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Summarizing Network Security Data (presentation includes notes)

This presentation provides an overview of network security data analysis. It covers topics such as network layout, event descriptions, OLAP support, meta-session aggregations, scan detection, frequent and infrequent meta-session groupings, and cluster analysis.

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Summarizing Network Security Data (presentation includes notes)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SummarizingNetwork Security Data(presentation includes notes) Dave DeBarr debarr@mitre.org December 9, 2002

  2. Overview • Network Layout • Event Descriptions • OLAP Support • Meta-Session Aggregations • Scan Detection (a sample application) • Frequent Meta-Sessions • Infrequent Meta-Session Groupings • Cluster Analysis

  3. ACME Corporate Network Layout

  4. Event Descriptions

  5. Derived Attributes

  6. OLAP Visualization Example

  7. Meta-Session Aggregations

  8. Sample Application: Identifying Scans

  9. Scans: Clustering Approach • Agglomerative hierarchical clustering using Ward’s method to generate initial centroids • K-means for iterative relocation • Assigning each observation to the cluster for its nearest centroid • Recomputing the mean for each cluster • No concept of variance, but it’s quick  • Calinski-Harabasz index for evaluating models built using different values for K (the number of clusters)

  10. Scans: Heuristic-Based Density Estimation

  11. Summaries for 10 Common Scans

  12. Frequent Meta-Sessions

  13. Infrequent Meta-Session Groupings

  14. Cluster Prototypes for2:Drop:TCP/27374,3:TCP Connect:TCP/27374

  15. Cluster Visualization Example

  16. Tiers to Support Drill-Down Operations • Summary for all events • Summaries for inbound and outbound events • Summaries for frequent and infrequent meta-sessions • Summaries/prototypes for meta-session clusters • Summaries for meta-sessions • Lists of events for a particular meta-session

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