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Developing the Technological Imagination. Today: Interfaces, New Media Logics. Developing the Technological Imagination. Course Reserves, CRPs Questions about assignment? Odegaard Course Reserves (24hr checkout) Template design: thoughts? (Tues) Schedule Shifting
Developing the Technological Imagination Today: Interfaces, New Media Logics http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Course Reserves, CRPs Questions about assignment? Odegaard Course Reserves (24hr checkout) Template design: thoughts? (Tues) Schedule Shifting Guest Speaker on Wednesday, February 2 Mary C. Joyce: Digital Activism Decoded, Meta-Activism.org http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Looking Back, Looking Forward -Turkle: New Media and Attention Economies-McLuhan: Mediation and Effects, not Content or Uses-Mediums, Ratios & Scales, Resources-[Hot and Cold Media] Media Ecology, Networked!-“The Internet Galaxy”-Network Society & the New Information Economy- http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Interfaces, Echo and Amplify “The organization of space—all those medieval towns wrapped devoutly around their cathedrals—not only implied a specific mindset, it helped create it” (Johnson, 43). http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination New Dataspace & The Desktop Metaphor -1984: The Mac inaugurates the Interface as a Medium, an artform-DOS/Mac: command-line to GUI Conceptual Limitations -command to desktop to ??-breaking the logic of mimeticism-simulation fever-dataspace as private space http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Re-Imagining the Information-Space “The most profound change will lie with our generic expectations about the interface itself” (213) [Spatial] vs Psychological Depth Society vs [Individual] [Mainstream] vs Avant-Garde [One] vs Many Interfaces Metaphor vs [Simulation] Fragmentation vs Synthesis http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Ridley’s Aesthetics: Mo and PoMo Clarity and Function Futurism and Decay http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Computer: From Tool to Filter -1990s rise of Internet placed computer at center “The interface shapes how the computer user conceives of the computer itself. It also determines how users think of any media object accessed via a computer. Stripping different media of their original distinctions, the interface imposes its own logic on them.” (65) -convergence of work and play -form and content >> interface and content -art vs. info design http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Cultural Interfaces, 1 -HCI to HCCI: human-computer-culture interface (70) -Ex. Webpages, CD-ROMs, Videogames; MYST! -liberation of media from traditional physical storage (73)-anti-linear logic of RAM (77) “[Computer media] replaced sequential storage with random-access storage; hierarchical organization of information with flattened hypertext; psychological movement of narrative in novels and cinema with physical movement through space…” (78) http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination MYST - Cyan/Brøderbund, 1993 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bj4ztO-ijBM http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Cultural Interfaces, 2 “the interface privileges cinematic perception—cuts, precomputed, dolly-like motions, preselected viewpoints” (83) -3D game interfaces extending the kino-eye (84+) “Rather than being merely one cultural language among others, cinema is not becoming the cultural interface, a toolbox for all cultural communication, overtaking the printed word” (86) “The window into a fictional world of cinematic narrative has become a window into a datascape” (86) http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination HCI is an Historical Chameleon “HCI is like a chameleon that keeps changing its appearance, responding to how computers are used in any given period” (89) http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370
Developing the Technological Imagination Screens and Viewing Regimes Era of the Dynamic Screen Era of the Real Time Screen -attention, identification, temporality, ergodics-radar and the Real Time Screen -post-image age? (100) http://staff.washington.edu/schenold/chid370