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Enhancing IEEE802.11aj with Advanced Beam Codebook Design

This presentation introduces a novel N-phase beam codebook design for IEEE802.11aj, focusing on improving antenna gain and spatial reuse in 60GHz communication systems. The proposed codebook provides flexibility and better performance compared to existing standards, enhancing signal quality and reducing sidelobe levels. The study includes system models, codebook matrices, and performance evaluations based on user-defined parameters. By increasing the number of phases in the codebook, the gain loss of the main lobe and sidelobe levels can be optimized, leading to enhanced beamforming capabilities in millimeter-wave communication. The presentation concludes with recommendations for implementing the N-phase codebook in 60GHz WLAN systems.

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Enhancing IEEE802.11aj with Advanced Beam Codebook Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Date:2013-09-16 Beam codebook design scheme for IEEE802.11aj Presenter: DU Guanglong

  2. Author List DU Guanglong

  3. Abstract • Introduction of beam codebook • Proposed N-phase beam codebook design • Conclusion DU Guanglong

  4. Introduction of Beam codebook (1/5) • For 60GHz communication, use of array antenna can get a high antenna gain and realize spatial reuse. • Taking into consideration of implementation complexity, it is suitable to consider a beam-switching system or a phased-array for 60GHz communication. DU Guanglong

  5. Introduction of Beam codebook (2/5) • System model • A codebook is a matrix W where each column specifies the beam former vector or combiner vector to be used. • The phase array has widely used in 60GHz millimeter communication. DU Guanglong

  6. Introduction of Beam codebook (3/5) • The codebook beam vectors are given by the column vectors of the matrix shown in the following equation (K≥M) * • Where m denotes the antenna index, k denotes the beam index, and M is the total number of antennas, K is the total number of beams. • Function fix(x) returns the biggest integer smaller than or equal to its argument, and mod(x,y) is the modulo function and is defined as x–fix(x/y)×y. • There are 4 phases (0°,±90°,180°) used in this codebook. • The gain loss at the intersections of two adjacent beams is less than 1 dB when K≥2M* (1) Reference:* • Wang J, Lan Z, Pyo C, et al.. Beamforming codebook design and performance evaluation for millimeter-wave WPAN. Proc. of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2009 Fall) • IEEE 802.15.3c technical specification DU Guanglong

  7. Introduction of Beam codebook (4/5) • Left figure: the 5th and 12th beam patterns when M=8, K=16. • Right figure: all the 16 beam patterns when M=8, K=16. DU Guanglong

  8. Introduction of Beam codebook (5/5) • Summary of the beam codebook (1) in slide 6: • The codebook matrix consists of only 4 phases, and lacking flexibility; • Gain loss of main lobe will be increased with the increase of antenna elements; • The side lobe level is high; • The codebook can be used in 2-D array by use separable codebooks along the polar angle direction and azimuth angle direction. DU Guanglong

  9. The Proposed N-phase beam codebook design (1/5) • We extend the beam codebook further, and give the following equation: • Here, m, k, M, K and functions fix(x), mod(x,y) is defined as before. • N denotes the number of phases of the codebook, that is to say, this codebook is consists of N phases but not 4 phases – codebook (1) used by IEEE802.15.3c. • N is a user-defined parameter, and the more phases of the codebook (N), the better of the performance. (2) DU Guanglong

  10. The Proposed N-phase beam codebook design (2/5) • Left figure: the 2nd beam of codebook (1) with M=8, K=16 (red line), and the 2nd beam of N-phase codebook with M=8, K=16, N=16 (blue line); • Right figure: the 11th beam of codebook (1) with M=8, K=16 (red line), and the 2nd beam of N-phase codebook with M=8, K=16, N=16 (blue line); DU Guanglong

  11. The Proposed N-phase beam codebook design (3/5) • Left figure: all the 16 beam patterns of codebook (1) with M=8 and K=16; • Right figure: all the 16 beam patterns of Proposed N-phase codebook with M=8, K=16 and N=8; DU Guanglong

  12. The Proposed N-phase beam codebook design (4/5) • For the parameter N, we have conclusions as: • N=4, the codebook is same as codebook (1) in slide 6; • Gain loss of main lobe and side lobe level will decreases with the increase of N; • When N≥K, the gain loss of main lobe and side lobe level are change little. N-phase codebook’s max gain loss of main lobe with different N when M=8 N-phase codebook’s max gain loss of main lobe with different N when M=16 DU Guanglong

  13. The Proposed N-phase beam codebook design (5/5) • Some performance data for codebook (1) with M=8 and K=16 (here denoted by 3c), and N-phase codebook with M=8, K=16, N=8 (here denoted by 8-phase). • HPBW: half power beam width; SLL: side lobe level; Gmax: maximum gain of main lobe DU Guanglong

  14. Conclusion • Proposed a N-phase codebook: • N-phase codebook consists of N phases, and N can be defined by user, which gives the codebook more flexibility; • N should be less than or equal to the number of beam patterns K; • The N-phase codebook can demonstrate a better performance than the codebook used in IEEE802.15.3c. • The proposed N-phase codebook is an informative procedure to obtain a beam code book for vendor’s choice in their implementation. It can be considered to be included in the appendix DU Guanglong

  15. References [1] 11-09-0334-08-00ad-channel-models-for-60-ghz-wlan-systems; [2] 11-12-0682-00-cmmw-introduction-of-cmmw-par-and-5c; [3] 11-12-0140-09-cmmw-ieee-802-11-cmmw-sg-par; [4] 15-08-0361-00-003c-beamforming; DU Guanglong

  16. Thank you! DU Guanglong

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