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Talia iactanti stridens Aquilone procella Uttering such things a roaring gust from the North wind velum adversa ferit , fluctusque ad sidera tollit . Strikes the sail in front, and raises waves to the stars. Franguntur remi ; tum prora avertit , et undis
Talia iactantistridensAquiloneprocella Uttering such things a roaring gust from the North windvelum adversaferit, fluctusque ad sideratollit. Strikes the sail in front, and raises waves to the stars.Frangunturremi; tumproraavertit, et undis The oars are broken; then the prow turns, and to the wavesdatlatus; insequiturcumulopraeruptusaquaemons. Gives its side; a towering montain of water follows in a heapHi summo in fluctu pendent; his undadehiscens These hang on the top of a wave; for these a splitting wave opens theterram inter fluctusaperit; furitaestusharenis. Land among the waves; a surge rages with the sands.
TrisNotusabreptas in saxalatentiatorquet The Southwind twists/turns 3 (ships) having been snatched up into lurking rocks saxavocantItalimediis quae in fluctibusaras The rocks in the middle of the waves which Italians call “altars” dorsumimmanemarisummo; tris Eurus abalto The huge back/ridge on the top of the sea; three the Southeast wind from the sea inbrevia et Syrtisurguet, miserabilevisu Into short (the shallows) and rolls (them) into Syrtis (sand bars/reefs), wretched to see inliditquevadisatqueaggerecingitharenae And dashes (them) into shallows and so circles them in a heap of sand Unam, quae LyciosfidumquevehebatOronten, One, which was carrying the Lycians and trusty Orontes,
ipsius ante oculosingens a verticepontus Before the eyes of him himself the huge sea from a whirlpool inpuppimferit: excutiturpronusquemagister Strikes into/against the ship: and the pilot is cast out prone volvitur in caput; astillamterfluctusibidem (and) is turned/rolled headlong; but a wave turns that one three times that instant torquetagens circum, et rapidusvorataequorevortex. Driving (it) around, and a swift whirlpool swallows (it) in the sea Adparentrarinantes in gurgitevasto, Scattered swimming (men) appear in the vast whirlpool, Armavirum, tabulaeque, et Troiagaza per undas. The weapons of men, and the planks, and Trojan treasure through the waves.
IamvalidamIlioneinavem, iamfortisAchati,now the strong ship of Ilionus, now (the ship) of brave Achates,et qua vectusAbas, et qua grandaevusAletes,and (the ship) on which Abas was carried, and on which aged Aletes (was carried)vicithiems; laxislaterumcompagibusomnesthe storm conquered; the seams/joints of their sides having been loosened, allaccipiuntinimicumimbrem, rimisquefatiscunt.Take on hateful/hostile water, and gape with cracks.