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Ch. 1: Sharing Knowledge and Success. Oracle is an Object-Relational Database (ORDBMS). RDBMS allows you to put the data in, keep the data, get it out. ORDBMS extends this capability. SQL (structured query language) is the basic language of Oracle to manipulate data.
Ch. 1: Sharing Knowledge and Success • Oracle is an Object-Relational Database (ORDBMS). • RDBMS allows you to put the data in, keep the data, get it out. ORDBMS extends this capability. • SQL (structured query language) is the basic language of Oracle to manipulate data. • Meaning of “Relational” DBMS. • Common examples. 1
Ch. 2: The Dangers in a Relational DB • It looks very easy to use a RDBMS • learning about normalization, SQL, etc. make for instant “experts.” • lack of experience with major production systems can create catastrophic project failures. • Testing cycles are getting shorter • newer development tools make software development quicker, usually systems testing gets shortened. • Recent college grads... • least experienced developers usually have more training with relational database technology. • veteran developers are busy with older projects. 2
Ch. 2: Normalization • First Normal Form (1NF) • Each column contains values about the same attribute, and each table cell value must be a single value. • Each column has a distinct name, order of columns is immaterial. • Each row is distinct, rows cannot be duplicate for the same key • The sequence of rows is immaterial. • Second Normal Form (2NF) • All non-key attributes must be fully dependent on the whole key. • Third Normal Form (3NF) • Each non-key attribute should be dependent only on the relation’s key, not on any other non-key. 3
Include Users. Put them on the project team, teach them SQL. Name tables, columns, data with users. Develop app. thesaurus to ensure consistency. Use English words. Don’t mix levels in naming. Avoid codes and abbreviations. Use meaningful keys. Analyze and design from the tasks, not just the data. Normalization is not design. Move tasks from users to the machine. Don’t be seduced by development speed. Take time in analysis, design, testing, tuning. Ch. 2: Human Design 4
Ch. 3: Basic Parts of Speech in SQL • SQL is a language. Oracle9i SQL is a superset of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Standards Organization (ISO) SQL92 standard at entry level conformance. • PL/SQL is Oracle’s procedural language extension to SQL. It allows you to link several SQL commands through procedural language. • SQL*Plus (SQLPLUS from command line) is a tool that allows users to interact with Oracle. SQL*Plus enables you to manipulate SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks, and to perform many additional tasks as well. Through SQL*Plus, you can: • enter, edit, store, retrieve, and run SQL commands and PL/SQL blocks • format, perform calculations on, store, and print query results in the form of reports • list column definitions for any table • access and copy data between SQL databases • send messages to and accept responses from an end user 5