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Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach SMIPS Implementations Arvind Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Single-Cycle SMIPS. Register File. PC. Execute. Decode. +4. Data Memory. Inst Memory.
Computer Architecture: A Constructive Approach SMIPS Implementations Arvind Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. Massachusetts Institute of Technology http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Single-Cycle SMIPS Register File PC Execute Decode +4 Data Memory Inst Memory Datapath is shown only for convenience; it will be derived automatically from the high-level textual description http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decoding Instructions: input-output types decode 31:26, 5:0 iType IType 31:26 aluFunc 5:0 AluFunc instruction 31:26 brComp Bit#(32) BrType Type DecodedInst 20:16 rDst 15:11 Rindex Mux control logic not shown 25:21 rSrc1 Rindex 20:16 rSrc2 Rindex 15:0 imm Bit#(32) ext 25:0 Bool immValid http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Typedefs typedefenum {Alu, Ld, St, J, Jr, Jal, Jalr, Br} IType deriving(Bits, Eq); typedef enum {Eq, Neq, Le, Lt, Ge, Gt} BrType deriving(Bits, Eq); typedef enum {Add, Sub, And, Or, Xor, Nor, Slt, Sltu, LShift, RShift, Sra} AluFunc deriving(Bits, Eq); typedefenum {RAlu, IAlu, LdSt, J, Jr, Br} InstDType deriving(Bits, Eq); http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Instruction Encoding Bit#(6) opADDIU = 6’b001001; Bit#(6) opSLTI = 6’b001010; Bit#(6) opLW = 6’b100011; Bit#(6) opSW = 6’b101011; Bit#(6) opJ = 6’b000010; Bit#(6) opBEQ = 6’b000100; … Bit#(6) opFUNC = 6’b000000; Bit#(6) fcADDU = 6’b100001; Bit#(6) fcAND = 6’b100100; Bit#(6) fcJR = 6’b001000; … Bit#(6) opRT = 6’b000001; Bit#(6) rtBLTZ = 5’b00000; Bit#(6) rtBGEZ = 5’b00100; http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Instruction Grouping function InstDType getInstDType(Bit#(32) inst) return case (inst[31:26]) opADDIU, opSLTI, …: IAlu; opLW, opSW: LdSt; opJ, opJAL: J; opBEQ, opRT, …: Br; opFUNC: case (inst[5:0]) fcADDU, fcAND, …: RAlu; fcJR, fcJALR: Jr; endcase; endcase; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decode Function function DecodedInst decode(Bit#(32) inst); DecodedInst dInst = ?; let opcode = inst[ 31 : 26 ]; let rs = inst[ 25 : 21 ]; let rt = inst[ 20 : 16 ]; let rd = inst[ 15 : 11 ]; let funct = inst[ 5 : 0 ]; let imm = inst[ 15 : 0 ]; let target = inst[ 25 : 0 ]; case (getInstDType(inst)) ... endcase return dInst; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decoding Instructions:R-Type ALU case (getInstDType(opcode)) … RAlu: begin dInst.iType = Alu; dInst.aluFunc = case (funct) fcADDU: Add; fcSUBU: Sub; ... endcase; dInst.rDst = rd; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.rSrc2 = rt; dInst.immValid = False; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decoding Instructions:I-Type ALU case (getInstDType(opcode)) … IAlu: begin dInst.iType = Alu; dInst.aluFunc = case (opcode) opADDIU: Add; ... endcase; dInst.rDst = rt; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.imm = signedIAlu(opcode) ? signExtend(imm): zeroExtend(imm); dInst.immValid = True; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decoding Instructions:Load & Store case (getInstDType(opcode)) … LdSt: begin dInst.iType = opcode==opLW ? Ld : St; dInst.aluFunc = Add; dInst.rDst = rt; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.rSrc2 = rt; dInst.imm = signExtned(imm); dInst.immValid = True; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decoding Instructions:Jump case (getInstDType(opcode)) … J: begin dInst.iType = opcode==opJ ? J : Jal; dInst.rDst = 31; dInst.imm = zeroExtend({target, 2’b00}); dInst.immValid = False; end Jr: begin dInst.iType = funct==fcJR ? Jr : Jalr; dInst.rDst = rd; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.immValid = False; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Decoding Instructions:Branch case (getInstDType(opcode)) … Br: begin dInst.iType = Br; dInst.brComp = case (opcode) opBEQ : EQ; opBLEZ: LE; ... endcase; dInst.rSrc1 = rs; dInst.rSrc2 = rt; dInst.imm = signExtend({imm, 2’b00}); dInst.immValid = False; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Executing Instructions execute iType rDst dInst either for rf write or St rVal2 data ALU either for memory reference or branch target rVal1 addr Pure combinational logic Branch Address brTaken pc http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Some Useful Functions function Bool memType (IType i) return (i==Ld || i == St); endfunction function Bool regWriteType (IType i) return (i==Alu || i==Ld || i==Jal || i==Jalr); endfunction function Bool controlType (IType i) return (i==J || i==Jr || i==Jal || i==Jalr || i==Br); endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Execute Function functionExecInstexec(DecodedInstdInst, Data rVal1, Data rVal2, Addr pc); Data aluVal2 = (dInst.immValid)? dInst.imm : rVal2 letaluRes = alu(rVal1, aluVal2, dInst.aluFunc); letbrRes = aluBr(rVal1, aluVal2, dInst.brComp); letbrAddr = brAddrCal(pc, rVal1, dInst.iType, dInst.imm); letaddr = (memType(dInst.iType)? aluRes : br.addr; let data = dInst.iType==St ? rVal2 : aluRes; returnExecInst{iType: dInst.iType, brTaken: brRes, addr: adddr, data: data, rDst: dInst.rDst}; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
ALU function Data alu(Data a, Data b, Func func); Data res = case(func) Add : add(a, b); Sub : subtract(a, b); And : (a & b); Or : (a | b); Xor : (a ^ b); Nor : ~(a | b); Slt : setLessThan(a, b); Sltu : setLessThanUnsigned(a, b); LShift: logicalShiftLeft(a, b[4:0]); RShift: logicalShiftRight(a, b[4:0]); Sra : signedShiftRight(a, b[4:0]); endcase; return res; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Branch Resolution function Bool aluBr(Data a, Data b, BrType brComp); Bool brTaken = case(brComp) Eq : (a == b); Neq : (a != b); Le : signedLE(a, 0); Lt : signedLT(a, 0); Ge : signedGE(a, 0); Gt : signedGT(a, 0); endcase; return brTaken; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Branch Address Calculation function Addr brAddrCalc(Address pc, Data val, IType iType, Data imm); let targetAddr = case (iType) J, Jal : {pc[31:28], imm[27:0]}; Jr, Jalr : val; default : pc + imm; endcase; return targetAddr; endfunction http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Single-Cycle SMIPS module mkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFile rf <- mkRFile; Memory mem <- mkTwoPortedMemory; let iMem = mem.iport ; let dMem = mem.dport; rule doProc; let inst <- iMem(MemReq{op: Ld, addr: pc, data: ?}); let dInst = decode(inst); Data rVal1 = rf.rd1(dInst.rSrc1); Data rVal2 = rf.rd2(dInst.rSrc2); http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Single-Cycle SMIPS cont let eInst = exec(dInst, rVal1, rVal2, pc); if(memType(eInst.iType)) eInst.data <- dMem(MemReq{ op: eInst.iType==Ld ? Ld : St, addr: eInst.addr, data: eInst.data}); pc <= eInst.brTaken ? eInst.addr : pc + 4; if(regWriteType(eInst.iType)) rf.wr(eInst.rDst, eInst.data); endrule endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
SMIPS Princeton Architecture Register File Epoch PC Execute Decode fr +4 Memory http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Cycle SMIPS modulemkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; RFilerf <- mkRFile; Memory mem <- mkMemory; letuMem= mem.port; PipeReg#(FBundle) fr <- mkPipeReg; Reg#(Bit#(1)) stage <- mkReg(0); ruledoProc; if(stage==0 && fr.notFull) begin let inst <- uMem(MemReq{op: Ld, addr: pc, data: ?}); fr.enq(FBundle{pc: pc, inst: inst}); stage <= 1; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Cycle SMIPS if(stage==1 && fr.notEmpty) begin letfrpc = fr.first.pc; let inst = fr.first.inst; letdInst = decode(inst); Data rVal1 = rf.rd1(dInst.rSrc1); Data rVal2 = rf.rd2(dInst.rSrc2); leteInst = exec(dInst, rVal1, rVal2, frpc); if(memType(eInst.iType)) eInst.data <- uMem(MemReq{ op: eInst.iType==Ld ? Ld : St, addr: eInst.addr, data: eInst.data}); pc <= eInst.brTaken ? eInst.addr : pc + 4; if(regWriteType(eInst.iType)) rf.wr(eInst.rDst, eInst.data); fr.deq; stage <= 0; end endruleendmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Cycle SMIPS descriptions are the same for Harvard & Princeton Register File stage PC Execute Decode fr +4 Data Memory Inst Memory http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Pipelined SMIPS (Princeton) Register File Epoch PC Execute Decode fr +4 Memory http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Pipelined SMIPS (Princeton) modulemkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; Reg#(Bool) epoch <- mkReg(True); RFilerf <- mkRFile; Memory mem <- mkOnePortedMemory; letuMem = mem.port; PipeReg#(FBundle) fr <- mkPipeReg; Wire#(Bool) memAcc <- mkDWire(False); ruledoProc; if(fr.notFull && !memAcc) begin let inst <- uMem(MemReq{op: Ld, addr: pc, data: ?}); fr.enq(FBundle{pc: pc, epoch: epoch, inst: inst}); end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Pipelined SMIPS (Princeton) AddrredirPC = ?; BoolredirPCvalid = False; if(fr.notEmpty) begin letfrpc = fr.first.pc; let inst = fr.first.inst; if(fr.first.epoch==epoch) begin letdInst = decode(inst); Data rVal1 = rf.rd1(dInst.rSrc1); Data rVal2 = rf.rd2(dInst.rSrc2); leteInst = exec(dInst, rVal1, rVal2, frpc); if(memType(eInst.iType)) begin eInst.data <- uMem(MemReq{ op: eInst.iType==Ld ? Ld : St, addr: eInst.addr, data: eInst.data}); memAcc = True; end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Pipelined SMIPS (Princeton) if(eInst.brTaken) begin redirPC = eInst.addr; redirPCvalid = True; end if(regWriteType(eInst.iType)) rf.wr(eInst.rDst, eInst.data); end fr.deq; end pc <= redirPCvalid ? redirPC : !memAcc ? pc + 4 : pc; epoch <= redirPCvalid ? !epoch : epoch; endrule endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Stage SMIPS (Harvard) Register File Epoch PC Execute Decode fr +4 Data Memory Inst Memory http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Stage SMIPS (Harvard) module mkProc(Proc); Reg#(Addr) pc <- mkRegU; Reg#(Bool) epoch <- mkRegU; RFile rf <- mkRFile; Memory mem <- mkTwoPortedMemory; let iMem = mem.iport; let dMem = mem.dport; PipeReg#(FBundle) fr <- mkPipeReg; rule doProc; if(fr.notFull) begin let inst <- iMem(MemReq{op: Ld, addr: pc, data: ?}); fr.enq(FBundle{pc: pc, epoch: epoch, inst: inst}); end http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Stage SMIPS (Harvard) Addr redirPc = ?; Bool redirPCvalid = False; if(fr.notEmpty) begin let frpc = fr.first.pc; let inst = fr.first.inst; if(fr.first.epoch==epoch) begin let dInst = decode(inst); Data rVal1 = rf.rd1(dInst.rSrc1); Data rVal2 = rf.rd2(dInst.rSrc2); let eInst = exec(dInst, rVal1, rVal2, frpc); if(memType(eInst.iType)) eInst.data <- dMem(MemReq{ op: eInst.iType==Ld ? Ld : St, addr: eInst.addr, data: eInst.data}); http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU
Two-Stage SMIPS (Harvard) if(eInst.brTaken) begin redirPC = eInst.addr; redirPCvalid = True; end if(regWriteType(eInst.iType)) rf.wr(eInst.rDst, eInst.data); end fr.deq; end pc <= redirPCvalid ? redirPC : pc + 4; epoch <= redirPCvalid ? !epoch : epoch; endrule endmodule http://csg.csail.mit.edu/SNU