 45 National legislation
46. 46 Professional versus industrial laundry appliances PRODCOM and the European Customs Classification do not make a differentiation between professional and industrial laundry appliances
Differentiates between ‘commercial’ and a ‘heavy duty’ laundry division by manufactures (offered in both divisions)
There are two ISO standard series (ISO 9398 and ISO 10472) explicitly in force for ‘industrial laundry machines’ (however covers also professional and semi-professional, e.g. volume > 60 l. This equals an approximate capacity of 6 kg dry linen)
? There is lack of criteria (technological, normative) that allows us to categories the machines clearly
47. 47 Products proposed to be excluded from the scope of Lot 24 Household appliances intended for domestic use are explicitly excluded from the scope of Lot 24. They are already covered by EuP Lot 14 and Lot 16.
We propose to exclude those appliances using only mechanical energy for dewatering (e.g. separate hydro-extractor or pressing appliances). They might not be analysed as own base cases but nevertheless serve as important factors in the system analysis as they contribute to lower energy consumption in the following drying process. Therefore, they still might be indirectly assessed within the whole system analysis.
Ironing and fusing presses are used in textile manufacturing for smoothing and fusing of two textile layers. They are not used for drying purposes. Therefore, we propose to exclude them
We propose to exclude dryers using indirect methods of heat transfer like flatwork ironers, as well as professional ironing tables from the scope of Lot 24. Drying here only serves as secondary or even less important function compared to the ironing function for removal of creases
We propose to exclude tunnel finishers and steam-air finishers. The primary function of a steam air finisher is not the drying but the calendaring and the relaxing of the textiles, including desired changes of the surface structure. Drying is only a secondary or even less important function
?It needs to be discussed and we would appreciate your input on this issue
48. 48 Products included into the preliminary scope of Lot 24 Semi-professional and professional appliances
Industrial appliances (However, they might be excluded later, e.g. if Task 2 results in marginal market data)
?It needs to be discussed and we would appreciate your input on this issue
49. 49 Categories for professional washing machines and dryers WM1: Semi-professional washing machine and washer extractor (up to 7 kg)
WM 2: Professional washer extractor, <40kg
WM 3: Professional washer extractor, >40kg
WM 4: Professional wash dryer
WM 5: Professional/ industrial barrier washer
WM 6: Heavy duty industrial washer extractor
WM 7: Washing tunnel machines
D 1: Semi- professional dryer, condenser
D 2: Semi- professional dryer, air vented
D 3: Professional cabinet dryer
D 4: Professional tumble dryer <40kg
D 5: Professional tumble dryer >40 kg
D 6: Industrial pass-through (transfer) tumble dryer
?It needs to be discussed and we would appreciate your input on this issue