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Current Status of Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO)

The Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) project aims to provide seamless access to distributed astronomical databases, user-friendly data analysis, and robust services on the grid network. It includes prototype systems and software tools developed for efficient multi-wavelength research.

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Current Status of Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO)

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  1. Current Status of Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO) Yuji SHIRASAKI National Astronomical Observatory of Japan yuji.shirasaki@nao.ac.jp

  2. JVO Members • Project Scientists • NAOJ • Y. Mizumoto • M. Ohishi • Y. Shirasaki • M. Tanaka • S. Honda • ICRR • N. Yasuda • DB Advisor • Ochanomizu U. • Y. Masunaga • System Engineers • Fujitsu Ltd. • Y. Ishihara • K. Abe • J. Tsutumi

  3. DB maintained by NAOJ Nobeyama 45m Subaru Subaru 8.2m Optical-Infrared Telescope Kiso 105cm Schmidt Camera Okayama 188cm Optical Telescope Nobeyama 45m Radio Telescope Nobeyama Millimeter Array Nobeyama Radioheliograph VSOP VERA ALMA

  4. DB maintained by JAXA (NASDA+NAL+ISAS) ASCA ASCA X-ray astronomy satellite YOHKO solar physics satellite Ginga X-ray astronomy satellite HALCA VLBI satellite Geotail geomagnetosphere satellite Akebono aurora observation satellite ASTRO-F Infrared satellite ASTRO-E2 X-ray satellite SOLAR-B YOHKO HALCA

  5. MetaDB MetaDB ScienceDB ScienceDB Goal of the JVO Project • 1. Seamless access to the distributed astro DBs • DB federation under Grid technology Researchers • 2.User-friendly data analysis environment • Accelerate multi-wavelength study Registry GRID = Distributed server system JVO 10Gbps Super SINET, linked with GRID technology GRID GRID • 3. Robustness to a heavy access rate • Distributed server system for search and analysis services on the Grid network.

  6. JVO Prototype 1 Federation of the distributed data bases Globus Tool Kit 2 (user authentication, file transfer, remote job submission) UDDI (to find a requested DB) Define a astronomical query language (JVOQL) region specification, image request, cross-matching… Development of user interface Query Language (QL) editor VOTable Viewer & Plotter Science demo Cosmic string search through the gravitational lens effect

  7. Hypertext contents JVO Client Netscape Communicator Java2 Plugin JVO Client (servlet) Redhat Linux 2Mass DataBase JVO Prototype System Architecture Redhat Linux JVO Service Gb Ether Solaris8 (Possible at Linux) JVO Controller GSDL UDDI Maintenance Tool UDDI Registory / Servlet Engine Globus Toolkit (Server) Java2SE 1.4 Java2SE 1.4 JVO Service (X match) Apache Tomcat Maintenance Tool UDDI4J soapuddi SQL library JVO Service (select) Apache SOAP • register • update • delete JDBC ① Servlet DownLoad ③ Find Service ② Request Observation JVO Controller DB Service Image Data (copy) DB Service Java2SE 1.4 PostgreSQL (DBMS) PostgreSQL JVO Server Monitoring Image Data 2Mass DB UDDI4J SUBARU SupCam z-band UDDI Data • get & parse GSDL • pre condition check • execute Service • post condition check SUBARU DataBase Redhat Linux JVO Service ⑦ issue SQL ⑤ execute Service ③ get GSDL GSDL GSDL (copy) ④’ Get GSDL by GridFTP ⑤’ execute Service Check status Globus Toolkit (Client) Globus Toolkit (Server) Internet ⑥’ spawn Service ④ Get GSDL by GridFTP JVO Service (image) AVO JVO Service JVO Service (X match) SUBARU DataBase Globus Toolkit Globus Toolkit (Server) GridFTP GSDL SQL library JVO Service (select) NVO ⑥ spawn Service JVO Service (select) JVO Service (count) SQL library SQL library JVO Service (image) JVO Service (X match) Globus Toolkit SQL library JVO Service (count) ⑦’ issue SQL Image Data (copy) DB Service Image Data Copy imate data by GridFTP Image Data (copy) ORACLE Copy imate data by GridFTP • The following free software is included by globus toolkit. • OpenSSL (Secure Socket Library) • OpenLDAP (LDAP Server) • wu-ftpd (ftp server) SUBARU SupCam i-band Image Data Free Software In House Software Commercial Software Function

  8. Meta DB Meta DB Astro Data Astro Data Registry (UDDI) User Interface Web Browser JVO Prototype 1 System Architecture • Science Dcmo • Gravitational Lens Search • JVO QL Editor • Resource Viwer • VOTable Viewer • Plotter • Image Viewer User Authentication Analysis interface Query Interface Result Viwer • login JVOQL JVO System VOTable, FITS Java Servlet, JSP Java Beans VOTable, FITS Java Servlet JSP Java Beans Controller JVOQLParser GSI Scheduller Analysis Server Executer SOAP DB VOTable FITS GridFTP JVOQL, VOTable JDBC JVOQL Globus-job-submit

  9. Create view myEROtable as Select s.Bmag, s.Rmag, t.Hmag, t.Kmag, …, sr.BOX(POINT(s.ra,s.dec),w,h) as Rimage, tk.BOX(POINT(s.ra,s.dec),w,h) as Kimage, … From SUBARU s, 2MASS t, …, SUBARU.R sr, 2MASS.K tk, … Where XMATCH(s,b,…) < 3 arcsec and (s.Rmag – t.Kmag) > 6 mag and BOX(POINT(ra0,dec0), w0, h0) and … Create view with the user specified name in JVO system. JVO Query Language (Catalog+Image) Select attributes from each catalog server. Column names can be expressed in UCD. Select cutout images from each image data server.Image area can be specified by BOX or CIRCLE operand. Select the catalog server. Select the image data server. Cross-match distributed catalogs. Query condition based on distributed catalog. Specify search area with the same syntax as cutout image specification.

  10. Select s.a, t.a, … From SUBARU.R s, 2MASS.K t, … Where (s.AREA() OVERLAP t.AREA()) as a JVO Query Language (Image)

  11. User Authentication

  12. JVO Control Page Open a JVOQL Editor Load a query file Run Open a monitor window

  13. JVOQL Editor set image size Catalog/Table/Column selection set cross match condition set search region

  14. VOTable Viewer & Plotter

  15. Gravitational Lens Search Demo • Scientifc objective: • Cosmic string search through the gravitational lens effect • Looking for pair objects satisfying the following conditions: • Separation angle < 5” Same morphology • Similar brightness • Similar color • Aligned along a string (straight line ?) • This demo searches pair objects satisfying the checked conditions and the corresponding image data are also retrieved.

  16. Produced at a phase transition of early universe ? Density = 1022 g/cm Gravitational Lens Effect • Features: • < 5 arcsec • No magnification • No distortion • Observed as twins of a galaxy

  17. Query Language Editor Gravitational Lens Search Demo (1/2) separation angle Catalog/Table/Column selection color difference Parameter range

  18. jpeg images for 3 bands 3-color composite image Color-Color plot SED Gravitational Lens Search Demo (2/2)

  19. Summary: Toward JVO Prototype 2 • Globus TK3 • File Transfer ---- GridFTP and/or GSI SFS • Remote Job submission ---- GRAM • Implement Resource Metadata in JVO registry • Analysis services (SExtractor, Photometry, Image Subtraction… ) RoadMap 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 . Experimental service start JVO project start Prototype I Prototype II Practical System

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