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BE-Basic: Chemical Factory of the Future

BE-Basic aims to develop industrial bio-based solutions for a sustainable society. This symposium focuses on soil health and the role of chemical factories in achieving zero-emission situations. The topics include sustainable soil management, synthetic biology, and the environmental impact of bio-based processes.

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BE-Basic: Chemical Factory of the Future

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  1. BE-Basic and Soil Health BE-Basic Symposium Kees van Gestel Department of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

  2. BE-Basic • Biotechnology based Ecologically Balanced Sustainable Industrial Consortium • International public-private partnership between universities, research institutes and industries of various scales in field of sustainable chemistry and ecology. • Funded by Dutch government, • Mission of BE-Basic is to develop industrial bio-based solutions for a sustainable society.

  3. BE-Basic: chemicalfactory of the future Chemical factory of the future  incorporates all monitoring, detoxification and waste treatment processes to achieve zero emission situation Old chemicals factory  relies on environment to process toxic waste

  4. BE-Basic Flagships • Carbon-based compounds • Nitrogen-based specialties • Sustainable soil management and upstream processing • Synthetic Biology • High-throughput experimentation and (meta)genomic mining • Environmental impact of chemical, bio-based molecules and processes • Societal embedding of a bio-based economy • Genomics for Industrial Fermentation • EBD Programme: Economy, Policy and Sustainability • Iso-butanol Platform Rotterdam (IBPR)

  5. Pre-treatment and utilization of biomass to produce commodity chemicals(schematic; BE-Basic Flagship 1) * * * Soil health issue of concern for - Clean biomass production - Recycling of (waste) materials  sustainable soil use/circular economy *

  6. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1937): “A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself.” The need for sustainable soil use (Wall & Six, 2015)

  7. Conflict between land use and ecosystems (Setälä et al., 2014) Growth of human population + increased resource consumption • increased demand for urban and agricultural land • conflicts in land use between and within urban, agricultural and natural ecosystems. • trade-offs within system Solving “local” conflicts • transferring problems to other ecosystems • conflicts become even worse.

  8. Threats to soil biodiversity and ecosystem services by agricultural and urban land use (Setälä et al., 2014)

  9. Effects of land-use intensification (Tsiafouli et al. 2015) Increasing land-use intensity reduced • complexity of soil food webs • community-weighted mean body mass of soil fauna • species richness of earthworms, Collembolans, oribatid mites • taxonomic distinctness (measure of taxonomic relatedness of species in a community) Overall effects of land-use intensification: • soil food webs less diverse, composed of smaller organisms. • fewer functional groups of soil biota with fewer and taxonomically more closely related species

  10. Wall et al., 2015

  11. Nine planetary boundaries, three main forms • Defining safeglobal level of depleting non-renewable fossil resources, such as energy and groundwater; • Defining safe global level of using the living biosphere, including exploitation of ecosystems, protection of biodiversity and consuming renewable resources; • Providing safe global level of Earth’s capacity to absorb and dissipate human waste flows, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and toxic chemicals.

  12. Planetary boundaries (Rockström et al., 2009)

  13. Strategies for risk reduction and optimized land & biomass use  BE-Basic Flagship 8 projects Focus on complex mixtures and biomass, from contaminated soils*, or associated with accumulation of pollutants due to extensive concentration and recycling processes Also attention to potential toxic by-products generated within production chains *See poster TH009

  14. BE-Basic project: dRISK – Problem + Aim • Current risk assessment approach  chemical analysis  insightintopresence of selectedchemicals • Toxicity data available for single chemicals • But not for (unknown) chemicals in bio-basedprocesses • Notsuitable for assessing risk of complex mixtures of chemicals Aim  Develop tools for cost-effectiveeffect-based screening / monitoring of bio-basedproductionprocesses and resulting waste materials and residues(alsoapplicabletootherwastes)

  15. Proposed stepwise approach to effect-based safety assessment of biomass materials Step 1 Screening/ worst case • Total extracts- dilution series • Selected fast and sensitive bioassays Step 2 More realistic assessment • Available fraction - passive sampling • Short-term tests • Test selection  outcome step 1 Step 3 Refined assessment • Gene expression  critical pathways • Long-term tests  realistic exposures • EDA identify critical compounds Substrate Step 5 Further targeted testing • Field monitoring • Risk reduction measures • Etc. Step 4 Comparative genomics and AOP • Organisms at risk • Options for risk reduction See poster TH081

  16. Transcriptomics-enhanced analysis of soil ecotox using Folsomia candida gene expression profiles • TRIAD for risk assessment of polluted sites:  Method to reduce uncertainty through combination of chemical analytics, bioassays and ecological field studies • Link with chemical(s) causing effect not always clear:  Use Folsomiacandida transcriptomics tools to better link biology and chemistry Chemistry Toxicology Ecology

  17. Toxiccomponent Exposingindicatororganismtosoil sample Sense organs CNS Signal transduction Hormones Sampleofsuspectsoil Damage Transcriptional response Cell Organism Toxicity • Soil classification, certification • Diagnosisofpollution • Evaluation of bioavailability • Mechanistic information Gene expression profiles Comparisontodatabase (reference) Xbase

  18. Application to Dommel floodplain soils (Chen, 2016) 28-d reproduction test; Lufa 2.2 soil as control and for diluting soils Sterilized Non-sterilized  least contaminated soil most toxic  biological factor caused toxicity

  19. Ecotoxicogenomic tool distinguished pollution types Metal polluted soils Biostress soil Reproduction Reproduction Cell redox homeostasis Microtubule development

  20. Conclusions • Sustainable bio-based production should take into account planetary boundaries and requirements of circular economy • Sustainable land use not only essential for bio-based production but also for human health • Tools needed for assessing potential threats of (mixtures of) pollutants entering or produced in bio-based process chains • Combinations of tools needed for assessing steps in bio-based processes, to assess soil quality and to identify chemicals of concern; ecotoxicogenomicstools may provide useful info

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