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Survival Tips Survival Tips for Teaching for Teaching Kids English Kids English Shelly Sanchez Terrell TeacherRebootCamp.com/survival:ps/kids
Image from Marisa Constan0nides, @Marisa_C
Tip! Research the Tip! Research the developmental developmental stages for your stages for your age group age group
What are your What are your favorite theorists, favorite theorists, approaches, and approaches, and books? books?
Toy Mingle? • Each student brings in a favorite toy • Divide the class into 2 lines and seat them across from each other. • The teacher starts the 0mer for 1 minute and the pairs play with each other • They switch partners
My Favorite Cartoon? 1st. Draw your favorite cartoon character 2nd. No talking. Just hold up your drawing 3rd. Run to another person who you think likes the same cartoon. 4th. Now you can ask him/her? Introduce yourself.
Tip: Go beyond the book?
How will I teach words? Meaning?
“Language body conversa:on” ~Dr. James Asher Peek-a-boo - _MG_6709 by sean dreilinger, Flickr
The way parents & babies communicate?
Demonstrate with Flashcards?
Show a Video? Image CC BY-‐NC-‐SA 2.0 by thegarlands, Flickr.com
Finger Plays & Gesture Songs? Itsy, Bitsy Spider Where is Thumbkin? Twinkle Little Star Clap Your Hands A Sailor Went to Sea Enchantedlearning.com Head, Shoulder, Knees, Toes
Tip: Amplify Story Time! ?
Story Time with Fire Chief Sullivan By Lucius Beebe Memorial Library, Flickr
C is for Camera by @kevinv033, Flickr My PlayDoh Crea0on! An Owl by Mikenan1, Flickr
Teacherrebootcamp.com/survivaltips/ mysurvivalkit?
Tip: Build Routines?
What’s your schedule?? Repeat activities Include short rest periods Strike a balance between activity and rest periods
Example Schedule? Hello song! Hello game! Discovery Game! Dance! Sing! Snack Break! Story Time Hands-on Activity! Discovery Game! Color! Closing song/dance!
Integrating Technology? Hello song! CD, MP3 from iPod/ laptop Hello game! Visual instructions on screen Discovery Game! iPad/Web Activity Dance! Sing! Story Time Video of movements/ song Apps, online games/ activities Hands-on Activity! Explore w/ iPad Color! Color & drawing apps & web tools
Engage Parents Engage Parents?? • Suggest ac0vi0es in a wiki, blog, website, newsleQer, etc. • Include games with instruc0ons or a video example • Have parents suggest ac0vi0es/games • Add to a group calendar
Whoever wants to understand much must play much.? ~Gottfried Benn?
How do we support learners??
Understand and simply difficult text Understand and simply difficult text?? Rewordify.com Rewordify.com??
Kids Picture Dictionary IOS App? hQps://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kids-‐picture-‐dic0onary-‐educa0onal/id482972824?mt=8
“They may forget what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.” - Carol Buchner
ShellyTerrell.com TeacherRebootCamp.com/ survival:ps/kids Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell Plus.google.com/ +ShellySanchezTerrell