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Rhonda Sunnarborg, Senior Client Strategist January 2016

Understand the differences between how managers and employees perceive recognition, explore barriers, and ways to close the gap. Learn how senior management views employee recognition and the importance of creative and tailored approaches. Discover the impact of recognizing excellent employee performance and how to start an effective recognition program. Contact Rhonda Sunnarborg, Senior Client Strategist, for more information.

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Rhonda Sunnarborg, Senior Client Strategist January 2016

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The ultimate recognition grudge match:Executive perceptions vs. Employees’ experiences of recognition Rhonda Sunnarborg, Senior Client Strategist January 2016

  2. Agenda • How do managers view recognition differently from employees? • What is employees’ experience of recognition? • Ways to close the gaps in perception and experience • Q & A 2

  3. How Does Senior Management View Employee Recognition? 54% Source: World at Work, 2015 Trends in Employee Recognition. 3

  4. Support Shown by Senior Management 66% = Neutral or Low/No Support 34% 59% 7% 41% 54% 6% 34% 57% 7% 36% 57% 7% 49% 6% 46% Source: World at Work, 2015 Trends in Employee Recognition. 4

  5. What are the top barriers to recognizing employees? 5

  6. 4 Top Barriers to Recognizing Employees 33% - Lack of buy-in: front line manager 33% - Lack of time 23% - Lack of manager tools/resources 22% - Lack of buy-in: senior execs Source: Laurano, Madeline. “The Power of Employee Recognition.” Aberdeen Group, November 2013. Web. 3 August 2015. 6

  7. Removing the barriers 7

  8. Removing Barriers What do you need to start a program? 58% 47% 45% 45% 43% 35% 33% 27% Source: Van Dyke, Melissa. “HR Perspectives on Non-Cash Rewards and Recognition.” Incentive Research Foundation. Hr.com, July 2012. Web. 26 July 2015. 8

  9. Resources Discussion 9

  10. How do employees experience recognition? 10

  11. Employee Experience of Recognition Human Resource Executive Online, How Employees Perceive Recognition, 10/23/14. 11

  12. Employee Perception of Recognition • Organizations need to be more creative in recognizing employees • 40% use bonuses or promotions • Recognition should be tailored to the organization’s values and goals and what employees value • Recognition should not be ‘fair’ but ‘just’ • Devalued when everyone is recognized • Should reward top performing individuals and teams Source: Human Resource Executive Online, How Employees Perceive Recognition, 10/23/14. 12

  13. What happens when you recognize excellent performance? 13

  14. Field Experiment: Employee Recognition and Performance July 2014 • Christiane Bradler ZEW Mannheim • Robert Dur Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tinbergen Institute, CESifo and IZA • Susanne Neckermann Erasmus University Rotterdam, ZEW and Tinbergen Institute • Arjan Non Maastricht University 14

  15. Field Experiment: Employee Recognition and Performance • 8 workers per room • Worked individually • 3-hour shift • Flat wage • No expectation of recognition 15

  16. Field Experiment: Employee Recognition and Performance 5.2% Performance 16

  17. Field Experiment: Employee Recognition and Performance 6.6% 17

  18. Field Experiment: Employee Recognition and Performance 10% 7.3% 3.3% 18

  19. Importance of Recognition Source: Lee, Christina. “Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement: Optimizing Organizational Culture for Success.” The Society for Human Resource Management, 2014. 19

  20. How do we close the gap? 20

  21. Closing the Gap • Identify barriers • Gather data • Ascertain: will addressing objections make a difference? • Obtain leadership sponsorship • Confirm alignment • Create ownership opportunities

  22. Thank you! Rhonda Sunnarborg Senior Client Strategist 763-412-3083 rsunnarborg@motivaction.com 22

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