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The Episcopal Church of Haiti gives support to parents to guaranty the education of their Childs. ... Anglican church makes efforts to open secondary school in some area ...
Slide 1:PRESENTATION TO THE HAITI CONNECTION CONFERENCE Montana Hotel, Port-au-Prince November 12, 2008 Haiti
Slide 2:Context of Education in Haiti
Haiti face many difficulties to guaranty to each children the access to school. More than 1 million children have the school age but only 60% go to school. The last school survey shows that Haiti has 1427 private preschool, 15664 fundamental school only 1240 are public schools 2148 secondary schools only 191 are public schools 15% of the total of teachers are trained
Slide 3:Context of Education in Haiti
If 100 children go to school in same time in Haiti, 30 pass the first state exam at sixth grade and 7 finish their school and achieve the state exam in last class in secondary. Girls drop out school more than boys. If you look at the data when 10 girls abandon school, we find 4 boys drop out school
Slide 4:Anglican Education
Preschool The Episcopal Church of Haiti gives support to parents to guaranty the education of their Childs. From 3 to 6 years old we receive child in preschool and give to them education
Slide 5:Anglican Education
Fundamental school Year by year, Anglican education system try to guaranty for more children the rights to have access to school. Schools are located in rural areas and give the opportunity to poor parents to send their children in school. Anglican education motivate the population to send girl in class to give to them the same chance than boys.
Slide 6:Anglican Education in Haiti
Secondary school Anglican church makes efforts to open secondary school in some area and choose to put some of them near the poor people in rural areas increasing the number of student who can achieve their school and give to girl the opportunity to learn et be prepared for their future life
Slide 7:Anglican Education
Vocational school School in Haiti does not give the same opportunity to all children. When a children drop out or finish his school he can’t find a vocational school to learn and be prepared to work. The Anglican gives to them this way to have access to a profession and be prepared to work with good qualification. Girl and boy are the same opportunity but girls still are minority
Slide 8:The Anglican Education Network in Haiti
BAEH ( Bureau Anglican de l’Education en Haďti) is an organization with the mission to ensure that each school shows the capacity to give an education of good quality. The total of school is more than 300 schools all categories More than 2500 teachers serve in our schools. They are unqualified for 65% of them. The teachers represent a large part of our employee who need training, materials and salary. Our school need equipments, furniture, materials and economic resources to give good education to the children. Schools work without laboratory of science, computer. Student do not have access to INT ( Informatics Network Technology) BAEH should appreciate all efforts to help our school to give Education For ALL.
Slide 9:TANK you every body