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Leaving Cert. Applied. What is the Leaving Certificate Applied?. It is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life
What is the Leaving Certificate Applied? • It is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life • It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past
Why was the Leaving Cert. Applied introduced?The Leaving Cert. Applied was introduced to recognise the talents of all students and provide opportunities for development in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. It is an innovative programme in the way students learn, in what they learn and in the way their achievements are assessed
Who would benefit most? • Students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes • Students who choose not to opt for those programmes
Rationale • Recognises talents of all pupils • Promotes communication and decision making skills • Prepares students for adult and working life • Applies knowledge and skills to the solution of real problems
OV OV Curriculum Vocational Preparation & Guidance English & Communications Mathematical Applications Information Technology Vocational Specialisms- Hotel Catering & Tourism Construction Studies Arts Education - Art / Music / Drama Languages - Irish & French / German Leisure & Recreation Social Education Elective Modules – Religion
What are modules? • A module is a course of work, 30 hours duration. • Each year is divided into 2 sessions, September to January and February to June, to facilitate the modular structure of the course. • Some subjects have 1 module per session, some have 2.
What is a Task? • A Task is equivalent to a large project, 10 hours of the student’s own work • Students do 7 Tasks, each worth 5% of the students overall Leaving Certificate. Total Task marks = 35% • These are assessed by an examiner who comes to the school during the year to interview the students on their work • Tasks arise in the following subjects: General Education Hotel, Catering & Tourism Graphic & Construction Studies Social Ed.- Contemporary Issues Personal Reflection Task Practical Achievement Task Enterprise
Assessment 3 Modes Satisfactory completion of Modules 62 credits (31%) 7 Student tasks 70 credits (35%) Final examinations 68 credits (34%) Total 200 credits (100%) Certificate awarded at three levels: Pass 60-69 % (120 - 139 credits) Merit (70-84 %) (140 - 169 credits) Distinction (85-100 %) (170 - 200 credits)
Final Examinations Credits for the final Leaving Certificate exams are as follows: • English & Communications = 12 • Graphics & Construction Studies = 12 • Hotel, Catering & Tourism = 12 • French / German= 6 • Irish = 6 • Social Education= 10 • Maths Applications = 10 Total = 68 credits
Do Leaving Certificate Applied Students receive a Leaving Certificate?Yes. Students who successfully complete theprogramme will receive a Leaving Cert.from the State Examinations Commission.All credits awarded will be recorded on the Leaving Certificate Applied parchment.
Opening up New Options after the Leaving Certificate Applied The Leaving Certificate Applied Route Map Post Leaving Cert. Courses Career Apprentices Career Career Further Ed. Career
Post Leaving Certificate Courses… Childcare,Architectural Draughting, Acting, Hair and Beauty, Art,Fashion Design, Social Studies,Leisure Management, Sports Coaching,Mechanical Engineering, Furniture and Craft Design,Computer Skills, Travel and Tourism, Construction Studies And many more ……………
Direct Employment • Merit/ Distinction…… • Gardai • Civil Service • Banking
APPRENTICESHIPS • Plumbing • Carpentry • Electrician • Painting • Bricklaying …………and many more….
Leaving Certificate AppliedDestination of learners • CERT Courses 5% • Apprenticeships 19% • Post Leaving Certificate Courses 22% • FAS Main Line Courses 2% • Teagasc Courses 3% • Other Courses non PLC 2% • Employment 38% • Seeking employment 4% • Unknown, unavailable for work 5%