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Leaving Cert Engineering . Damian Keenan 2013. Instructions. Answer Section A and Section B of Question 1 and FOUR other questions. All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied. Diagrams should be drawn in pencil. Squared paper is supplied for graphs, as required.
Leaving Cert Engineering Damian Keenan 2013
Instructions • Answer Section A and Section B of Question 1 and FOUR other questions. • All answers must be written in ink on the answer book supplied. • Diagrams should be drawn in pencil. • Squared paper is supplied for graphs, as required. • Please label and number carefully each question attempted.
Q1 – You must answer Section a & section B • Section A • Given 13 short questions – answer 10 • Read them all and pick the ten you know,
Section B • Basic principles of operation and applications of the Stirling engine from its invention in 1816 to its modern uses.”
Q2 Material Testing • 2012 – • compare impact tests, • Tensile tests on different materials- explain brittleness-elastic and plastic states • NDT, aircraft internal & external flaws – 2 types for each, • Name one for internal faults in welded joints,
Q2 Material Testing 2011 • Metal fatigue & metal creep • Compare Hardness testers – method of measurement & test material • Stress/ strain graph – find young's & proof 0.1% stress • NDT – Explain why NDT, Describe a test using ultrasonic
Q2 Material Testing • 2010 • Why test metals till they break – id & describe impact tester – how it works and why • Load/extension graph – find UTS 0.1% proof stress • NDT – Describe Eddy Current testing – x ray testing,
Q2 Material Testing • 2009 • Hardness tester with diamond – identify & describe features • Stress/strain graph – id points on graph (elastic, plastic)- describe shape of specimen at middle and end • NDT – why use in cast bike engines, describe a test used on surface flaws in aluminium,
Q2 Material Testing • 2008 • Micoscopicvrs macroscopic examination of metals – explain Creep, 2 factors that influence creep – compare indentors in brinnel & vickers • Stress strain graph, find youngs & 0.1% proof stress • Id NDT to determine surface & internal flaws on casting – describe test to locate internal defect
Q2 Material Testing • 2006 • Compare Brinell & Vickers, explain elastic limit, id 2 factors to prevent early fatigue, • Load/extension graph – find tensile strength & youngs • NDT – why used in industry, describe test to detect internal flaws.
Q3 heat treatment & iron carbon • 2012 • Describe – Annealing, normalising, carburising • Describe the flame hardening shown & use, • Name different regions of graph – describe eutectic and eutectoid
Q3 Heat treatment & Iron Carbon • 2011 • Describe Induction hardening - distinguish grey & white cast iron – explain stress relieving in metals • Name different regions of graph – outline cooling 0.4% steel from 900 degrees c • Identify pyrometer and state function – describe how it works using the pictures,
Q3 heat treatment & iron carbon • 2010 • Compare Soaking & water cooling – distinguish optical & thermo electric pyrometer – describe normalising • Name different regions of graph – describe martinsite • Describe heat treatment for slideways – describe this process
Q3 heat treatment & iron carbon • 2009 • Id 3 quenching media used in heat treatments- discuss safety in case hardening, discuss induction hardening, what is pearlite, • Id heat treatment processes as temp zones A,B,C,- explain Allotropy, • Id pyrometer (thermo electric) – how does it work,
Q3 heat treatment & iron carbon • 2008 • Eutectic vrs eutectoid point, one method measuring furnace temp, compare microstructures martensite & ferrite, explain recrystallisation in heat treatment • Name different regions of graph – outline cooling 0.4% steel from 900 degrees c • Describe pack carburising, outline flame hardening,
Q3 heat treatment & iron carbon • 2007 • 2 methods measuring furnace temperature, describe allotropy, explain soaking in annealing, difference between grey and white cast iron, • Name different regions of graph – describe eutectic and eutectoid (2012) • Name 3 quenching media in terms of speed of cooling, outline induction hardening,
Q3 Heat treatment & Iron Carbon • 2006 • Select two temp zones on the dwg & explain the treatment processes they represent, • Compare – ferrite & martensite, upper and lower critical temp, stainless steel & high speed steel, eutectic & eutectoid point • Optical pyrometer – id & state its function and how it works,
Q5 Welding • 2012 • Describe S.A.W. & where used • Describe Colour coding oxyacetylene equip – 3 safety precautions preparation equip & materials • Describe multi run welds • Describe auto welding of car panels, • Describe main features of TIG & MMA
Q5 Welding • 2011 • Describe MMA – identify & state function of the MMA circuit, • How minimise electrical hazards in MMA – 3 ways to prevent atmospheric contamination – why TIG for Aluminium – Function of Dissolved acetylene, • Describe Seam welding & SAW
Q5 Welding • 2010 • Name TIG & MIG – name application for each and how they work, • State (oxyacetylene equip) – 3 safety precautions integrated into the equip – 2 functions of slag in MMA – Use for SAW, Describe resistance welding • Describe Electro-slag welding & oxyacetylene • Or outline why robots for spray painting – testing pipes or placing electronic parts,
Q5 Welding • 2009 • Id Seam & spot welding, describe how they work • Distinguish MIG & TIG - state 2 functions of electrode coating in MMA – 2 factors when installing a welding station in school – describe multi run welds, • Describe transformer circuit in MMA, S.A.W. • Or advantage using air to power robots for assembly – benefits using robotic control for hazardous environments
Q5 Welding • 2008 • Describe TIG using name, how it works, uses • Oxyacetylene – 2 safety features in the equip, explain two parts of the gauges, whats dissolved acetylene, difference oxydising & carburising flames • Describe main features of spot welding & MIG • Or 2 industrial uses where robots are used, advantages of stepper motors in robots
Q5 Welding • 2007 • SAW – Describe how it works and where used • Redraw incomplete transformer circuit, describe function of a & b, advantages multi run welds, 3 safety precautions preparing materials for welding • Describe seam welding & electro slag welding • Or 2 safety factors setting up robotic welding facility,
Q5 Welding • 2006 • MIG welding, name it , how it works, where its used, • MMA – 2 functions of electrode, 2 important functions of the slag, explain bridge rectifier, know 3 safety hazards and remedy for each, • Describe spot welding & TIG • Or benefits robots in car assembly, what is ‘working envelope’
Q6 Polymers • 2012 • Describe compression moulding, polymer used, and a component • Distinguish thermo & thermosetting using polymerisation process, bonding, structure, properties • Explain – elastomer, catalyst, blow moulding, G.R.P. Laminate
Q6 Polymers • 2011 • Describe Addition polymerisation, name a material, • Describe extrusion, state polymer, name component • Explain – Plasticiser, Filler, Lubricant, stabiliser, pigment
Q6 Polymers • 2010 • Identify calarindering and describe how it works – name one part produced • Distinguish thermo & thermosetting using bonding, structure, properties (same as 2012) • Explain – stabiliser, glass transition temp, condensation polymerisation, elastomer, elastic memory in perspex
Q6 Polymers • 2009 • Id Calandering & extrusion, id one component, describe how they work, • Describe polymerisation for polyethylene • Explain, Blow moulding, Elastomer, Catalyst, Co –polymer, Thermosetting plastic,
Q6 Polymers • 2008 • Extrusion–id function of 3 part, id a component • Distinguish thermo & thermosetting using polymerisation process, bonding, properties (2012) • Explain Transfer moulding, GRP, Cross linking, Laminate, Polymer filled materials
Q6 Polymers • 2007 • Id & describe how transfer moulding works , name 1 component, • State function of pigments, plasticisers, lubricants • Explain condensation polymerisation, extrusion, elastomers, van der walls forces, monomer,
Q6 Polymers • 2006 • Distinguish thermo & thermosetting using polymerisation process, bonding, internal structure, properties, (2008) • State function of fillers, stabilisers, catalyst, foaming agent • Describe injection moulding process, how it works, one part produced, name some parts.
Q8 mechanisms • 2012 • Describe ball bearings, vee belt pulleys • Explain – idler gear, car batteries, ratchet & pawl mechanism, heat sink in electronics, advantages of solar panels, • Describe method of independent drive to each wheel of moon buggy • Or electronics question
Q8 mechanisms • 2011 • Describe bevel gears & roller bearings • Explain vee pulleys, chain & sprocket, toggle, LDR, function electronic transistor, • Describe mechanism to control steering of go-kart, • Or electronics question
Q8 mechanisms • 2010 • Identify Universal joint & cam shaft and cams • Explain bevel gears, double acting cylinder, clutch, idler gear, capacitor, • Describe mechanism to control up & down dentists chair, • Or electronics – id circuit diagram
Q8 mechanisms • 2009 • Id socket set ratchet & timing belt, suggest use • Explain helical gears, preventing slip in pulley belt system, crank & slider, integrated circuit, solenoid, • Describe mechanism to rotate jewellery box • Or id & describe function of the electronic components
Q8 mechanisms • 2008 • Id and use for bevel gears & ball bearing • Explain electrical relay, clutch, shuttle valve, rack & pinion, capacitor, • Describe a mechanism to lift heavy loads • or id & describe function of the electronic components
Q8 mechanisms • 2007 • Id rack & pinion & worm gears, state where used • Explain Idler gears, Universal joint, solenoid, pneumatic flow regulator, solar panel, • Describe mechanism to automatically open a door • Or id & describe function of the electronic components
Q8 mechanisms • 2006 • Id Timing toothed belt & cam and follower and give an application, • Explain compound gear train, advantage gears over pulleys, outline function of idler gear, outline between bevel and worm gears, describe 2 uses of rack and pinion mechanism • Describe the operation of a power hacksaw • Or id & describe function of the electronic components,