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a decay above 100 Sn: 109 Xe, 105 Te and 109 I.
a decay above 100Sn: 109Xe, 105Te and 109I S.N. Liddick1,2, R.Grzywacz2,3, C.Mazzocchi3, R.D.Page4, K.P.Rykaczewski3, J.C.Batchelder1,C.R.Bingham2,3,I.G.Darby4,G.Drafta2,C.Goodin5, C.J.Gross3, J.H. Hamilton5, A.A.Hecht6,J.K.Hwang5, S.Ilyushkin7,D.T.Joss4,A.Korgul2,5,8,9, W.Krolas9,10, K.Lagergren9,K.Li5, D.Simpson2,11, M.N.Tantawy2, J.Thompson4, J.A.Winger1,7,9 1 UNIversity Radioactive Ion Beam Consortium 2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee 3 Physics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 4 Department of Physics, University of Liverpool 5 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University 6 Department of Physics, University of Maryland 7 Department of Physics, Mississippi State University 8 Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University 9 Joint Institute for Heavy-Ion Reactions, Oak Ridge 10 Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences 11 East Tennessee Technical University
a-decay near proton and neutron shell closures N=126 N=82 Z=82 N=50 Z Z=50 N an island of a-radioactivity above proton-rich Sn isotopes due to the Z=50and N=50shell closures
N=Z Search for new alpha emitters above 100Sn: 109Xe, 105Te, 109I • fine structure in alpha decay:→ single particle levels • mass measurements • rp-process termination • nucleons (both protons and neutrons) in d5/2 and g7/2 orbitals: → proton-neutron correlations → superallowed alpha decay [Macfarlane65] 109Xe CN 112Xe* 109I 109I 105Te 105Sb 101Sn Z=50 N=50
100 ms ba< 0.5 % [Page et al., PRL49 (1994)] 109I a decay and 105Sb 109I Qp=820 keV bp=100% p 1.12 s [Faestermann et al., PLB137 (1984)] p 105Sb Qp=483 keV < 1% 108Te [Tighe et al, PRC49 (1994)] Qa = 3445 keV ba~50%[Schardt et al., NPA326 (1979)] 109I 109I 104Sn 108Te 105Sb Z=50 104Sn N=50
Termination of the astrophysical rp-process • Alpha decay above 100Sn leads to the termination of the rp-process. • Shifting masses / proton separation energies could affect the direction of the rp-process to more exotic nuclei. 109I 105Sb Z=50 N=50 Schatz et al, PRL 86, 3471 (2001)
Fusion-evaporation reactions 54Fe(58Ni,3n)109Xe ~8 part.nA • Recoil Mass Spectrometer used to separated out reaction products based on A/Q.
Excitation function of 110Xe and 109Xe:HIVAP vs experiment Test run (RIB000) preliminary
109 109/28+ 109/29+ LARGEMCP SMALLMCP DSSD 40 x 40 strips 109/29+ 109/28+ 1600 pixels
Double-sided Silicon Strip Detector • DSSD implantation detector + SiBox and SiLi. • Centerpiece of system is DSSD. • 4 cm x 4 cm segmented into 40 1-mm strips on front and back for a total of 1600 pixels. • 60 um thick. • Implanted ions and subsequent decay events are recorded on an event-by-event basis.
Thick Si(Li) and Four Si detectors around the DSSD (UTK,Mississippi,Vanderbilt contributed) 5 cm • DSSD surrounded by four Si detectors used to reduce background from decay events that are not fully stopped in the DSSD. • Behind DSSD is a thick SiLi detector also for use as a veto.
Digital Electronics • DSP-based data acquisition system (UT/ORNL/UNIRIB):→ recording pulse shapes(traces) for single and pile-up - decay events (109Xe 105Te 101Sn)→ method veryselective (identify 100 events among 4.4*108 implanted ions and 1.7*107 decays).,→very sensitive(DT between two pile-up traces covers wide range) very small dead time(<15% at ~3 kHz ions and ~150 Hz traces)
New Acquisition Mode • New acquisition mode developed in order to record microsecond105Te activity after millisecond109Xe activity. • For signals greater than a predetermined threshold, only energy and time recorded. • All others, trace with a length of 25 ms obtained for offline analysis.
109Xe →105Te →101Sn Example ofa-apile-up traces Back Strip Front Strip 105Te 109Xe 0.275ms
Alpha energy spectra • A energy spectra for those events identified after a 109Xe or 105Te decay. • Fine structure observed in the a decay of 109Xe. • Place excited state in 105Te at an energy of 150 keV. • Only one transition observed in 105Te. 3.918 MeV 4.062 MeV 4.703 MeV
109Xe,105Te time distributions • Time distributions for 105Te and 109Xe on a logarithmic time axis. • Half-lives fit using the method of Schmidt et al. [1] and result in 620 70 ns and 13 2 ms for decay of 105Te and 109Xe, respectively. • Time distribution cut off at low times in 105Te decay due to software limitations on the identification of an event as a double pulse. 620 [1] K.-H. Schmidt et al., Z. Phys A, 316, 19 (1984)
109Xe →105Te →101Sn Ea = 3.918 MeV ba = 30% (7/2+) 132 ms 109Xe55 54 l=0 l=2 (7/2+) 0.15 MeV Ea = 4.062 MeV ba = 70% (5/2+) 620 70 ns 105Te53 52 l=0 Ratio of half-lives: 1:20000 Ea = 4.703 keV ba= 100% (5/2+) 1.9 s 101Sn51 50
Systematics of 7/2+ and 5/2+ levels • In a simple single-particle shell model, energy separation between nd5/2 and ng7/2 can be estimated from levels in 101Sn to be ~160 keV. • Systematics of 7/2+ level break at N = 53. • 7/2+ level in 101Sn can be speculated to be ~160 keV.
Summary • Observation of 109Xe fine structure with first excited state at 150 keV. • Measurement of 109I alpha decay branch and infer the proton separation energy in 105Sb. Looking forward • Search for fine structure in 105Te alpha decay to 101Sn and identification of nd5/2 and ng7/2 energy separation in 101Sn. • Discover 108Xe →104Te →100Sn alpha decay chain: best case for superallowed alpha decay.