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Learn about drinking water scarcity and pollution around the world, with a focus on innovative solutions like rainwater harvesting and sustainable management of water resources. Explore the impact of man-made droughts, groundwater depletion, and pollution on our environment. Discover how traditional water conservation methods and modern techniques can combat the looming water crisis and ensure a sustainable future.
Venugopalan Muralidharan Drinking Water Scarcity Veera Savarkar Netaji Matriculation School Agaram, Chennai,Tamilnadu, India A Learning Circle project by Along with Members of Learning circle Rada MazganskaState Secondary School – Braka MiladinovciSkopjeRepublic of Macedonia Salima BaltagiSadiki SchoolTunis, Tunisia
Veera Savarkar Netaji Matriculation School Venugopalan Muralidharan Lakshman Ramchandran Vijayprabhu Dhanakshya Sangeetha Rahul Firdaus Vijayalakshmi Yuvarani Deepika Anif Balakrishnan Sriram
All over the world water is very scarce and polluted • This project was taken by our students along with students of Sadiki SchoolTunis, Tunisia and State Secondary School – Braka Miladinovci SkopjeRepublic of Macedonia. • The topic was and is a tough one and our students with my guidance worked very hard to compile the data and pictures . • It was a very interesting to work in the learning circle. And this is the first time I participated in an iearn learning circle. Though not easy it was fun and created lot of interest • We conducted video conferences with Passaic Valley High School USA and Jody Kennedy / Eastview Middle School/White Plains New Yorklast year. But this was really very creative and required a lot of spade work. • My heartful thanks to Salima of Tunisia and Radha of Macedonia • And special thanks to Barry and Minoo, iEARN coordinators for their guidance and very fast reply to our doubts. Hats off to them
Realising the gravity of drinking water scarcity and pollution • Availability of drinking water • Some countries in Asia, Europe and North America provide Tap water especially in the cities .however in many countries like INDIA pakistan and other third world countries where there is no installations people go for long walks and distances to get drinkable water Man-made drought and the looming water crisis
Distress signals of scarcity • A new field of activity of tappinggroundwater by means of borewells hasbeen allowed to grow unchecked. Highlyfractured rocks at depth do hold considerablequantity of water under pressure.Powerful pumps are able to suck thiswater .
separate water for drinking and washing • The same water is used for both washing and drinking.People should be made aware of the importance of this valuable resource.
In India water is more valuable than gold water is not a major problem for some countries of the world .People pay for clean non polluted water
Ground Water table in India and other Countries • In India and particularly in Chennai the lowest depth for water is 175 feet and highest is 750 feet . • In tunisia water available within 10 feet • Other countries too have water in low depth
Dry water tanks • Tanks are an essential part of our village • life and have a major role to play in • conserving water resources. They have, • however, been sadly neglected and their • utility has been completely lost. • India had a good water-management system, • with authority vested in the local • community. Traditional methods were • unfortunately scrapped by vested interests
Pollution and Global warming • Unknown to most people, the world is facing the gravest danger • Global warming caused by air and water pollution The Guarani is the largest aquifer in South America. It extends more than 1.2 million square kilometers in Brazil alone—equal to the areas of England, France, and Spain combined. The system is shared by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay, and it already supplies some 15 million people in the region. Best estimates show that the Guarani contains enough water to supply 360 million people if this unique resource is protected and managed sustainably.
Steps to prevent Water Scarcity Rain Water Harvesting • Save the rain water. • Don’t waste in the drain. • Build rainwater harvesting in every house Water harvesting – a time-tested technique Our forefathers had a clear conception of the above characteristics of the Indian monsoon rainfall and in their wisdom constructed numerous water-harvesting structures in different states of India.
Steps to prevent Water Scarcity Rain Water Harvesting There should be a shift in emphasis to storing water in large underground reservoirs and effecting supplies of measured quantities through pipes. Adoption of drip and sprinkler irrigation should become common practice and farmers should be educated in simple techniques of measurement of soil moisture and the application of only the right quantity of water at the right time. Flooding fields with water and using groundwater for growing crops like sugarcane and paddy should be strictly prohibited.
Steps to prevent Water Scarcity Rain Water Harvesting
SOLUTIONS Use other natural resources instead of petrol to create a less polluted environment. Solar energy should be encouraged. Use the sea water to irrigate agricultural lands, after taking out the salt THANK YOU