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Learn about collage art, its origins, how to create collages, and explore the techniques used by famous artists in this interactive presentation.
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Pick and Mix Te Tuhi Pre-visit lesson 1
Welcome to PickandMix During the next few lessons we will be exploring… • The Art of Collage • 3D Collage • Digital Collage
Let’s start this lesson by exploring “The art of collage”. Image:http://www.patrickbremer.co.uk/#/?page=738&index=2
Collage and its origins From the 13th Century onwards collage started to appear in Europe with the technique being used and applied to different materials and spaces. It was used more widely in Japan during the 10th century by calligraphers who copied poems onto collaged papers. Since then the technique of collage has been used all around the world particularly by artists. Collage is believed to have started at the time of the invention of paper in China around 200BC.
A “collage” has become a popular way to create art. What is a Collage? And how do you make one?
Making a collage Artists would assemble and glue different materials to a piece of paper or canvas. These materials may include: Making a collage means you can combine and recycle different materials and make them part of a new story or message. • coloured paper • newspaper clippings • ribbons • photographs • bits of artwork or text • and other interesting objects Image: http://www.rgbstock.com/photo/n3cU7wY/Crumpled+Coloured+Paper+Blue http://designerwallcoverings.com/WallpaperStore/natural-textiles-and-ecotextures-rice-papers-c-1604_67_72/romano-rice-paper-03-ocre-p-1169 http://ramonabarsalona.blogspot.co.nz/2011/05/newspaper-clippings-to-be-edited_10.html http://depositphotos.com/1223562/stock-illustration-Gold-medal-with-yellow-ribbon.html http://www.clker.com/clipart-26981.html http://www.royalhigh.edin.sch.uk/departments/departments/CDT/ahgc_0708_blender_vegetation.html http://www.anderes-spielen.de/epages/61855634.sf/en_GB/?ViewObjectID=30654906
Over the years artists have used the collage technique in different ways and in different forms. Let’s take a look at 4 artists who explore collage in different ways.
Collage and painting Kurt Schwitters Glass and bottle of Suze 1912 Violin 1912 -13 Guitar 1913 Artist Pablo Picasso was one of the first to mix collage with his paintings and drawings. He would cut printed text or pictures into shapes and puzzle them in with his drawing or painting. Image: http://www.moma.org/collection/browse_results.php?object_id=38359 http://digiart2011.blogspot.co.nz/2011/03/collage-through-times.html http://pomo.cca.edu/~cjohnson/project4collpicass4.html
Collage and painting Double River 2010 Double Range 2010 Farm 2006 Sanski 2011 Knin 2011 NZ artist Kate Woods combines painting with photography in her collage art works. She often uses photographs of New Zealand landscapes and changes their appearance by painting geometric sculptures. They almost appear as time portals to other worlds. Image: http://www.katejwoods.co.nz/
Collage as cut outs The Sorrows of the King 1952 The Horse, the Rider and the Clown 1947 Polynesia, The Sea 1946 The Parekeet and the Mermaid 1952 Large Composition with Masks 1953 After painting for many years Artist Henri Matisse stopped and started making paper collages. He began painting large pieces of paper in bold colours, then cutting out shapes, figures and objects and arranging them in interesting ways. Some collages would be so big they could easily fill an entire gallery wall. Image: http://theredlist.com/wiki-2-351-861-414-1293-401-406-view-fauvism-profile-matisse.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sorrows_of_the_King https://www.pinterest.com/pin/279926933063401511/ http://magellanstraits.com/2014/04/16/matisse-cut-outs-a-dont-miss-exhibition/ http://www.waldemar.tv/2014/04/henri-matisse-the-final-cut/
Collage as portraits Outward 2012 Harry 2012 British artist Patrick Bremer shows us how you can create intricate and detailed collage portraits. Patrick combines craft paper, newspaper, magazine pages and carefully cuts out, arranges and pastes his shapes into place to capture the unique features of his subjects. Image: http://www.patrickbremer.co.uk/
As we have seen, Collage has a rich history and has been used by artists in different ways. Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far…
What have we learnt so far? Collage • originated in China, used more widely in Japan and eventually being used by people all around the world. • is an artwork made by combining a range of materials using glue, layering and arrangement. • is a technique used by artists in different ways to create art.
In the next lesson we will explore 3D Collage End of lesson