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Comprehensive Review & Preparation for ISDR System Implementation

Discussing work modalities for implementing the Hyogo Framework, defining responsibilities, setting objectives, and facilitating joint work programs. Focus on clear accountability and effective support.

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Comprehensive Review & Preparation for ISDR System Implementation

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  1. Agenda item 4:Work modalities of the revised ISDR system to support the implementation of Hyogo Framework- Elements to be reviewed in groups- & prepare for decisionWorkdoc3 www.unisdr.org

  2. IATF/DR to adopt a process and prepare for the new system • Expected outcome: Roadmap for first Global Platform & a mechanism to prepare first work-programme for the ISDR system • Three groups to define framework & scope of • Integrated work-programme; • reporting on progress; and • clusters-thematic work (responsibilities and accountability)

  3. Annex 3: Clustering • Based on matrix and Hyogo Framework priorities • Organization & action of clusters, thematic groups/platforms. Use existing inter-agency mechanisms when applicable. • Based on what themes/tasks? How should they work, management mechanisms? • Clearer distribution of responsibilities, accountability • Support setting of objectives, work-programming, identify gaps and coordinate reporting on progress • Usefulness and role of convening/lead agency

  4. Suggested tasks, initial division annex 3 “Thematic clustering - for discussion • Launch process for first “cluster planning”- time frames and definition of work priorities Expected outcome: Agreement on process and initial thematic clustering

  5. Annex 1: Integrated work-programming(proposal based on UNAIDS experience) Goal: • Coordinated & effective support, & coherence, for implementation of the Hyogo Framework • Strive for increased national capacities and benefits • Benefits must be clear / costs minimized

  6. ISDR System implementation(coming out of the ISDR stakeholder workshop) • “Blueprint” of the system • Roles / contributions • Expected results • “Fuelling” the system • Requirements • Sources • “Monitoring” the system • Management • Feedback / corrections

  7. ISDR System implementation • “Blueprint” • “Fuelling” • “Monitoring” Joint Workplan Resources (all) GovernancemanagementM & E

  8. Hyogo Framework Outcomes: * National priority & institutions * Risk assessment & warning * Knowledge * Reduction in risk factors * Strengthened preparedness • Actors: • * Governments • * Regional bodies • * UN • Civil Society • * Business • * Academia Impact: * Lives * Livelihoods * Infrastructure * Environment

  9. Workplanning Scope (tbd) • ISDR secretariat • UN Agencies at global & regional levels • ISDR System Infrastructure • Thematic (clusters), regional, strengthened RC capacity • UN Country Programmes (alt.) • National priority setting support (alt.)

  10. Result-based approach

  11. Including bilateral support

  12. Including bilateral support

  13. Governance, Management, Monitoring & Evaluation • Preparation of work-programme (clusters, PAC) • Approval of work-programme (Global Platform) • Approval of budget (MOB) • Monitoring & revisions of workprogramme implementation • Evaluation • Reporting

  14. Pending: Trust Fund Option 1

  15. Trust fund Option 2

  16. ISDR Trust Fund - Under discussion Management oversight board * Joint workprogramme Progamme advisory committee Supplemental & agencies own funds Donors Trust fund

  17. To be discussed • Level of workplan/s- usefulness and needs? Scope of the system (consolidated or network) • What should be the scope: actors, geographic, time scale? • Should the workplan be results-based and costed? Or only define joint objectives? • Use of ISDR trust fund? Funding the ISDR “infrastructure” (secretariat, platforms etc.)? Country programmes?

  18. Annex 2: A common progress reporting process • Strive for expanded understanding, national leadership, and motivate self-directed reporting by entities involved • Success determined by engagement & achievements of actors at all levels (national, regional international): link to existing reporting mechanisms as much as possible • Linked to objectives and expected results (indicators)

  19. Current efforts- towards common reporting • Compilation of Matrix of Commitments and Initiatives- implementation HFA • On-going discussions with experts for guiding identification of benchmarks and indicators • Consolidated report/s: SG report to UNGA, & posting on website of source material: national, regional, international. Use of web-bsed Infromation Platform • Prepare for periodic review (timeframes?): Living with Risk format

  20. Modalities • National reporting (voluntary): core element • Engage with national platforms/systems, existing related reporting (sust dev, climate change, poverty reduction, health) • UN RC system and country teams • Regional bodies to support countries and regional reviews • Global reporting: draw from the above- consolidate by clusters, include resource allocation for DRR

  21. To discuss • Modalities for common reporting- part of cluster responsibilities. • Existing reporting mechanisms and links to common reporting on HFA • Group of IATF to develop reporting guidelines • Follow-up steps

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