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This symposium discusses the strategy and applications of nuclear data activities at JAEA, including reactor research, medical applications, space engineering, and safety research. It highlights the need for expanded incident energy data and the challenges of budget and human resources.
Personal Perspective of Strategy on Nuclear Data Activities at JAEA Tokio FUKAHORI Japan Atomic Energy Agency fukahori.tokio@jaea.go.jp 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data, Nov. 25-26, 2010, C-CUBE, Chikushi Campus, Kyushu University, Kasuga, Japan
Summary (1/2) Japan Atomic Energy Agency The JENDL-4has been released in this year as one of goals of the first period mid-term research plan for JAEA. In the plan for the second period, the objective is “incident energy expansion of JENDL”. The objective can be achieved by producing JENDL/HE, JENDL/PD, JENDL/PK. The target applications are , for instance, - Accelerator related applications: ADS, IFMIF, etc. - Medical applications: radiation therapies, accelerator-driven BNCT, etc. - Space engineering: error of semi-conductor, dose estimation caused by cosmic-rays, etc. For this purpose, CCONE is planned to be improved by adding some models. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Summary (2/2) Japan Atomic Energy Agency We never forget that the main user is nuclear energy applications. - Reactors: FR, NGLWR, innovative reactors (ex. Gen-IV) - Safety research of down-stream applications: (spent) fuel transportation, reprocessing, waste management, etc. - Material science for longer reactor operation: radiation damage - Nuclear forensics for nuclear non-proliferation For these applications, rather common nuclear data needs are for the burn-up, activation, and PKA/DPA calculations. Some items related to nuclear data activities stand on the edge of precipice. - human resources - presence (appearing) to the stake-holders - budget (especially for nuclear data measurements) The most urgent item is “covariance business” and this must be solved at least its direction of preparation. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Introduction Japan Atomic Energy Agency What we have done … Comparison of Three Major Libraries * Researched by N. Iwamoto (JAEA) 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Introduction Japan Atomic Energy Agency What we will do … The 2nd Period Mid-term Plan of JAEA (2010-2014) is “incident energy expansion of JENDL” for nuclear data. to produce Intermediate Energy Files The others are to revise general purpose file and to update activation file. And also … to prepare for the next generation. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency For accelerator related applications J-PARC ADS IFMIF JENDL Intermediate Energy Files 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency For material science HP-ABWR NGLWR Electric Power Output: 1.7-1.8 GW Fuel: Over 5% Enriched U Plant Life Time: 80 year Shorter Construction Period Higher Rate of Operation Balanced with Safety Top Level Passive and Active Safety Equipments Balanced with Economy Earthquake-proof Construction JENDL PKA/KERMA File 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency For medical applications and space engineering Medical (≦250 MeV) Radiation Therapy Medical RI Production Space (≦100 MeV) Error of Semi-conductor Dose Estimation by Cosmic-ray JENDL Intermediate Energy Files 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency For reactor research & developments (1/2) FBR (Monju) NGLWR (HP-ABWR) Innovative Reactors (GIF) ABTR, SFR, EFR, GFR, LFR, ADMAB, VHTR NEA WPEC SG26 Report, p.69-77 NEA/WPEC-26 (ISBN 978-92-64-99053-1) Fusion Reactor JENDL General Purpose File JENDL Activation File (RI productions, FPY) Covariance Data, (d-induced data) 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency For safety researches Frontend (Nuclear Fuel Supply) ex. JCO Accident (1999.9.30) - Criticality Safety for Handling of Resources, Processing, Storage & Transport of Fuel, etc. Reactor (Core Characteristics) - Safely Operation by Grasping ex. Chernobyl (1986.4.26) & TMI Accident (1979.3.28) Power Distribution, Control Rod Worth, Reactivity Coefficients, etc. - Prediction of Burn-up Characteristics - Evaluation of Delayed Neutron Effect Down-stream of Nuclear Fuel Cycle (Spent Fuel Treatment) - Criticality Safety for Storage, Transport, Reprocessing - Shielding - Decay Heat Backend (Nuclear Waste Management) - Evaluation of Long-term Radio-toxicity (HLW) - Clearance (LLW) down-stream JENDL General Purpose File JENDL Activation File (RI productions, FPY) 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs (for safety) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Criticality Safety Benchmark Test TCA Calculation Experiment Geometry Code Composition Library (Nuclear Data) Condition (Temperature, etc.) Criticality Measurement Result keff=1 Verification of Analyzing Method Nuclear Data Validation STACY The recent experiments are getting more expensive relatively than before. OECE/NEA International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) Criticality Safety Handbook (JAEA-Data/Code 2009-010) MVP + JENDL-3.2 keff > 0.98 Critical Limit: minimum mass, size, concentration, etc. at keff = 0.98 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs (for safety) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Burn-up Credit How accurately we can predict - the reactivity loss - the nuclides concentrations of burned fuel? Inventory MA Generation Chain 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs (for safety) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Post Irradiation Exp. (PIE) MA Differences of Commercial Plant PIE between JENDL-3.3 and -4. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs (for safety) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Down-stream Spent Fuel & Cask Criticality Safety of Current Spent Fuel Casks • - Subcritical when immersed in water • - Subcritical when piled up in numbers • Neutron Absorber : • B-SUS, B-Al, B-Resin, Cd-Alloy etc. • Unirradiated Fuel • with Initial 235U enrichment • keff< 0.95 (usu.) Challenge for Burn-up Credit Selected Important Nuclides : 6FPs (CEA-France at early stage) 149Sm, 103Rh, 155Gd, 143Nd, 133Cs, 152Sm 12FPs (JAERI-Tech 2001-055) + 99Tc, 153Eu, 145Nd, 147Sm, 95Mo, 150Sm 15FPs (OECD BUC W.G.) + 151Sm, 109Ag, 101Ru 13FPs (SAND87-0151) for Casks 99Tc, 103Rh, 131Xe, 133Cs, 143Nd, 145Nd, 147Pm, 147Sm, 149Sm, 151Sm, 152Sm, 153Eu, 155Gd 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs (for safety) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Backend Clearance (= radioactive nuclide productions) Nuclides Listed in Table 2 of IAEASafety Guideline RS-G-1.7 H-3, Be-7, C-14, F-18, Na-22,24, Si-31, P-32,33, S-35, Cl-36,38, K-42,43, Ca-45,47, Sc-46,47,48, V-48, Cr-51, Mn-51,52,52m,53,54,56, Fe-52,55,59, Co-55,56,57,58,58m,60,60m,61,62m, Ni-59,63,65, Cu-64, Zn-65,69,69m, Ga-72, Ge-71, As-73,74,76,77, Se-75, Br-82, Rb-86, Sr-85,85m,87m,89,90,91,92, Y-90,91,91m,92,93, Zr-93,95,97, Nb-93m,94,95,97,98, Mo-90,93,99,101, Tc-96,96m,97,97m,99,99m, Ru-97,103,105,106, Rh-103m,105, Pd-103,109, Ag-105,110m,111, Cd-109,115,115m, In-111,113m,114m,115m, Sn-113,125, Sb-122,124,125, Te-123m,125m,127,127m,129,129m,131,131m,132,133 ,133m,134, I-123,125,126,129,130,131,132,133,134,135 , Cs-129 ,131,132,134,134m,135,136 ,137,138, Ba-131,140, La-140, Ce-139,141,143,144, Pr-142,143,Nd-147,149, Pm-147,149, Sm-151,153, Eu-152,152m,154,155 , Gd-153,159, Tb-160, Dy-165,166, Ho-166, Er-169,171, Tm-170,171, Yb-175, Lu-177, Hf-181, Ta-182, W-181,185,187, Re-186,188, Os-185,191,191m,193, Ir-190,192,194, Pt-191,193m,197,197m, Au-198,199, Hg-197,197m,203, Tl-200,201,202,204, Pb-203, Bi-206,207, Po-203,205,207, At-211, Ra-225,227, Th-226,229, Pa-230,233, U-230,231,232,233,236,237,239,240, Np-237,239,240, Pu-234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244, Am-241,242,242m,243, Cm-242,243,244,245,246,247,248, Bk-249, Cf-246,248,249,250,251,252,253,254, Es-253,254,254m, Fm-254,255 Red: Nuclides considered in Japanese Clearance Regulation (+ Ca-41, Ti-44, V-49, Ga-67, Ge-68, Rb-81, Ag-108m, Ba-133, Yb-169, W-188, Au-195) 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs (for safety) Japan Atomic Energy Agency Physical Quantities Required to Nuclear Data Criticality Safety, Waste Management (HLW), etc. Fission & Capture Cross Sections Fission Yields, Decay Data Activation Cross Sections Clearance RI Production Cross Sections, Decay Data Shielding Calculation (Radiation Transport & Deep Penetration) Elastic Scattering Cross Section Elastic Scattering Angular Distribution Neutron Disappearance Cross Section Structure and Decay Data Dose Evaluation (Linear Energy Transfer; LET) PKA & KERMA Data Charged-particle Spectra 2010 Korea-Japan Joint Summer School, Jul. 26-30, 2010, Suwon, Korea
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency For nuclear forensics (Nuclear Detection) LIBS + RAS Laser-Induced Breakdown Plasma + Resonance Absorption Spectroscopy Neutron Interrogation Method • Fission Cross Section, FPY, Decay Data • Photonuclear Reaction Data JENDL General Purpose File JENDL Photonuclear Data File 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency What will be supplied … JENDL Intermediate Energy Files JENDL High Energy File (JENDL/HE) JENDL Photonuclear Data File (JENDL/PD) JENDL PKA/KERMA File (JENDL/PK) … I hope JENDL-4.1(?) with covariance data QA is also important. JENDL Activation File (JENDL/A) with error data Nuclear Model Code; CCONE planned to be improved by adding some models to expand the incident energy region and for unknown (at this moment) user needs. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency Covariance Business … Covariance: JENDL CCONE+KALMAN Method (mainly) Covariance: ENDF AFCI (ex. GNEP) project (BNL, LANL) project will provide 110 covariances Motto for covariances: ‘Might not be perfect but must be sensible’ Covariance: JEFF Total Monte-Carlo Method I’d like to stress that covariance data and nuclear data qualities are the different items. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency Covariance Business … 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency Covariance Business … 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Edge of Precipice Japan Atomic Energy Agency Crisis of Human Resources Items of “Endangered Species” ENSDF (emergency!!) Resonance Analyses Thermal Scattering Law Items for Next Generation Fission; neutron spectra, delayed neutron, FPY, etc. Evaluators for Light-mass Nuclides Evaluation Tool Maker? Presence and Budget Budget crisis, especially for measurement facilities It is true that nuclear data is an item like air, however, producers cannot live on air. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Edge of Precipice Japan Atomic Energy Agency What we should do ? for Crisis of Human Resources Nuclear Data Evaluation Collaboration with Nuclear Physics Fields (microscopic approach?) The international collaborations are getting more important. Fostering Talents Tutorials, Production of Textbook Tool Production Considering TENDL-like approach Those should be considered as soon as possible so that nuclear data activity level is kept for next generations. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Summary (again) Japan Atomic Energy Agency The JENDL-4 has been released in this year as one of goals of the first period mid-term research plan for JAEA. In the plan for the second period, the objective is “incident energy expansion of JENDL”. The objective can be achieved by producing JENDL/HE, JENDL/PD, JENDL/PK. For this purpose, CCONE is planned to be improved by adding some models. The nuclear data for the burn-up, activation, and PKA/DPA calculations will be prepared for the applications of reactors, safety research,material science, nuclear forensics, etc. The urgent problems for human resources, presence to the stake-holders, and budget (especially for nuclear data measurements) should be solved for example, by efforts of the international collaborations, etc. The most urgent item is “covariance business” and this must be solved at least its direction of preparation. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Words too many … Japan Atomic Energy Agency What I have often heard are … When finish to produce nuclear data files? Nuclear data are an important database for research and developments of nuclear applications. Target materials and kinds of nuclear data are different application by application. So new nuclear data is necessary. Is it necessary to be done by Japan? It is necessary for proper usage of nuclear data to know about the origin and background. In the case of nuclear data being produced in abroad, it has some difficulty to see it. Why do not consider the world-unified nuclear data file? Since nuclear data are a kind of physical quantities, it must converge into certain values. However, it needs much more time to be fixed. 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Data Needs Japan Atomic Energy Agency What is “nuclear safety and security” ? “3S” for peaceful use of nuclear energy Safety, Security and Safeguards Safety = Safely Operations of Nuclear Facilities for Research & Developments + Regulation Frontend Criticality Safety Intermediate Criticality Safety, Shielding, etc. Burn-up Credit Post Irradiation Exp. (PIE) Backend Clearance down-stream Security = Protection of Nuclear Materials Nuclear Detection and Forensics Physical Protection Non-proliferation Safeguards = Nuclear Non-proliferation Shipper and Receiver Difference (SRD) Burn-up Calc. Direct Measurement of Pu Amount in Spent Fuel Identification of Nuclear Materials 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Nuclear Security/Safeguards and Nuclear Data Japan Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Security= Protection of Nuclear Materials Nuclear Detection and Forensics (Origin of Actinides) Physical Protection Non-proliferation Safeguards = Nuclear Non-proliferation Shipper and Receiver Difference (SRD) Burn-up Calc. Direct Measurement of Pu Amount in Spent Fuel Identification of Nuclear Materials Nuclear Detection - Pu Non-destructed Measurement - Super Limited Isotope Analysis etc. Nuclear Identification - CommonDatabase - Analyzing Technology Shipper and Receiver Difference Detect Non-declared Nuclear Activities Prevention of Smuggling & Nuclear Terrorism Nuclear Security Safeguards 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Perspective of Nuclear Data Japan Atomic Energy Agency Tentative Time Table of JENDL JENDL/HE Maintenance of JENDL/HE CCONE Improvement, Eval. Benchmark Test forBeta-version of JENDL/HE and Finalizing Eval. Light Mass Nuclides Eval. MA JENDL-4.x? JENDL-5? Maintenance of JENDL-4 JENDL/A-201x? Fostering Talents & Tool Productions 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Perspective of Nuclear Data Japan Atomic Energy Agency ENDF Challenge of New Evaluation Methodology (Chadwick) Fission neutron spectra • Large uncertainties for emitted neutrons En< 1 MeV & En > 5 MeV • Major effort underway to perform new measurements, and developed advanced theory predictions • IAEA CRP initiated • Significant impacts on criticality Post-fission beta-delayed neutron and gamma emission • Spectra are crudely represented • Deficiencies impact various applications - incl. decay heat • Theory advances using more microscopic approaches Fission cross sections • Fission cross sections for minor actinides often poorly known • Theory predictive capability is poor • Various theory and experimental programs are making progress A=99(Mo), 147 (Sm,Nd),95Zr,140Ba for precision burn-up assessment 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Perspective of Nuclear Data Japan Atomic Energy Agency Experimental Facilities: Japan JAEA FNS: activation, integral, 14 MeV Tandem: (n,xn), (n,xz), (p,x), activation, 10-30 MeV TIARA: shielding experiments, 20-90 MeV J-PARC: fission, capture, etc. TohokuDynamitron: (n,xn),(n,xz), activation, 0-20 MeV Univ. CYRIC: (n,xn), activation, integral, 20-40 MeV KEK 12 GeV Proton Synchrotron: (p,xn) RIKENRIBF: FPY, (z,p), etc. Tokyo Peletron: capture, keV region Tech. OsakaOKTAVIAN: (n,xn), (n,xz), integral, 14 MeV Univ. RCNP: (p,x), 400 MeV KURe-Linac: fission, capture, total, keV region 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
Perspective of Nuclear Data Japan Atomic Energy Agency Experimental Facilities: Korea Pohan PNF: total, capture, etc. 14 MeV KIRAM MC-50 Cyclotron: p-induced reaction, 45 MeV KIGAM VdG: neutron, 0.5-2.2MeV KAERI Electron Accelerator: material, environmental, irradiation test neutron source 14 MeV Neutron Factory: fusion, activation, 14 MeV PEFP: spallation neutron source New Facility KoRIA PNF KAERI Electron Accelerator 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data
International Cooperation Japan Atomic Energy Agency NEA/WPEC: Collaboration for specified fields IAEA/INDC: CRP for general interest NRDC (IAEA): EXFOR, data collections, etc. Domestic and Regional Collaboration CSEWG, JEFF, JNDC, CNDC, etc. Asian?! Direct human relationships are also important! 2010 Symposium on Nuclear Data