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WFP CAMBODIA Country Programme July 2011 – June 2016. 9 th March2011. Main Features First 5 year Country Programme in Cambodia Goal: Support the development of sustainable food security systems while addressing immediate food security needs Budget: US$20 million/yr
WFP CAMBODIACountry ProgrammeJuly 2011 – June 2016 9th March2011
Main Features • First 5 year Country Programme in Cambodia • Goal: Support the development of sustainable food security systems while addressing immediate food security needs • Budget: US$20 million/yr • Total no. of beneficiaries: 2,850,000 • Main Components: • Education • Nutrition • Productive Assets and Livelihoods • Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping
Strategic focus: Food Access & Safety Nets • Focus mainly on ensuring improved access to sufficient and diverse types of food for the poorest • WFP will focus more on the demand side of food security rather than supply side (eg. consumption vs production) • Main interventions will consist of food-based social safety nets
Transitions of WFP in Cambodia: • From recovery to development • From ”food aid” to ”food assistance” • From an implementer to an enabler of national ownership and capacity
Operational and Policy alignments: • National Policies: - NSDP - SFFSN - NSPS - NNP • UNDAF Pillars: Pillar 1: Economic Growth & Sustainable Dev Pillar 2: Health and Education Pillar 5: Social Protection • CMDGS: 1, 3, 4, 5, 7
Scope of Activities: i) School meals (hot breakfasts) in primary schools and pre-schools ii) Food/cash scholarships in grades 4-6 of primary schools • Objectives: Improve long-term food security through incentives for education, increased right-age enrolment, reduced drop-outs and increased completion • Key beneficiaries: School meals: all children in grades 1-6 and in pre-schools Scholarships: targeted to poorest households in grades 4-6 (using ID Poor) • Key cooperating partners: MoEYS/PoE/DoE/school authorities, NGOs (e.g. KAPE, SAJ, WV and others), communities Education
Nutrition • Scope of activities: Community-based nutrition interventions, including awareness raising/education + preventive supplementary feeding in areas with high prevalence of malnutrition • Key Objective: Prevent chronic undernutrition (stunting and underweight) during the “1,000 day window of opportunity” from conception to 23 months • Key beneficiaries: Children 6-23 months and pregnant and lactating women • Key cooperating partners: • NGOs: RACHA, Caritas, CWS; VHSGs; health centres • MOH
Food for Work / PALS • Scope of activities: Create sustainable community assets, such as tertiary roads, small-scale irrigation schemes, canals, dams/dykes, and ponds though labor intensive works • Key Objectives (current Food for Work): • Short-term: fill the food gap ahead of annual lean season • Medium-term: Provide predictable income/employment opportunities for poor HHs during off-season • Long-term: build productive community assets • Key beneficiaries: • HH selection is self-targeting based on work norm/wage rate • Linkages to IDPoor HHs • Based on a local-level participatory planning process • Key cooperating partners: • MRD, PDRD • NGOs: e.g. CARE, CWS, WV, SP, ZOA, VSF
Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (VAM) Scope of activities: • Market surveillance for food prices & other key food security indicators • Survey / Assessment / M&E (eg. Comprehensive food security and vulnerability analysis (CFSVA) survey) • Food security atlas & other mapping products: • Comprehensive food security and vulnerability analysis (CFSVA) survey • Support to Gvt’s capacity with food security & nutrition monitoring, analysis and policy making Key cooperating partners: CARD, MOP/NIS, NCDM, UNICEF, FAO, WHO