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Monday, February 24 , 2014. Continuously write on the topic: FAMILY COMPLICATIONS. Class work. Act 3, Scene 2 HOT Q’s. HOT Q’s. Come up with 2 HOT Q’s to quiz your classmates…write them down on a sheet of paper. Tuesday, February 25 , 2014. Continuously write on the topic:
Monday, February 24, 2014 Continuously write on the topic: FAMILY COMPLICATIONS
Class work • Act 3, Scene 2 • HOT Q’s
HOT Q’s • Come up with 2 HOT Q’s to quiz your classmates…write them down on a sheet of paper.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Continuously write on the topic: THE HARDEST THING TO DO IN LIFE
Class Work • Act 3, Scene 3 • HOT Q’s • Closure
Credit Card • State the lesson’s objective and if the objective was met or not. Explain why or why not!
Wednesday, February 26, 2014 • Be ready for your Act 3, Scenes 1-3 Quiz • Make sure that you have a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil ready. • Look over your notes/sheets to help you prepare yourself for the quiz.
Class Work • Quiz • Act 3, Scene 4 • Complication at the Capulet’s
Complication at the Capulet’s • We will use these questions to guide our closure!
Thursday, February 27, 2014 • Take a sheet of paper and a pen/pencil out and get ready for your Cold Read! • Once completed, turn your Cold Read where it belongs and turn in your answer sheet for a grade. • If finished early, pick up the extra Cold Read and start working on it…every extra correct answer will be bonus points!
Class Work • Cold Reads
Friday, February 28, 2014 To my students: Today, you will read Act 3, Scene 5…silently! Please pick up the Juliet’s Terrible Dilemma sheet at the front table, and work on it while reading. YOU WILL TURN IT IN FOR A GRADE AT THE END OF CLASS! Oh, and don’t forget to stop yourself every now and then to write a question down if you’re not understanding something so that we can go over Act 3, Scene 5 when we get back! Don’t forget to spend some time on your projects that are due on March 14th! PS. Have an amazing Mardi Gras break! I am already missing y’all, and I can’t wait to see those smiling faces soon! Enjoy your break…have fun…stay safe…eat tons of King Cake…and catch a million beads! Love, Miss King
Class Work • Act 3, Scene 5 • Juliet’s Terrible Dilemma