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NHS Safety Thermometer. Measuring harm at the point of care. Why use the Safety Thermometer?. To measure harm at the bedside in a systematic way To ask the right questions about key outcomes To integrate measurement of harm in to your daily work
NHS Safety Thermometer Measuring harm at the point of care
Why use the Safety Thermometer? • To measure harm at the bedside in a systematic way • To ask the right questions about key outcomes • To integrate measurement of harm in to your daily work • To support patient care and patient experience • To understand how things can be improved • To measure across the health economy in any care setting A call to action for frontline healthcare professionals – staff at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust are using the NHS Safety Thermometer once per month to rapidly review the proportion of patients free from harm: matron Dylan Edwards with patient Kathryn Shuttleworth, and staff nurse Helen Gresty
Did you know that every year in England there are… You can make a difference! Together we can change this… Start counting today
Measuring 4 Safety Outcomes together Do you know how many patients are impacted by these harms in your organisation, caseload or ward? Join our growing community of people who want to know and what to change. Together we can achieve harm free care…. Which of these patients do you want to be?
The Safety Thermometer is an NHS excel tool which can be downloaded for free from http://www.patientsafetyfirst.nhs.uk/Content.aspx?path=/interventions/relatedprogrammes/safety-thermometer/ The administrator tab allows you to merge data from different wards / caseloads / organisations The survey tab allows you to enter your data – this can also be printed The definitions tab contains operational definitions for the four harms The analyser tab allows you to produce line charts with your data at the click of a button
What Next? Go to the Patient Safety First website www.patientsafetyfirst.nhs.uk and click on Safety Express and then Safety Thermometer, or follow this link: http://www.patientsafetyfirst.nhs.uk/Content.aspx?path=/interventions/relatedprogrammes/safety-thermometer/ for all supporting information including: • Safety Thermometer user case studies • A monthly timetable with dates for data collection, submission and return • A detailed ‘How to use the Safety Thermometer’ guide • A step by step guide on how to analyse your Safety Thermometer data